MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 730 The Council Meeting Starts

( The council of monarchs- The new world order )

As Regus Aurelius walked into the council of monarchs, he was met with a pretty hostile gaze from Neatwit who was staring at him as if he wanted to pick a fight then and there.

Regus gave a dry laugh and ignored Neatwit all-together as his demeanour showed that he did not consider Neatwit to be a big threat.

Although no words were exchanged, Neatwit understood the underlying message behind Regus’s contempt which was the fact that Neatwit himself was not a monarch and hence not someone Regus took seriously.

As he took his seat, the other monarchs cordially gave him a nod and a greeting as they understood that despite Regus’s personal actions, his post as the Vampire King was the most honourable.

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Since Micheal and the Angels had not yet arrived the meeting had not officially started but the atmosphere in the room was still unusually tense.

There were no congratulatory messages or gratuity flowing across the room as everyone seemed at odds with one another.

Every single individual in the room seemed to have come with an agenda of their own and they knew exactly how difficult it was going to be to pass it as a resolution.

Finding common ground here was going to be a challenging task and internal alliances were more likely to dictate the tempo.

The list of attendees in the meeting with voting rights were

1)Rhea representing the dragon’s

2) The Forger king for the dwarves

3) The Elven King for the elves

4) Patricia Won Knight for the Won Knight monarchy

5) Emperor Cervantez for Hazelgroove Empire

6) Regus for Vampire Monarchy

7) Neatwit for True Elite Monarchy

8) Hades for the Kingdom of Death

9) Michael for the Angels

10) Beast King Omar for the Beast Kingdom

11) Beniogre for the Kingdom of Life.

Of all the individuals present in the room, only Omar was the one who did not participate in the great war and maintained his neutrality through the entire affair.

Apart from Regus, it was him who was given a difficult treatment in the room as the other monarchs had not forgotten how Omar had skipped the previous council meeting and how under the facade of neutrality he had been providing the dark faction aid.

It was going to be difficult for him to get any laws passed that were favourable for himself, but looking at his demeanour he did not seem too worried about this possibility.

Eventually when Micheal arrived alongside Sariel, Raphael and Hazriel and took his seat at the head of the council table the required attendance was completed and the council was officially started.

The first opportunity to speak was given to Micheal as the de-facto leader of the council and he seemed to have come prepared as he directed the flow of the discourse.

" First and foremost, we did it- , we won the damn war! " Micheal said as he tried to say congratulations without saying congratulations.

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" But now that’s the past and the important part is to benefit from the winning of the war.

So let me first put forward a format for today’s discourse.

I’m sure we have a lot to discuss, so we will rotate the discussion clockwise around the table and whosoever’s turn it is, can introduce one topic for voting.

I’ll go first since I already have the floor and my suggestion is to vote on the territory redistribution.

The dark faction is no more.

The Savage King and the Mercenary King are part of the light faction band no more, so there is a lot of land that is there to claim alongside a plethora of resources.

I’m sure the new conquered lands need new governance-

I’m sure nobody amongst us wants to integrate demons or ghouls or dark elves into our culture as normal citizens.

So I suggest we discuss how to colonise them.

How to govern them and integrate them into the light faction society while keeping them isolated.

To not be cruel, let’s make a 200 year plan where they are isolated from light faction lands and then grant them their freedom to roam our parts of the universe once they are rinsed of their malpractices.

What do you all think? " Micheal proposed, as Hazriel visibly winced standing behind her brother.

If the dark faction would have won the war, they would not have isolated the light, but rather would have turned it into a lawless playground for all.

It would have resulted in deaths, but it would have been fair and equally imposed on all.

While the light faction’s way was more civil, it was blatant exploitation and if they went through with this method, the dark was never going to feel a part of the wider universe and rebellions were sure to constantly occur.

Hazriel wanted to oppose this proposal but as she scanned the eyes of the greedy individuals in the room, she knew that this proposal was going to be passed with little to no hitch.

" I support the proposal, and I think most people here do, so if we can just vote on it with a show of hands and then move on to discussing the specifics, that would be a relief " Hades said and just as Hazriel expected 10 out of 11 monarchs in the room supported the proposal.

The only opposition came from Beniogre as she wanted everyone to live in peace and harmony, but in the end her passive voice of opposition was drowned in the room of power hungry men.

Over the next 12 hours, the council argued over the specifics of the distribution of the new universe and the ones that got the best deal were Hades and the Forger King.

The two of them had lost the most in the war and hence they were given priority to choose the most lucrative areas as while Hades expanded into Lucifer’s domain, the Forger King took over Satan’s which was rich in natural resources.

The angels took a very small area in the dark elf domain as they were not really big on governance, but the area that they had chosen was important because it housed the world tree, a mythical lifeform that had some undisclosed uses for the angels.

Regus expanded the vampire monarchy into the Savage King’s lands, and took over almost 90% of the previous Barbarian Monarchy.

Rhea took back her rightful Draconic lands and expanded into a prey rich region of Satan’s lands where dark creatures like magma hounds and weaker lizards lived in abundance.

The others too got a piece of the pie with only Omar getting next to nothing in the restructuring.

But after all the discussion and arguments at the end of day1 of the council meeting the new boundaries of the universe had been decided.

A law that prevented individuals already born into the dark faction to pass into previously owned light faction lands was passed and was placed in effect for next 200 years.

No anti-exploitation laws were discussed and much to Hazriel’s dismay, the people and the natural resources of the dark faction lands were now at the mercy of the light faction monarchs and their sense of goodwill.

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