MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 286 Crazy Plan

" No! No! No! No! NO! end of discussion" Sebastian said panting as he strongly disagreed with Max’s proposed plan of suicide attack.

" Why not? Come on buddy, it’ll be just a quick stroll.

In and out, just me and you " Max said, trying to convince Sebastian that his plan was worth trying.

" Why not? Why not?

Why? Because it’s what we have been taught. The very foundation of your crazy plan goes against the way of the coward and I’m having none of it.

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I’m a cowardly man, such craziness is beyond me ". Sebastian refuted as Max had to throw his hands up in defeat to let his friend cool off.

Max wanted to do a sort of solo run on the southern fortresses and take out its key infrastructure components in a strategic attack before making a run for it when the situation became out of control.

However, for his plan to succeed he needed Sebastian to make sure that there was someone there to bail him out when things turned sour, but his best friend wanted none of his crazy war action.

" Just listen to me okay? Just one time hear me out.

We have 3 dragon’s and 3 dragon riders. Even if we don’t call on Mira for help you, Anna and Asiva have dragon’s that are untouchable in the skies.

You can hover over their forts, assured that their tiny arrows cannot pierce through the skin of your pets and then let your pets breathe down fire on the fort destroying the Archer stations on the edge of the fort and creating an opening for me to barge through their walls with giants and land straight in the middle of all the fire and start manipulating fire to create more chaos.

We destroy their psyche, we destroy major portions of their fort and we destroy their ability to guard their fort against enemy aggression by making big holes in the border walls.

We do all this, and still come out and have a drink about it at night if you bail me out from within the fort when the time comes for us to run.

These fuckers in the army above us have fucked us Sebastian, and now more than ever I need my friends support to pull something crazy off.

I can envision it, the stories about the brave dwarf that will become the favourite bed-time story of millions of vampire children as their mother’s tell them about his valour everyday before bed.

The dwarf that jumped into a flaming fort of barbarians with nothing but his wits and rescued his captain from that hellhole using his teleportation technique!

The mighty dwarf Sebastian! " Max said as his eyes shone with a fervent passion as he tried to stroke Sebastian’s ego to get him to agree to his plan.

It partially worked as Sebastian became speechless and blushed at the thought of his name becoming a bed-time story of heroism for kids, but his bubble was all but burst when he asked Max the next question.

" So what did Asiva say when you told her your plan? " Sebastian asked Max, who started brushing against his hair and avoiding eye contact as he said " See, Sebastian, you are a free bird. You are not bound to any woman and can do as you please.

Me? I’m shackled.

If I propose these crazy plans then it would lead to me having a fight in the bedroom, but you on the other hand have to fear no one.

You are Sebastian the mighty, women you sleep with feel blessed just to be in your mighty presence.

You should propose this plan to Asiva and Anna and tell them as if it’s your own plan!

You know what?

I give this plan to you, from today onwards all the credit of this plan belongs to you. Well done my master strategist, what a plan you came up with " Max said as he patted Sebastian on the back for a plan well thought but Sebastian immediately called Max out for his trickery.

" WHAT? I had no part in this crazy planning, it was all you!

How far have the cowards fallen! For you to fear your own bitch? 𝗳r𝚎𝐞w𝐞𝚋𝗻𝗼vel.𝗰o𝐦

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Just give her a tight slap and assert yourself as the MAN in the relationship! Jus- " Sebastian said as at that moment the door to Max’s office opened and Anna and Asiva entered the room.

" Slap who? " Asiva asked as she only heard those two words and did not understand the context behind the conversation.

Sebastian was mortified, his breathing became erratic and his eyes looked like they were ready to pop out of them sockets as he imagined just what would happen to him if Asiva were to hear a fraction of his conversation from moments ago.

" Nothing, just Sebastian was telling me tha- " Max said playfully as he saw the opportunity to blackmail Sebastian into doing his bidding.

" TELLING HIM THAT, I have an idea about how to conquer the southern fortress " Sebastian said, cutting Max off as he began sweating profusely from the fear of facing Asiva’s wrath.

Sebastian was pretty much as cowardly as they were made when it came to confronting fiery women like Asiva.

In a split second he made the decision that it was better for him to take a fall into Max’s suicidal plan and take the blame for thinking the crazy plan than letting Asiva know that he was instigating Max to treat her like a bitch and slap her around, because he was pretty sure that while there was a small percentage of chance that he came out alive from dropping into the heart of the enemy fortress, there was absolutely no scenario where he came out with both his balls intact should Asiva hear the misogynistic talk that Sebastian spoke a few moments ago.

Sebastian could imagine two painful daggers being plunged into his balls as Asiva stared into his eyes with a murderous glare, and he knew that it would be a thousand times more merciful to have his heart pierced by the enemy than have Asiva torture his manhood.

Asiva had walked into the room at the worst moment possible and now Sebastian had no choice but to dance to Max’s tunes just like he wanted him to, taking the full fall for the ridiculous plan Max cooked up.

" This is crazy! This plan sounds like it was made up after you were 15 beers into the night " Anna said as she disapproved of Sebastian’s idea.

" I don’t know about your dragon’s, but mine struggles to carry just my own weight, I’m not sure it can do aerial acrobatics like you want it to and destroy forts while carrying me on its back.

Sebastian, I expected better from you. I thought you were a thorough planner, guess I was wrong ". Asiva said as she shot down Sebastian’s plan too as Sebastian silently gave Max the murderous glare for putting him through all this.

Max gulped and understood that this was the moment where he had to come to Sebastian’s support as he said " I personally think it’s doable, but we need to work out the fine details.

Sebastian is a genius strategist, although his plans sound crazy they later turn out to be very well thought out.

You got to trust me on this, in all my time with him inside the dungeon his plans have never let us down, no matter how ridiculous they sounded "

Max’s support for Sebastian earned him a scoff from the girls who thought it was yet another moment of Max pampering Sebastian’s ego as the group broke into chaos trying to argue what all could go wrong at every step of the plan proposed by Sebastian.

The discussion which was basically a rapid fire of everything that could go wrong, helped Max reforge the plan in a way that all the concerns could be addressed and the risks could be minimised, as after an hour of serious discussing, what started as a ridiculous sounding plan started to take a form that sounded difficult and dangerous but definitely something that could be pulled off.

The plan would undoubtedly need a lot of planning and skill to be executed perfectly but it was within the realm of possibility, which was all that mattered to Max.

" It’s very dangerous, but if Max can ask Mira for help and Sebastian can bail him out before the heat becomes unbearable then it’s doable.

But it all comes down to Max’s ability to fend off multiple opponents at once and Sebastian’s ability to bail the two of you out.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Sebastian’s plan seems doable all things considered, good job Seb " Anna said as she clapped in appreciation of Sebastian who nodded at the appreciation.

Max looked like he wanted some credit now as he opened his arms wide and looked at Sebastian with a cheeky smile, but the dwarf only gave the man a death glare and shut him down as while the others might be fooled that it was Sebastian’s idea, the two of them knew exactly what went down and who was to blame for all this.

Max chuckled but let the matter slide as he pulled his friend in for a hug.

Within this plan, the only person who was genuinely risking his life was Max himself, which was why Max was okay with constructing such a crazy plan as it was his own life on the line in the end.

Max had backed himself to create a miracle and strike a big blow to the enemy but he still needed his friends to play a part in helping him pull that miracle off.

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