Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece Chapter 812: The Appointment of Romes Administrative Officials (I)

Chapter 812: The Appointment of Romes Administrative Officials (I)

Although Miciales didn’t particularly care about the specific official position Enanilus would hold upon his return, the mere presence of Enanilus in the kingdom’s official circles would signify the king’s forgiveness towards Miciales’ family, thereby eliminating any obstacles to their future prospects in business and politics.

With that, the atmosphere in the meeting place grew more relaxed as they delved into discussions about the bustling activities of Theonia’s merchants over the past two days, discussing the transportation of goods at the port of Ostia, the construction of shops, and searching for business opportunities.

Eventually, Miciales left the Roman Senate with a smile, while Davos had Alkibidas remained behind, as he would convene a governing meeting there afterwards.

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The main participants in this meeting would be the statesmen, Asistes, Nicomachus, Antrapolis and some intermediate-ranking officials from crucial departments.

“Everyone, the place we are in is the Senate of Rome,” Davos briefly informed them as he noticed the officials looking around with curiosity.

“It’s much smaller than our Grand Senate Hall,” said Asistes.

“But the city of Rome is bigger than inner Thurii,” Nicomachus then flatteringly said, “Judging from the numerous houses, it shows how the city of Rome has a large population. It made it even harder to imagine how Your Majesty conquered such a magnificent city in only one day!”

“Nicomachus, your compliment should be directed to the legionaries who took part in the siege!” Davos laughed.

“Hence I am proud of the soldiers’ amazing achievements!” Nicomachus responded quickly.

“Now that the soldiers have taken down this wonderful city, your work is to govern this place and completely make it belong to Theonia.” Said Davos, making the officials straighten their chests.

Facing the crowd, Davos went straight to the point, “You who have volunteered to come to Latium, I assume you already possess some knowledge of this region, and perhaps you have learned more upon your arrival in Ostia. However, it is crucial that you have a comprehensive understanding of our current situation and the ongoing war in Latium.”

Davos then gestured to Henipolis.

Henipolis immediately ordered the two guards to lift a board showing the map of Rome and the surrounding city-states and came to Davos.

“Sit in front so that you can see it more clearly.”

As soon as Davos said that, the officials, regardless of their status, crowded into the first and second rows and raised their heads to look at the map.

“There is no doubt that Rome is the largest city-state in central Italia,” Davos pointed at the map and detailedly said, “Rome and its surrounding area is no less than the Sybaris plain of our Thurii, if not even larger. Although we have taken Rome, there are still its Latin allies and colonial cities in the south, its Etruscan allies and colonial cities in the north, plus the Roman army consisting of about seventy thousand men that had gone to conquer Hernici and are now rapidly on their way back… We are now like a lion caught among countless vicious wolves, making our situation dire! Fortunately-”

Davos’ finger, pointing at the city of Rome, slides down towards the Tiber and stops at Ostia, “The Tiber is under our control, allowing us to transfer supplies and men to and from the outside by the water. But once we cannot break the situation of being isolated and getting besieged, they would be able to cut off our waterways and surround Rome, and all the victories we have gained before at great cost will be in vain. Thus I ask you to immediately go to work to take over the city of Rome, not only restore stability as soon as possible but also make it able to provide us assistance for the rest of the war!”

Davos’ words pressured the statesmen and administrative officials as they stared at the map with utter seriousness. Still, a glint of excitement flashed in their eyes. After all, most of these Theonian officials had voluntarily chosen to come to Latium as they were citizens who refused to be ordinary, were too tired of the stable environment or had an adventurous spirit.

Sensing their strong determination, Davos said with a faint smile, “Next, I will announce the wartime appointment for the administrative positions in Rome.”

Davos emphasises the term wartime to remind them it is a temporary appointment. Once the war ends, Davos, the Senate, and the Kingdom’s Civil Service Management Committee will re-appoint the administrative personnel for the occupied territories.

Most officials unconsciously sat up straight upon hearing that.

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“The praetor of Rome-” Davos looked at his former herald and exclaimed, “Will be statesman Asistes!”

Asistes remained calm, as he was already aware of Davos’ arrangement for him. Before they departed Thurii, he had been summoned by Davos.

Although Nicomachus, Antrapolis…and the other statesmen knew they couldn’t compare with Asistes in qualification, they still more or less felt a sense of loss for not becoming the top administrator of such a big city, which is also one of the best in the kingdom.

Davos looked at him and continued, “Nerulum, Clampettia, Mesagne, and Irna…Asistes has been the praetor of these newly conquered foreign regions for more than a decade since the establishment of Theonia. I had chosen him to be the praetor of Rome because of his outstanding political achievements and a wealth of experience in governing foreign races…”

After explaining a few things, he continued, “Nicomachus and Antrapolis…you two will temporarily be the vice praetor of Rome and work together with Asistes to govern Rome. In addition, there is another vice praetor, a Roman whom I have just appointed. I hope you will be friendly and fully play his role.”

Several statesmen displayed expressions of surprise. Fortunately, their extensive political experience swiftly enabled them to comprehend Davos’ intentions, and thus they promptly regained their composure.

Subsequently, Davos appointed several important intermediate-ranking officials, all of whom received recommendations from the head of the various departments.

“…Flakous will serve as Rome’s commercial officer.”

Once Davos said that, a Theonian official stood up and exclaimed, “Thank you for trusting me, Your Majesty!”

Davos looked at him and said, “Although it is unlikely for the city of Rome to trade with the surrounding forces in a short time because of the ongoing war, there would be many merchants from the kingdom that would arrive, bringing us supplies and wealth, and could also cause some chaos… Marigi had praised you as the best under him to manage trade, so I hope you can manage them well and have them become a helper in this war and not a nuisance!”

“You can leave it to me, Your Majesty!” replied Flakous confidently.

“Since the Chamber of Commerce in Thurii, the Chamber of Commerce in Rhegium, and some merchants from Crotone and Taranto have generously donated large quantities of military rations and supplies for this war, it is important to ensure they receive some benefits as well. So while you strengthen Rome’s management, you must not treat these merchants, who have made significant contributions to the kingdom, unfairly.”

Davos advised him. Then he said to relieve him, “You don’t have to worry too much since I’ve found you a good superior.”

After saying that, Davos looked at the silent Theonian statesman who had just assumed his post, “Alkibidas, you will be the vice praetor of Rome responsible for commerce and trade.”

“Me?!” Alkibidas asked, feeling slightly confused. Despite Davos asking him to stay for the meeting, he was ready to just listen as a newcomer to the kingdom’s politics.

“Yes, it’s you!” Davos jokingly said, “Those who come here have to work since we don’t support idle people now that the food is scarce.”

Although Asistes and the others smiled, none of them laughed. This was because everyone present at the meeting was an intermediate or high-ranking official of the Kingdom of Theonia and well-informed and familiar with Alkibidas.

“I didn’t appoint you because you are a relative of mine but because you are both a statesman of the kingdom and the head of Rhegium’s Chamber of Commerce, so you can better coordinate and communicate with the Theonian merchants who would come here. Of course, as an official of the kingdom, you must treat every merchant equally and neutrally and not just look after the Rhegian merchants.” Davos warned.

Alkibidas felt emotional and remembered what his father told him, ‘…Just as well. I won’t stop you since you have already decided for Rhegium to merge with Theonia…but you must understand that Theonia has many powerful and capable people, so you can’t do whatever you wish like here in Rhegium! Despite being your brother-in-law, Davos will never give you more care with his character. And as someone relative to the royal family, you will be the object of much attention. So if you don’t want to be ridiculed, you must work hard…and establish a firm foothold in the Theonian Senate so that you can also give more support to your sister…’

As he recalled the past, Alkibidas feigned hesitation and said, “Your Majesty, I really want to work for the kingdom, but I am not familiar with its laws and administration…”

“Lord Alkibidas,” Flakous hurriedly said, “You don’t need to worry since I will do my best to assist you!”

Davos glanced approvingly at the newly appointed commercial officer and said, “You don’t need to hesitate, Alkibidas! There’s nothing for you to worry about with Flakous’ full assistance!”

Alkibidas said, “Your Majesty, I am willing to accept this position since you trust me so much.”

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