MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 676 Satan

At some point, about three hours into marching towards enemy lands, the vampire army started to disperse to their specific locations.

An Aurelius clan representative stood at the junction and instructed the leaders on where exactly they were supposed to lead their troops.

Max, who was fighting on the south-west front underneath the dragons, diverted the march of the Bloodfall clan a bit to the left while the rest of the army either went straight or turned a bit right.

Mass-managing an army of 120 million was a task in itself and Regus Aurelius could not personally oversee everything.

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The role of the Aurelius clan, its various god’s, the various clan leaders, the various legion commanders under those clan leaders could not be understated in this grand war.

For the vision that had been drawn up in the war council room to turn into reality, the efficient completion of the drawn up strategies was the key.

For this, the role of the Aurelius clan as the coordinator and overseer could not be underestimated.

Any mistake on their part could cause the entire strategy to crumble even before the actual fighting began, and if everything went smoothly they were the ones who would never be thanked for their valour as their job was not visible in the results.

Despite being a thankless job, the Aurelius clan had to do it because they were the rulers of vampire society and this was the responsibility that came with that power.


On the other side, Satan was barely containing himself as he awaited the approach of the vampire army.

He had dreamt about this day time and time again, and now that his moment to fight drew near he felt that he was going to orgasm just from all the tension that was building up in his muscles.

Satan was unlike any other sovereign.

He ruled over the darkest creatures that no civilised society, whether light or dark, would accept to live with.

His kingdom exported nothing while importing only minimal goods, as all his underlings either preyed on one another for sustenance or were undead who did not need any.

He was born as an abomination within these very darkest lands, not knowing who his parents even were.

He was not a demon yet had the magic circuit like one of a high demon.

He was not a minotaur, yet had horns on his head.

He was not a beastman, yet he had hair growth on his face and chest that was so hard that he could make common iron tools chip and break before they could cut through his hair.

He had conquered the dark lands through pure strength. f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

He had become a monarch without ever going to a school, having a mentor or receiving guidance.

His attacks, his fighting style, his confidence was all forged through countless battles for survival that he faced ever since he was born, making him a fighter that others could not even dream of rivalling.

The first and only friend he had ever made in his life was Lucifer and the story behind that friendship was equally legendary.

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As a newly ascended monarch, he was looking for targets to plunder when he came to hear about the kingdom of the fallen angel, the devil Lucifer who was rumoured to be very powerful.

Wanting to test the strength of the devil himself, he marched straight into hell alone and tore through a sea of high demons killing 2 million of them before Lucifer showed up as he approached the steps of his palace.

The duo battled for 3 days and 3 nights where for the first time Satan fought a truly educated opponent who knew how to counter his raw swings and exploit his weaknesses.

His crudely forged weapons broke under Lucifers superior ones.

His raggedly formed armour crippled under the devil’s onslaught.

Yet for every cut he received, his eyes and desire to defeat Lucifer only grew stronger as he showed a remarkable improvement mid battle and continued to fight.

After 3 days, he lost so much blood and stamina that he could not physically fight anymore when he accepted his defeat and was ready to die, but rather than killing him Lucifer gave him proper armour, new weapons and made him his ally.

He showed him the finer things to enjoy in life like the warmth of women, the taste of fine food and good booze.

He taught him about the power dynamics of the universe and filled his gaps in common sense expanding his vision to beyond just the savage lands that he controlled.

All in all he changed Satan’s life and forged a lifelong friend in the process.

Since then, Satan had fought many other dark faction sovereigns.

He had fought Kane and made short work of him.

He had fought the dark elf king and smashed his face to a pulp.

He had even fought the then light faction savage king and shown him who the true savage was, but never did he get the same thrill as fighting Lucifer while fighting these opponents.

Before this war started, he had asked Lucifer as to who amongst the light faction monarchs could give him an epic battle and Lucifer’s answer was shortlisted to 5 men.

The strongest and most obvious was his elder brother Micheal.

The other two were also his elder brothers and fellow angels Raphael and Sariel.

Then came the Emperor of Hazelgroove - Cervantez the sword monarch

And finally the vampire monarch Regus Aurelius.

Regus never had a big conflict against a fellow monarch to flex his strength as he relied on wits and diplomacy to solve problems.

If Satan was fire, Regus was water, a complete polar opposite but it wasn’t because Regus Aurelius was weak.

The reason behind Regus never having to come out to fight was because except the angels, there was no- one worthy of stopping him, while the vampire monarchy had two unshakeable pillars in the form of Vega Titus and Julian Caesar to deal with all threats below the monarch level.

Since Lucifer had such a high evaluation of Regus, Satan felt extremely excited to face the man as he knew that after a long time he was going to face a worthy adversary.

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