MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage Chapter 198 - 198 Fighting an Alpha Drake

198 Fighting an Alpha Drake

Leo faced the Alpha female drake, who was twice his size and possessed great strength. He knew he had to use all his skills to defeat her.

He drew out his bone blades, knowing they may not be strong enough to inflict significant damage but still hoping to use them to his advantage. As the Alpha female drake charged at him, Leo quickly raised his hands, activating his Shadow Protection.

The drake’s sharp claws collided with Leo’s shield, causing a loud clang. As the drake recoiled, Leo seized the opportunity to strike her with his Shadow Blast. The blast caught the drake off-guard, momentarily blinding her and giving Leo a chance to plan his next move.

He quickly recharged his Mana and cast his Lightning Bolt at the drake. The lightning bolt hit the drake square in the chest, causing her to stumble back in pain. But she recovered quickly, lunging at Leo again.

This time, Leo waited for the drake to get closer before unleashing another Shadow Blast. The blast hit the drake in the face, causing her to roar in pain and confusion. With the drake temporarily incapacitated, Leo charged forward, thrusting his bone blades into her exposed underbelly.

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Unfortunately, the blade wasn’t able to penetrate through the thick scales of the Drake and merely bounced back.

Leo’s heart sank as he realized his bone blades were ineffective against the Alpha female drake’s tough exterior. He quickly retreated, dodging the drake’s attacks while he tried to think of another strategy.

He remembered his Lightning Bolt had caused the drake pain earlier, and he decided to try that again. He charged up his energy, and as the drake lunged at him, he released another Lightning Bolt, aiming for her head.


The drake was momentarily stunned by the bolt, and Leo seized the opportunity to charge forward, using his bone blades to distract the drake while he aimed a powerful Shadow Blast at her.

The blast hit the drake in the chest, sending her flying back and crashing to the ground.


The monster tried to call for help, but the Drakes couldn’t quite get to the mountaintop at fast speed. There was also some strange roars coming from the forest, the entire horde was in chaos.

As Leo approached the downed drake, he saw that she was still breathing heavily, but her eyes were filled with fury. He knew he had to be careful and keep his guard up.

Suddenly, the drake sprang up, surprising Leo. She launched herself at him, her claws and teeth bared. Leo tried to dodge, but she caught him with a swipe of her claw, sending him tumbling backward.

Leo struggled to get up, but he felt a sharp pain in his side where the drake’s claw had cut him. He knew he was injured, but he couldn’t afford to let his guard down.

The drake circled him, watching for any opening. Leo raised his hands, preparing to cast another spell, but before he could, the drake lunged forward, knocking him to the ground.

Leo struggled to push her off, but she was too strong. He felt her teeth sink into his shoulder, and he cried out in pain. He knew he had to act fast, or he would be killed.

Summoning all his strength, Leo managed to break free from the drake’s grip, using his Shadow Blast to create a burst of energy that sent her flying backward.

He quickly got up, wincing in pain as he felt the wound on his shoulder. He saw that the drake was getting back on her feet, preparing to charge at him again.

“Shitty bastard...”

Murmuring under his breath, Leo quickly drank a health potion, seeing that his health bar was halved.

Leo knew that he had to end the fight quickly before the other Drakes came to Alpha’s rescue. He charged at the drake, hoping to catch her off-guard.

But the drake was ready this time, and she met his charge head-on. Leo’s bone blades clashed with the drake’s sharp claws, causing sparks to fly.


Leo felt a surge of pain as one of the drake’s claws cut through his arm, leaving a deep gash. But he didn’t let it slow him down. He continued to fight, using all his skills to keep the drake at bay.

He launched another Lightning Bolt at the drake, but this time she was ready for it. She dodged the bolt and lunged at Leo, trying to bite him.

Leo narrowly dodged the drake’s attack, but he felt a sharp pain in his leg as her teeth grazed him. He knew he couldn’t afford to make any more mistakes.

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Leo quickly repositioned himself, keeping a safe distance from the drake. He cast his Shadow Protection once again, knowing that he needed to defend himself against her powerful attacks.

As the drake charged towards him, Leo quickly cast a Shadow Blast, aiming for her legs. The blast hit its target, causing the drake to stumble and giving Leo an opening to cast another Lightning Bolt.

The bolt hit the drake in the chest, and Leo seized the opportunity to charge forward, using his bone blades to deliver a powerful strike to her weakened scales.


The blades still didn’t penetrate the drake’s tough exterior, but Leo noticed that his attacks were starting to wear her down. He continued to dodge the drake’s attacks and deliver powerful spells, hoping to land a decisive blow.

He cast another Shadow Blast, aiming for the drake’s head. The blast hit its mark, causing the drake to roar in pain and confusion.

Leo could see that the Alpha female drake was starting to weaken. He had to act fast before she regained her strength.

He quickly cast his Shadow Protection once again, preparing himself for the drake’s next attack. As she charged towards him, Leo unleashed a barrage of Shadow Blasts, hitting her with everything he had.

The drake stumbled, but she still managed to get close enough to claw at Leo. He quickly dodged and retaliated with a Lightning Bolt, hitting her in the chest once again.

As the drake staggered backward, Leo seized the opportunity to charge at her, using his bone blades to strike at her weak spots. The blades still bounced off her scales, but the force of the blows was enough to knock her off balance.

The drake lunged at him once again, but Leo was ready. He cast his Shadow Blast, hitting her in the face and temporarily blinding her. He followed up with another Lightning Bolt, hitting her in the chest and causing her to stumble back.

With the drake weakened, Leo charged at her once again, using his bone blades to strike at her weak spots. He aimed for her eyes and hit them with his blades, blinding her completely.

The drake tried to counterattack, but Leo was too quick for her. He dodged her claws and teeth, delivering powerful blows with his bone blades and Shadow Blasts.

The blind drake thrashed around, disoriented and unable to see. She roared in anger and frustration, swinging her claws and tail wildly in an attempt to hit Leo.

Leo remained cautious, using his acute hearing and instincts to evade the drake’s attacks. He knew that the blind drake was dangerous and could still inflict serious damage if he let his guard down.

As the drake lunged at him, Leo leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding her claws. He quickly responded with a Shadow Blast, aiming for her side.

The blast hit its mark, causing the drake to stagger backward. But despite her blindness, she was still determined to fight. She roared again, her senses heightened as she tried to locate her opponent.


Leo watched her carefully, waiting for an opening. He knew that he needed to end the fight quickly before the drake healed her vision.

The drake charged forward, her claws and teeth bared. But as she got closer, Leo sidestepped her attack and struck her with his bone blades.


The blades bounced off her scales once again, but Leo was undeterred. He continued to deliver powerful blows with his blades and spells, aiming for the drake’s weak spots.

The drake tried to counterattack, but her blindness made it difficult for her to hit Leo. She swung her claws and tail blindly, hoping to catch him off-guard.

Leo remained elusive, darting in and out of range and using his Shadow Blasts to keep the drake at bay. He knew that he couldn’t let his guard down, as one wrong move could prove fatal.


Looking at Drake’s slowing movements, Leo suddenly threw himself under the massive monster, gathering the Shadow Energy into his Palm.

“I hope there is a lake nearby...”


Leo’s Shadow blast hit the drake’s underbelly with a thunderous explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The force of the blast was so strong that it knocked Leo back, sending him tumbling across the ground.

As he struggled to regain his footing, Leo could see the drake collapsing to the ground. Although it wasn’t dead, due to its Passive Skill, it was immobilized.

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