MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith Chapter 842 Four Pillars: Vertigo

Chapter 842 Four Pillars: Vertigo


After regaining consciousness, the first thing Valyr felt was a headache that threatened to consume him, making him feel like it was bound to split into two at any point.

Giving it the time it needed to gradually subside, the young man also noticed that he seemed to be clutching onto something with one of his hands, faintly reminding him of what had transpired just before he came to.

’I guess all of that wasn’t a lie,’ thought Valyr back to the time where he and Sellifer began to say their goodbyes, only for him to stop his train of thought as the headache surged back with greater force.

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Deciding that it was better for him to solve the problem of his headache for the meantime, the young man forced himself to stash the item Sellifer had given him into his spatial bracelet before focusing all of his attention towards the headache.

Conjuring a ball of cold water to wrap around his forehead with his newly transformed [Azure Turtle Manifestation Arts], it was only then did Valyr finally feel a bit of relief, letting out a sigh as he proceeded to not think about anything too complex for the time being.

Of course, that did not stop the young man from looking around his surroundings, wondering where the rift he conjured ended up bringing him to.

"A fair distance away from the camp," murmured Valyr to himself, frowning as a twinge of pain came from his mind at that moment.

Taking in a few deep breaths to allow his mind to continue recovering, the young man soon noticed that he appeared on the rooftop of one of the buildings surrounding the true center of the city ruins.

Seeing the barren spot at the true center now become truly barren after his talk with Vaughn, Valyr let out a long sigh as he decided to rest on the ground for a bit more.

Staring at the sun that told him it was already afternoon due to its position, the young man closed his eyes and allowed the cold yet soothing sensation of water to envelop him.

Surprisingly, it was only a couple of hours later did the headache subside to what Valyr felt was a tolerable level for him to handle.

Sure, the headache still had a ways to go before it truly disappeared, but the young man felt like its effects at the moment would not hamper him from doing anything he usually did.

With that, he dispelled the water he conjured before impulsively casting an [Advanced Heal] on himself.

Powered with his newly obtained Azure Energy, the parts of the skill that Valyr wanted to take effect were greatly amplified, reducing the effects of the headache to where it was now negligible.

"Would still prefer taking a painkiller," said the young man with a slight chuckle, keeping in mind how much Azure Energy each skill cost to activate.

"In any case, my idea of preparing more skills before entering the inheritance has finally shown its worth."

Standing up as he thought of heading back to the temporary he and the others created, Valyr immediately felt a strong sense of vertigo wash over him.

Being forced to sit back down, the young man closed his eyes for a bit as he recalled what Sellifer had told him.

’Watch out for vertigo.’ As this statement came to mind, the young man slightly frowned as it meant that she was already expecting him to experience this in the first place.

Fortunately, a bit of rummaging through the information Sellifer had given him near their farewell was more than enough for him to find his answers.

Though, once he did so, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

’I guess I took a bit more than I could chew with my current class rank.’

According to the information Sellifer gave him, if there was a great level of incongruence in the flow of time between the place one is in and the place one originally came from, one would experience an extreme case of vertigo.

For those who have yet to ascend to Rank 1, the maximum ratio they could tolerate was two weeks being equivalent to a day, the same ratio existed between Veldanyr and the inheritance.

Then, as one proceeded up the ranks, one’s body would be able to tolerate greater and greater ratios, with those at Rank 3 already being able to handle a couple of years’ worth of time crammed into a day.

Bringing up his status screen to see how much time had passed since he left Hal and Vera to head to the Gates of Awakening, Valyr was surprised to find out that only over half a day had passed since then.

With him spending a month in the Realm of Myriad Experiences taking up a few hours from that half day, that meant that the two plus years he’d spent with Sellifer was crammed into the remaining time he was gone.

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Taking into consideration that there was also the time difference between the inheritance and Veldanyr…

’I am definitely going to fall unconscious once I’m back,’ thought the young man to himself with a shudder, coming to the conclusion that he had effectively spent over a few decades’ worth of time in a day after doing the math in his head.

Casting [Advanced Heal] a few more times on himself, it was only then did Valyr begin his trek back to the temporary camp, deciding to leave the matter of the Azure Serpent Staff for the meantime.

Instead, he decided to delve deep into his thoughts for the meantime, keeping in mind that he had gained a ton of information from his last conversation with Sellifer.

Not to mention the influx of memories the woman had given him just before he went through the rift.

"To think she’s a Lesser Goddess…" Activating [Flight of the Azure Dragon] to speed things up, Valyr stepped onto an azure dragon before soaring to the skies.

For one to be called a Lesser Goddess or a Lesser Deity, then that meant that one would have to fulfill two criteria.

The first one was to ascend to the Divine level, with one only being considered to have the strength of a Lesser Deity after they had ascended to Rank 12.

As for the second one, they would have to become a part of a pantheon recognized by the universe, whether it be self-made or made by another person.

Realizing that Sellifer was a Divine-level being just like Vaughn, the young man felt cold all of a sudden, understanding then and there that the power Sellifer showed him during the time they spent did not even cover the tip of the iceberg.

If anything, he felt that even the tip of the tip of the iceberg was too big to encompass the amount of power Sellifer showed him.

Saving his thoughts on her full power for some other time, Valyr soon focused his thoughts onto another topic that involved those at the Divine-level.

’Did she ascend to the Divine level just recently… or did she ascend sometime ago?’

From what he saw back then regarding Sellifer’s journey to discovering Azure Energy, Valyr noticed that the Veldanyr he saw during that time was vastly different to the Veldanyr he was seeing now.

Of course, there were still a few areas that looked as bustling as the Algerie Kingdom he was currently in, but there was something to Sellifer’s Veldanyr that only his treasure trove of memories and his blacksmithing experience could probably notice.

’Quite a lot of the technology in place nowadays hasn’t been invented yet.’

Though he didn’t know how long it took the human race to get their technology up to this point, Valyr surmised that Sellifer was born either around the start of the Age of Innovation, or a few thousands to tens of thousands of years before the current time.

’It doesn’t make a lot of sense for her to have been born during the Age of Uprising, even if it was near the end of it,’ the young man said to himself.

Aside from that, he recalled Sellifer’s comment on Noel after he had brought him up.

’According to her, the two saw each other a few decades ago… which doesn’t really change anything now that I think about it.’

In the end, Valyr surmised that she had reached the Divine level quite sometime ago, considering that even a peak Myth-level being would not be able to live as long as she already had.

"Ah. Finally back."

Having subconsciously decided to zoom around the center of the city ruins for a while as he gathered his thoughts, Valyr soon alighted on the rooftop where their temporary camp was, feeling a great sense of relief wash over his body the moment he stepped foot.

Seeing that Hal and Vera weren’t around in the meantime, the young man decided to head down for a while to see how his newly improved skills stacked up against the feral humans.

Unfortunately, before he could even do so…


"Is that really you, Valyr?"

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