MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 512 The Language Of The Wind

[ A record of how Max spent the next year and a half inside the time chamber ]

The seasons within the Time Chamber had cycled repeatedly, and nearly a year and a half had passed since Max began his training to understand the language of the wind. The constant repetition of his training, the absence of sight, the endless exploration of the wind’s nuances, had gradually become a part of him.

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Max could sense a rhythm now, a melody hidden within the language of the wind that was growing clearer with each passing day. He had grown comfortable with his sightless existence in the chamber, using the wind as his eyes and guide, and he was beginning to understand its complex language.

The once overwhelming flood of information was no longer as daunting. Every gust of wind, every gentle breeze, every stormy gale carried with it messages that Max was now adept at deciphering. He had grown to understand the variations, the shifts in tempo, the changes in the melody. The wind had become a constant companion, whispering secrets of the world around him.

With time, Max had learnt to differentiate the myriad elements of the wind - the freshness of morning gusts, the languid breezes of the afternoon, the cool, soothing drafts of the evening and the still, silent air of the night. He could read the fragrances carried by the wind, distinguish between the scents of different flowers, the earthy aroma of rain-soaked soil, the fresh, briny smell of the sea.

One particular day, as Max walked through the artificial forest within the Time Chamber, a strong gust of wind swept across the plain. Max felt the subtle changes in its temperament and realised that it was an unnatural wind, created by a spatial disturbance within the Time Chamber.

While there were winds within the time chamber that were produced naturally through the ocean currents, through the temperature differences of how different materials absorbed and reflected light, heating them differently. The major wind pumper in this environment was a runic formation that was created by Kremeth in one of the corners of the structure that created a small spacial turbulence from time to time to give birth to a gust of wind that kept the environment cycled.

Once he realised this, Max abruptly stopped, focusing all his attention on this particular wind. As he did, he felt a shift, a sudden clarity as the wind’s secrets unfurled before him.

While the winds he sent in nature had a direction and a purpose and were created by a myriad of causes, the wind he felt here had no secrets behind it, it had no message to convey and was created because the atoms of air were displaced at large because of a turbulence in space.

This was the moment where Max realised that ’ Wind ’ was different from ’ Air Current ’

Any spacial disturbance could create air current, even he could create an air current if he breathed hard enough or manipulated a spell to do the same. However, wind was a record of information, a record of the journey of these particles as they were displaced from their original positions and travelled all the way across to Max colliding against his skin and tingling his senses, narrating the tale of their journey in the process.

Max realised that he was no longer deciphering the wind’s language, but understanding it intrinsically.

It was a breakthrough moment, a manifestation of all his efforts over the past year and a half. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the intricate dance of the wind currents and the hidden symphony of the natural world.

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The days that followed saw Max becoming more and more fluent in the language of the wind. He felt a deeper connection, an intimate bond with the wind. It was no longer just a means to perceive his surroundings, He could feel its moods, sense its changes, understand its whispers.

As Max continued his journey towards mastering the second level of the [Way of the Wind], he found himself embracing the wind, its untamed nature, its ever-changing moods, its subtle whispers. The wind, in return, seemed to accept him, wrapping him in its comforting embrace, guiding him through the Time Chamber, whispering its secrets into his ear.

On the day Max completed one and a half years of his training, Kremeth joined him for their routine discussion. Max shared his breakthrough and his newfound understanding of the wind. Kremeth listened, a proud smile gracing his features as he acknowledged Max’s progress.

" Not bad kid, you have completed the first stage faster than I ever expected you to do. Saved us about half a years worth of time.

You are free to take off your blindfold, go enjoy the scenery and the bright colors of the world for the next day or two, we shall resume the training of the next drill in mastering stage two after that " Kremeth said as he helped Max undo the blindfold that he had been walking around with for over 500 days.

The moment the bright light entered his eyes again Max felt slightly weird to see colour return to his reality.

He was aware about how blindness had been affecting his perception of the world acutely as lately his dreams had also shifted from seeing the world in colour to darkness with him just relying on his other senses to perceive his environment.

A recurring dream that he had was how he was flying through the wind and how great it felt to be free from the restraints of gravity as it was this phase of the training that he was especially excited for.

Unfortunately, his next phase was more related to defensive and offensive harmonisation with the wind rather than learning to fly, but he knew that somewhere down the training line he would be able to fly as well.

That too, before becoming a god!


/// A/N - Chapter 4 of 6 for the day.

This chapter has been sponsored by patron Cervantez91, please thank him in the comments for the same ///

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