MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God Chapter 934 Do or Die

Chapter 934 Do or Die

Once all the seeds were outside Rudra’s body, the supreme lord felt his morality return once more as he recalled the memories of little Max running around in their old house on Earth.

Rudra had never truly understood the fundamental reasoning behind love. He had not understood why an individual fell in love or why one felt a sense of closeness and familiarity with those sharing the same bloodline, however, he did understand that he cared deeply for Max.

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This feeling wasn’t recent either as he could still vividly remember the day that Max was born and he visited his mother and father in the hospital to take a look at the baby.

Ever since that day when Max held his index finger tightly as a newborn, Rudra knew he loved the kid before the two even shared a word.

Decades had passed since and he had even been reborn twice, yet that love for Max had never faded.

He could not save his mother and father from their natural demise, however, since then he had made sure that all three of his children became gods and both of his wives had the opportunity to live for centuries to come.

He had not lost a family member since and despite his recent feud with Max, once the seeds were removed from his body and he introspected his true emotions for his brother, he knew without a second doubt that if he had to trade his life for that of Max’s he would not second guess that decision for even a moment.

His brother was as much a part of his pride and joy as were his own children and Rudra was willing to go to hell and back for him.

Although his body strongly protested against the very thought of embedding the seeds into him once more, Rudra took a deep breath, exhaled and said " Let’s start with the procedure" as he readied himself to go through the pain once more.

Even Beniogre and Odin were left dumbfounded by his resolve as they could visibly see his body trembling and sweating profusely which conveyed his true emotions of feeling scared and reluctant, yet his voice was as smooth and calm as ever, showing that his resolve was strong.

" The first embedding will be the hardest one. I would usually knock a patient unconscious for such surgery, however, we don’t have such luxury with you since you need to be conscious to fight the corruption from the seeds.

Don’t move a single centimetre, no matter how much pain you feel and don’t forget to keep breathing.

If the oxygen in your blood drops the brain may go into a coma and we absolutely can’t have that.

So breathe, and don’t move okay? because this is going to hurt like hell-" Beniogre said as Rudra gave a faint nod to signal to her that he was ready.

Co-ordinating with the queen, Beniogre instructed her as to where precisely she was to place the seed as Odin prepared to maximise the output of vitality that he could support Rudra with once Beniogre made the first cut.

Before making the cut however, Beniogre shaved a portion of Rudra’s hair before injecting his brain with some sort of ancient serum as Rudra felt an extremely cool and brain chilling sensation grip his entire brain which caused his nerves to shrink and his capillaries to tense up and increase the blood flow.

" Don’t forget to breathe, Supreme Lord, don’t forget to breathe" Beniogre said in a kind voice as Rudra took in deep breaths while keeping his head steady as Beniogre made the first incision opening his skull.

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Rudra grit his teeth, having his skull being cracked open while being conscious was not a good sensation, however, it was not something that he had never experienced before either.

Having suffered skull splitting injuries in several battles, he had been accustomed to this level of pain and although it was inconvenient he stayed still and let Beniogre operate without any difficulty.

A horrid stench filled the room as the scent of brain fluids spread to the surroundings which meant that Beniogre needed to act fast.

Usually, a god’s divine essence pouch was the size of a small coin pouch capable of fitting in 10 coins or about 50ml of water.

The biggest pouch that Beniogre had ever seen or witnessed was about 12 coins worth or about 60ml big which was of Dracula, yet Rudra’s divine essence pouch was as big as a mini purse with an enormous capacity of storing about 200 ml of divine essence.

" Ha- no wonder you’re so strong" Beniogre commented as she realised how ridiculously overpowered Rudra really was, however, the big size of his divine essence pouch presented a problem for Beniogre since it covered a large area and overlapped some areas of the brain.

Nobody had ever tried to interfere with the divine essence pouch before and Beniogre was the first to ever make an incision into it as the moment she did that Rudra felt his soul shudder with pain as he struggled to remember his very identity.

The sea of consciousness was located within the divine essence pouch and it was next to impossible to open the divine essence pouch and maintain consciousness as the second that Beniogre made that incision and the queen planted the seed of chaos within, Rudra was left face to face with the most dangerous seed of them all, now placed in the most dangerous location there could be.

" Quickly, remove your tentacles so that I can close the wound" Beniogre instructed the queen as the second that the queen retracted her fine tentacles, Beniogre used light magic to produce precise lasers that closed down the small incisions made on the divine essence pouch and Rudra’s brain as she successfully planted the first seed on her end.

" Are you okay?" Beniogre asked Rudra as she could feel that his breathing had become much fainter than before, yet Rudra did not reply to her question at all.

How could he? When he was currently thrown into a battle against the seed of chaos over the control of his own body as by planting it inside the sea of consciousness the seed now had direct access to Rudra’s divine essence pool and also of his conscious thoughts.

If he could neutralise the seed of chaos here, then the rest of the procedure was bound to balance itself out since the powers of the other seeds would neutralise one another, however, this here was the most critical step.

If Rudra lost control to the seed of chaos, then everything else would be for naught and the supreme lord would fall into corruption.

" He’s alive, but he’s not responsive….. what do we do now?" Beniogre asked in a panic to Odin as a quick look in Rudra’s eyes suggested that he was completely out of it, with only the whites of his eyes left without any pupil or iris visible.

He was breathing but only barely, which meant that proceeding with the procedure now would prove to be very dangerous.

For a moment, Odin was speechless, however then with a strong resolve on his face he said " We continue. We plant the rest of the seeds as planned and we do it fast.

Whether the Supreme Lord survives or not is not in our hands, all we can do is to execute his plan to the best of our abilities"

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