MIDNIGHT PRINCE: Empire of Sin Chapter 291 [Bonus ] CH 285: MANY WAYS TO END THE WORLD

Adam felt like a headache was threatening to make him die again. Why was it that whenever he came to meet this woman for a simple reason, she somehow found the way to bring a matter that was ten time more impressive?

Taking a seat without being prompted to, Adam sighed and asked,

"Firstly, I understand the word Apocalypse but what is class 2?"

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He needed more information for the discussion to progress.

Medusa grinned and showed her fingers. She loved teaching and loved having students willing to learn.

"If we want to make it simple, there are ten knowns classes of Apocalypse."

She touched her table and a holographic screen appeared, floating in the air.

"From Class 0 to Class II, we have events happening with humanity or any intelligent race ruling the world as the center. Class 0 is Societal Disruption or Collapse on a Regional scale. Class I is Planetary-scale Civilization Disruption and Class II is Planetary-scale Societal Collapse. Humanity, or otherwise the local dominant species, survives, but this event takes an entire planet back to at least a pre-industrial age — and pre-agricultural at worst."

She shrugged, unconcerned, "This kind of apocalypse happened many times honestly. Two such events are the Great Flood where humanity was nearly reset and an example of Tier 1 which happened when the Tower of Babel was struck down and humans were forced to learn different languages.[1]"

Adam frowned, "How advanced were humans before?"

"Advanaced enough to create a tower that can pierce through dimension and reach Heaven. So you should be able to understand. Honestly, the current humanity is pretty behind even when compared to a few past civilizations. But it’s what it is. Whenever humans start to encroach in the domain of God, they get wiped out and reset."

She sneered a little, "Coming back. Class III is divided into III-a which is the Planetary-scale extinction of the dominant species on a planet, via unnatural causes. I am pretty sure even supernatural intervention humans gonna reach this soon. Then you have III-B which is the same as III-A only that the cause of extinction is Natural. Like what happened with the dinosaurs."

Pictures continued to be shown on her screen as she explained, "We now have classes IV and V which are Planetary-scale Species Extinction of most complex multi-cellular organisms or all of them in case of class V."

She pointed at the sky and smiled, "Mars is the best example of this [2]. Everything was erased."

Adam paled, even for him this was rather shocking news, "There was life on Mars?"

"Yep. Though few people know it. Mars was the place where humans once existed. Got wiped by an apocalypse though."

Adam looked at Medusa before massaging his brows. If someone else had said this to him he would have said the person was crazy.

"I am intrigued, you discovered magic is real and that godly being exists. You are currently in an office with a door leading to different places throughout the world and you are surprised life existed on other planets?"

He gave a bitter smile, "When you put it like this…"

"Now we continue. For class VI Planetary-scale Total Extinction of all life of any kind. The planet is still physically there, but is left as a lifeless husk."

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She grinned and Adam gulped, "Don’t tell me."

"Yeah. Also happened. Though the victim that time was Venus." [3]

"What exactly happened on Mars and Venus?"

"I do not know what happened. My age may seem impressive for humans. But for God, I am not even a kid, I am just a toddler. There are many secrets I am not privy to."

She spoke with frustration evident in her expression. There were many things she wanted to do and learn about. But the only way seemed to become a goddess and bow down to the rules.

"*Sigh* Whatever. After Class VI we enter the true big league. Class X"

"Why do we jump from 6 to 10?"

"Not X as a number but as a letter. Class X determines the destruction of a planet. X-2 for Solar systems destruction. X-3 for Galaxy. X-4 is for the destruction of the universe. X-5 is for Multiverse. Finally, we have Z for the omniverse and even there some people added a subsection. From Z-1 to Z-3 but I am honestly not interested."

Medusa chuckled and arranged her flowing hair, there was a small smile on her face as she looked at Adam. 𝓯𝘳𝘦𝑒𝓌𝘦𝘣𝓃ℴ𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝓬𝘰𝑚

"So you see. Compared to everything I named— Class II isn’t so bad, right?"

Adam looked at the snake lady like she was crazy.

Then he realized that she was indeed crazy.

He sighed. It was tiring being the only sane person in the room.

(AN: A little info dumpy but tried to make it as interesting as possible. hope you liked.)

[1]: So, I think I already talked about the great flood once. But basically, humans sinned too much and angels fell in depravations and lust giving birth to Nephilim. So God warned Noah then we had the arch of Noah and all races on earth were nearly wiped out. expect of 2 of every race and Noah’s family.

For Babel, basically, humans worked together to create a tower that would reach God. It was made out of pride and arrogance. So God struck down the Tower and at the same time made it so the one unique language that existed then was destroyed.

So humans got separated by the language barrier.

[2]: To be clear. In real life this is a speculation only. Nothing concrete. But in my settings life did exist on Mars. As for what kind of life? Heh.

[3]: Okay so in astronomy. Basically, not all planets around a star can bring life. There is a special distance. A sweet spot that allows the basic conditions for life. Venus/Earth/Mars are in this spot. This is also why there are many speculations about life having existed there. But up to this day, there is no proof. Also even if there was life, we ain’t talking about humans or alien lifeforms but only bacteria and so. Basically the basics of basics lifeform.

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