MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 567 The History Of The Nightblade Clan

Asiva turned the page, her heartbeat echoing in the silence of the room as she dove deeper into her lineage. The Nightblade clan, she realised, was not just an offshoot of evolution, but the very axis upon which the modern vampire world turned.

Her gaze narrowed as she read about the bloodline purification, a gruelling ritual that could awaken her dormant abilities. Asiva was no ordinary Nightblade, her heritage rich with a unique power that resonated with the moon’s glow. The text revealed that her most potent ability was the transformation into a ’Moonlight Warrior’.

As a Moonlight Warrior, Asiva would become an unmatched assassin, wielding daggers bathed in lunar radiance. The moonlight would cloak her, rendering her elusive and almost invisible, an ethereal phantom in the night. Her reflexes would be razor-sharp, her speed inhuman, making her a deadly adversary. In addition, she would possess minor abilities that were no less intriguing. She could heal swiftly under the moon’s glow, speak to nocturnal creatures, and perceive the subtle shifts in darkness.

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As a child she had always somehow preferred fighting with daggers but never understood the reason behind her odd preference.

Sometimes in her dreams she saw her mother covered in a cloak of Ethereal moonlight holding daggers, something that might have been a scene from her childhood memory but she couldn’t be sure.

But reading this text here she understood it all, her mother was a moonlight warrior.

The narrative then pivoted, unveiling the genesis of three significant modern vampire clans. Macah, the first modern vampire, sired many offspring, each inheriting different aspects of his mighty bloodline.

The first of these offspring gave rise to the Titus Clan. The clan that unified the modern vampires and established the vampire society.

The clan of the first vampire king himself!

From his second progeny emerged the Caesar Clan. The bitter rivals of the Titus clan and the clan with the legendary ability to control the tides.

His third offspring birthed the Saint Maximus Clan. These vampires had an uncanny ability to manipulate emotions, their powers giving them a nefarious reputation.

The text took an even more chilling turn as Asiva read on. It revealed that the birth of a male Nightblade was a rare and significant event, of 100 offsprings born to the pure blood Nightblade, 99 would be females that continued the characteristics of the Nightblade clan and had the ability to transform into the moonlight Warriors but the male offspring would be born with a Bloodline ability unique to his own self.

Each male birth marked the beginning of a new clan, expanding the already intricate web of the vampire hierarchy.

All the modern vampire clans, regardless of their history, were born from mating with Nightblade women.

As Asiva read these revelations, she felt a cold shudder run through her spine. She had now uncovered the bitter truth - her ancestors, the Nightblades, had been used as political tools. They were coveted not for who they were, but for the unprecedented power they held, the potential to birth new clans, to reshape the entire vampire world.

A heavy silence filled the room as Asiva closed the book, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. She stared out into the moonlit night, the glow illuminating her face. She was not just a vampire, not just a Nightblade. She was the bearer of an ancient legacy, the key to the future of the vampire clans. It was a revelation that weighed heavily on her, a truth as clear as the moonlight that streamed into her room.

As she turned the page armed with the knowledge of what her clan meant for the vampire legacy, she was at the part where their darkest history was mentioned.

The history of how the Nightblade clan numbers dwindled and they became a myth of the past.


( Meanwhile Max and Sebastian )

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" DarkSorrow has commandeered a clean sweep, we lost about 2000 men and 3000 more are critically injured while 2000 more are lightly injured.

Overall the defence attempt was a success with all 80,000 enemies being routed.

If we want to counterattack, now’s our chance before the enemy realises that their first wave of attack has failed and become alert.

What are your orders? " Sebastian said as he tightened the necromancer’s ring around his fingers.

He sure hoped he knew what Max’s next words were going to be, but he still had to ask.

" We counterattack. Me, you and Anna " Max said as he cracked his knuckles and grinned ear to ear.

" Time to destroy an orb and bring some glory to the Bloodfall clan! " Sebastian said as he rushed out to loop in Anna.

Within minutes the three of them were ready as they completely skipped going through the forest as Max used his wind manipulation prowess to carry both Sebastian and Anna alongside him through the air.

Having already scouted the area, Sebastian knew exactly where the team should land and start their counter attack as this was to be a wipe-out effort.

The enemy were defending flatlands which was a nightmare to fight on as a defender because the terrain basically offered no protection.

With hundreds of thousands of undead, Max with his crazy elemental powers and Anna raining thousands of arrows on the orb field, Sebastian expected this to be a quick job but being a thorough coward who covered all his bases, he still preferred being dropped first just near where the forest region ended, while Max and Anna dropped directly inside the fields of illusion where the enemy had thousands of orb replicas.

Max observed the enemy territory from the sky and found the glowing field of blue orbs to be an impressive sight from high above, but it mattered not as in a few seconds he planned of turning it all to dust.

" That’s my landing spot " Sebastian said as Max removed the air current from under his feet and let him freefall.

" I’m gonna land before you, it’s probably for the best " Max said as he tossed Anna up a bit higher than he was before plummeting straight towards the land below.

The reason why he wanted Anna to land a few seconds later than he did was because he wanted to land with an impact.

Which he did as he used earth manipulation to tear the land he dropped on apart upon impact.


The earth shivered violently as giant cracks opened on the surface swallowing many Red-Foot demons while knocking the rest of their feet.

Lord Ravan Bloodfall had just arrived in style.

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