MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 391 Changing Morals

By the time Max hobbled to the frontlines, the battlefield had become a mess.

There was fire and blood everywhere, as one could witness with their bare eyes the true horrors of war.

As a human with morals from Earth, Max wondered if his ambition was the cause behind the death and misery of hundreds of thousands and their families, but as he looked for answers around he found nobody who regretted fighting in this war.

The vampires with their red eyes were all consumed with bloodlust, even those who had been severely injured fought with such valour and gusto that it made one wonder if they were possessed.

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The stronger warriors laughed and enjoyed the fight, revelling in the carnage, letting out their true destructive nature’s seep out while the weaker ones were scared and terrified as they only fought to retreat and not to kill.

If this were a game and death was not real, nobody would judge his moral choices for war, after all the entire planet Earth participated in Omega, fighting, killing monsters, NPC and players alike.

Nobody criticised his brother for the number of large scale wars he fought in Omega, but rather hailed him as the greatest and the best because when everything was said and done and there was a monarch sitting on the throne willing to uphold law and order the number of lives that stability saved was much greater than the lives lost.

There was no virtue to non-violence if one was not capable of violence. Only when one was sufficiently dangerous could he/she become a deterrent to others to start a war.

If there was no vampire monarch, if there was no clan system, such death and destruction would be a daily routine not just for the soldiers, but for the civilians as well.

Only because Regus Aurelius was on the throne, did no other faction dare set their eyes upon vampire planets and the common citizens of the monarchy were free to choose from the million non-war related professions to lead a normal life.

A soldier was prepared for death, their families knew that they might never return, which did not make death any easier on them, but saved Max some moral dilemma.

[ Chain Heal ]

[ Chain Heal ]

[ Chain Heal ]

Max spammed chain heal to help his injured soldiers recover.

As their wounds began to heal, and their HP rose, the soldiers looked around to see which healer had just joined the party only to see their Captain Ravan supporting them from the sidelines.


The men shouted, cheering each other on as Max’s presence helped raise morale.

For the next 3 hours, not once did Max raise his hand to kill an enemy or injure an opponent, as he played the role of a true support class, healing his men, creating rain to quell dragon fire where enemies had been wiped out and using Fire Wall to help block some attacks.

The rebel army under Sebastian and Asiva’s lead, blew through sectors 11 through 1, before assembling around the inner district, the residential area of the current lord and the uppermost echelons of society as the majority of Dombivli fell into rebel control.

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For 3 hours, the remnant human inside Max slowly died a slow death as he passed past the carnage and devastation without feeling an ounce of pity, as if all this were natural.

Faced with these feelings of indifference Max finally understood that his psyche had changed from a law abiding citizen to a true primordial vampire.

Chuckling, Max looked at Anna as he said " Do you wish to do the honours, or should I? "

In response, Anna only pulled back her elven bowstring as an arrow with concentrated mana energy magically appeared on it.

[ Explosion Shot ]

Anna shot the arrow towards the gate of the inner city, blowing them open as the Rebel army cheered, storming into the playground of the elite to settle the war.


( Meanwhile Roy and Keane Kingsman )

" Brother hurry, we need to flee- we need to get out before they storm the palace, the city has fallen, uncle Farid is dead, if we stay here longer we might be dead too!" Keane Kingsman urged his brother who looked like he had just lost a part of his soul

" My throne…. " Roy said wistfuly as he did not wish to abdicate his position and his powers.

" Brother let’s go! Let’s take everything we can from the inventory and flee, there is no time for us to be dazed! " Keane urged Roy as he pulled him by his hand through the guarded chambers towards the royal treasury.

" Open it! Open the treasury gate " Keane urged the guards, who opened it at once, but to Keane ’s absolute horror, there were only a few skill scrolls and artefacts inside but no gold.

" Where is the money? We should atleast have 15 billion gold coins as reserve? What happened to the money? " Roy asked the guards who were equally perplexed

" Lord, the military took it out, every last bit of it, it was authorised by you " the guard said as Roy recalled the flashback where he signed the documents giving his uncle free reign over the royal treasury.

At that moment, his brother Keane had repeatedly warned him to not fall for this scam, to always approve purchase requests one at a time, but Roy dismissed his concerns as useless.

" Brother- we’re broke, even if we get out of here, we will be fugitives and live life as peasants " Roy said gloomily as he laughed in a self-deprecating laughter.

" Brother we still have some artefacts and scrolls, don’t lose heart we can sell them for a few million, it’s enough to start a new life, trust me, I’ll take care of us " Keane said trying to sound upbeat as he collected every last object that he could from the treasury.

As the two prince’s fled, the royal guard who had watched over the treasury for two decades wondered what would be the outcome of this war, if the younger brother Keane was the lord and not the muddleheaded Roy.


/// A/N - Chapter 33/40, day9 starts ///

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