MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 762 First Wife

As Asiva walked into the wedding area, the world around her began to shift, as if waking from a deep slumber.

The moonflowers that adorned the Mystic Glade seemed to sense her presence; their luminescent petals burst into radiant bloom, creating a stunning archway that hovered over the earthen aisle.

The will-o’-the-wisps that floated gently in the air synchronized their dance, illuminating her path like twinkling stars in the night sky.

Ethereal music filled the air, notes spun from the sighs of the ancient trees and the gentle lapping of the pond’s waters as musicians sitting on the branches of these giant trees began playing a soothing melody that was infused with sound magic.

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Their notes made Asiva feel like love was in the air quite literally, as her deep blush became two shades even deeper making her look as red as a tomato.

Max, standing tall at the other end of this natural cathedral, was dressed in a suit tailored from the colors of the Bloodfall banner—dazzling yet understated, the perfect balance between royal splendor and heartfelt simplicity.

His eyes locked onto hers, and in that moment, time seemed to cease. Every element in the Glade—the celestial, the historical, and the magical—were mere spectators to their love.

Asiva did realize that this was the same place in the legends where the first Nightblade progenitor had married, it was the same place her mother pleaded her father lord Cole to marry but couldn’t.

Max had undoubtedly pulled a lot of strings to make this beautiful wedding happen and Asiva could not even begin to understand how to recognise and appreciate his efforts.

She felt a wash of emotions flood her senses. Anticipation turned into realization; her heart pounded with a blend of joy, relief, and a deeply profound love. Every step she took felt like a journey through their shared past, and with each footfall, she felt more anchored to their shared future.

The Silverthorn butterflies that had once served as their unique wedding invites now flitted around her, spiraling in a mini vortex before scattering into the audience of their closest friends and family. It was as if even the creatures of the Mystic Glade wished to partake in their joy.

Everyone from the internal ministry of Dombivli was there.

Jathi, Christian Grey, Ethan Grey, DarkSorrow, Graham, Grisha-

Everyone they had cordial relations with within the Vampire society was here.

Leroy, John Velter, Vega and Sabrina Titus, Denver Sabitzer, Denzel Fangtooth, Orena Mistborn, Sam Saint Maximus, Fallen Twilight and many more.

Everyone they shared a bond outside the Vampire society were also present.

Neatwit, Amelia, MasterOfChaos, Sir Jhonny, Patricia Won Knight, Prince Aman and some other dignitaries from the elven and dwarven kingdoms.

Even Lucius Aurelius was there and Asiva chuckled to see how uncomfortable he looked.

Finally as she reached Max, she looked up into his eyes, reflecting not just her own happiness but also a world of shared dreams and a lifetime of promises yet to be kept. The love in Max’s gaze melted any lingering nervousness, replacing it with a feeling of absolute certainty as Asiva coyly bit her lip.

Behind Max stood Sebastian who winked at her and waved a stick before her which made her crack up, while behind her stood Anna with a bright smile on her face.

Finally, it was Severus who looked like he was ready to cry a river who took the role of the pastor in the wedding as he seemed very proud that Max had chosen him for this role.

Severus was Asiva’s god-father, so Asiva would not have wanted it any other way and was very glad that he shared this important moment with them.

With her father and mother dead, Severus was the closest thing Asiva had to family and she was very happy that he was in her life.

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Naturally, he wasn’t alone as a very cute nine tailed fox seemed to be sleeping on his head as he officiated the family, as the guest list seemed almost perfect except the fact that Max’s immediate family was not present.

Severus cleared his throat, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears, and began to speak. "We are gathered here in this mystical sanctuary, under the watchful eyes of history and the grace of nature, to celebrate a love that defies time and transcends realms."

Severus paused, locking eyes with Asiva. He felt a warmth in his heart, recognizing how important this role was for him, too.

"With the power vested in me by the love these two people share," Severus continued, "I ask Max, do you take Asiva to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Max replied, his voice steady, but anyone who knew him could see the hint of emotion in his eyes. The crowd sighed collectively; a wave of happiness, relief, and anticipation surged through the assembly.

"And Asiva," Severus looked at her with a fatherly smile, "do you take Max to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she said, the words tinged with tears of joy as she began to smile stupidly.

Her radiant glow under the backdrop of nature was only magnified tenfold by her showing belly that proved that the union had been sealed even before the official ceremony.

" Then,with the ancient trees as a witness, I Severus Saint Maximus, pronounce you both man and wife, you may now—" Severus announced, barely keeping his composure as Furball on his head stirred to get a better look, however, before he could even complete the sentence, Max leaned in and drew Asiva for a passionate kiss as rowdy cheers erupted from the crowd.

Max and Asiva kissed like barbarians, and in that moment, their love felt tangible, like a living entity enveloping the entire Mystic Glade as the crowd raised their drinks and downed it while wishing the couple their best.

Sebastian began weeping, drawing hearts on the ground below with the stick he’d teased Asiva with earlier.

Anna clapped her hands together, finally releasing the breath she’d been holding as she too shed a tear of joy for her friend and wondered if her own wedding would be just as beautiful.

Each person present, whether they were from the Vampire society, the Elven or Dwarven kingdoms, or anywhere else, felt an overwhelming sense of joy, love, and community.

As the eyes of the newly weds met across the crowd; smiles were shared, and in that sacred space, everyone felt a unity that went beyond their origins or affiliations.

Even Lucius Aurelius, ever so uncomfortable, found himself clapping and cheering, drawn into the celebration.

As the newlyweds turned to face their loved ones, Max’s gaze lingered on the empty seats reserved for his immediate family and as if right on cue, he saw an old man sitting on the seat with a bright smile on his face as he raised a glass to Max.

Instantly Max began chuckling as a stream of tears went down his eyes, he knew precisely who this old man was and knew exactly why he could not appear as himself.

He disappeared almost as instantly as he appeared as if he was just there to show Max that he knew and he blessed him, as apart from himself there was not a single individual in the wedding arena who noticed his brief presence.

Of Course he wanted his brother and his family to enjoy his big day, however, for now, this was more than enough.


/// A/N - Team Asiva fans, this one’s for you.

I hope you enjoyed today.

Mass release of 7 chapters tomorrow ///

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