Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece Chapter 389: Athens Decision

After the liberation of Athens, Thrasybulus and the others who regained authority had restored the democracy in Athens. However, they did not retaliate against the supporters of the former tyrants. Instead, they announced political amnesty and strictly implemented it. They even did their best to bridge the contradiction and resentments between the civilians and the wealthy, democrats and aristocrats, in order to make the present Athens more united than at the time of the Peloponnesian War. On the other hand, Thrasybulus and the others also adopted a cautious and moderate policy by forgetting the betrayal of their allies in the Delian League while treating and dealing with the other city-states equally, which made these city-states gradually gather around Athens again through trade and diplomacy. Although Athens was not as domineering as it had been during the reign of Pericles, it still managed to regain its former strength gradually.

Isocrates’ admired Thrasybulus as, despite his outstanding contribution to the revival of Athens, the Athenians deliberately did not elect him as a strategos for several years because they were worried about him becoming a dictator. However, even with all of that, he still offered advice and suggestions for the city-state without complaint.

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“Isocrates, I believe that you already know about Theonia’s declaration of war on Locri some time ago.” Thrasybulus then asked with concern, “From your judgment as someone who had gone to Thurii. Do you think that there is a possibility of a war between Theonia and Syracuse?”

“There will be war!” Isocrates said decisively without hesitation.

“Oh?” Thrasybulus was surprised at Isocrates’ affirmation.

“Even though I have not been to Syracuse, I still know about Dionysius’ vicious performance in Sicily. He has destroyed several Sicilian Greek city-states, such as Catania and Leontinoi. Because of this man’s extreme greed for land, he had even sent his men to disturb Theonia’s political order, and I am afraid that he is the one behind the assassination attempt of Theonia’s archon not long ago. Therefore, we could deduce that Magna Graecia is the next place he wants to annex. And with Theonia targeting his only ally in Magna Graecia, how can he ignore it? So he will certainly send reinforcements to fight Theonia! While Theonia-”

Isocrates weighed his words and slowly said, “I don’t think that they are afraid to go to war with Syracuse. Although its strength is weaker than Syracuse, the citizens of the city-state union are as eager for war, just like a cat pouncing on a mouse. They will, without a doubt, actively participate, and they also have the assistance of Crotone, Rhegium and other city-states in South Italia Alliance….maybe they are already preparing to give Syracuse a heavy blow in Magna Graecia.”

“Like a cat pouncing on a mouse…hehe, Isocrates, your words are too exaggerated. There is no such thing as someone loving war.” Thrasybulus smiled, and his expression relaxed a bit, “Hearing that, it made me quite relieved. If Theonia can go to war with Syracuse, then the pressure on our anti-Spartan alliance will be less. I just hope that Theonia can defeat Syracuse and completely cut off the reinforcement of Syracuse so that we can focus more on dealing with Sparta.”

“Thrasybulus, my thoughts are exactly opposite of yours. You’d better pray to Athena to have both city-states have mutual defeat.” Said Isocrates with a serious expression.

“Why?” Asked Thrasybulus in surprise.

“I don’t deny my good impression of Theonia.” Isocrates then said in his unique hoarse voice, “But this kind of good impression, when you think about it carefully, is shocking… The Theonian citizens love for war is not a joke because according to the 《Theonian Law》, ‘Only when citizens have military merit can they obtain a better land.’ I believe that you can understand what crazy things a Greek could do for land. In fact, what attracted thousands of freemen and foreigners to Theonia was this Law of Theonia and another immigration act that ‘willingly accepting freemen as Theonia citizens’. In turn, these former freemen who became Theonian citizens or what they call preparatory citizens pushed Theonia to expand rapidly in order to obtain more land. Although Theonia did not invade the lands of fellow Greeks as recklessly as Syracuse, its rapid expansion of territory is obvious to all. Besides absorbing Greek freemen to become Theonian citizens, they even let other races join as citizens of the union…”

Thrasybulus nodded, “I have seen Aristophanes’ 《The Theonians》.”

“The Theonia Union had not only made those foreign races become citizens, but they even invited their chieftains to become a statesman of the Senate of Theonia and even a strategos of the army! And with the integration of the Bruttian mountains and Lucania into Theonia, its territory then exceeded the land area of Athens and Sparta.

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Furthermore, under the initiative of their archon, Theonia vigorously constructed roads and bridges, spread the belief of Hades, and even built temples for the non-Greeks, constructed schools and akademia, recruited scholars and physicians, and a kind of ball game that is prevalent in Theonia… If left undisturbed and with its development, a powerful union of city-states that exceed the city-states in Greece in terms of territory and population but is also no weaker than our Athens in terms of trade and culture may appear on the Italian Peninsula. And their culture already differs from the traditional Greek culture…”

Thrasybulus became startled from hearing Isocrates’ words. He thought for a while and said, “Isocrates, aren’t you overthinking it? You should understand that any rapidly expanding force won’t expand forever. It will either collapse due to internal problems or be obstructed by external forces. As was the case with Argos long ago, Persia before the Peloponnesian War and even included us before the war with Sparta. Humans tried to eat more than what they could, and the same happens in countries.”

“But Thrasybulus, Theonia might be an exception.” Isocrates hastily reminded him, “Because this union adopts a political system completely different from any country and city-state in the Mediterranean.”

“Oh? What kind?” Thrasybulus asked with interest.

“From my observation of Theonia, even though they said that they are a union of city-states, but in fact, those city-states belonging to it are not independent cities but are cities ruled directly by the Senate of Theonia. The Senate of Theonia holds the highest power while sending its member to serve as Praetors of various cities such as Thurii, Consentia and Grumentum. They are the ones responsible for the internal affairs and management of the city. The city would then hand the taxes and revenues to the Senate. The city’s army is under the subordinate of the Senate called the ‘Ministry of Military’ to manage. As you can tell, these cities have no independent administrative capacity and are completely at the command of the Senate of Theonia…”

“They…they are a bit like Persia.” Thrasybulus uttered but was immediately interrupted by Isocrates, “Theonia is different from Persia. As far as we know, the city lords and satraps of Persia have considerable autonomy. Besides paying taxes and providing troops, The Persian king does not have stronger control over them. It is why, Pharnabazus, the satrap of Asia Minor of Persia, could make his own decision and give us the fleet built with Persian money to use the other day. He even agreed and allowed us Athenians to rebuild the city walls to protect the port of Piraeus. If it were any of the cities under the administration of Theonia Union, it would be impossible for them to make such decisions because the Senate of Theonia firmly controls everything. In my opinion, this can effectively pool all the resources, population, wealth in the territory to do things that other city-states and countries cannot do.”

After hearing this, Thrasybulus was lost in his thoughts for a while. In the end, he could only stop for a bit and said with a smile, “Isocrates, I asked you whether Theonia would fight Syracuse, and I didn’t expect you to talk to me about the threat of Theonia Union. Since Theonia is so powerful, it seems that there is no need for us to worry about Syracuse anymore. Instead, we should strengthen our diplomatic ties with Theonia and hope they can help us deal with Sparta.”

When Isocrates noticed that Thrasybulus didn’t seem to take his words seriously, so he wanted to say more, but Thrasybulus said seriously, “Isocrates, you should understand that Athens is now focusing on taking advantage of the support of Persia. Moreover, with the whole situation being in our favour, we need to focus on defeating Sparta as soon as possible, weakening this long-standing enemy of ours so that Athens can have a better development! In the Mediterranean, countless city-states and races have their own unique governance, so there is no need for us to worry about this and that, as only the goddess of destiny can grasp the future and no one else. And as long as we in Athens can maintain our city’s unity and stability, handle our relations with other city-states, develop our trade and strengthen our arms, Athens will still be the glorious Athens that does not need to fear anyone!”

The words of Thrasybulus was exactly the right thing for the likes of Isocrates, who is a believer in the concept of “Athenian supremacy”. Isocrates then said wholeheartedly, “You are right. Athens will recast its glory!”

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

At the beginning of August, Pamot, the great chieftain of Potentia, received Theonia’s invitation to attend the Hades’ day. But just like the previous years, he politely refused and still only sent his brother Polet to attend.

It was not because he had any other ideas about Theonia. It’s just that he had never left the territory of Potentia since childhood, as the only thing he likes is staying in his own territory, guarding his people and living a comfortable life.

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