MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith Chapter 865 Four Pillars: Salvation

Chapter 865 Four Pillars: Salvation


Being greeted by the world of darkness once more, Valyr soon began to look around, eventually finding Vaughn floating not far away from him.

Maneuvering his way to the man through the void that surrounded them, the young man noticed a faint smile tugging on Vaughn’s lips as the latter released a bit of energy from his body.


Doing a few of the gestures he’d already done before, the world before them immediately changed.

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What was once a vast expanse of darkness immediately turned into the warm yet mostly empty expanse of space, the view before them mostly occupied by the twinkling of stars.

However, in one direction, a large spherical object could be found, its surface split into various parts of water and land.

Looking at this object once more, Valyr recalled the various instances he’d seen the same sight in his past life, being reminded of the inherent beauty space had to offer.

"That is…" Valyr subconsciously muttered as he continued to stare at the planet before them.

"Veldanyr," continued Vaughn where the young man left off, smiling in amusement after seeing the latter engrossed with the sight of the planet from afar.

Though, this smile turned bittersweet as he recalled the events that were attached to this memory, being reminded of the actions that he could’ve done.

Inwardly letting out a long sigh at the rude reminder, Vaughn continued to adorn a faint smile as he moved the two of them closer to Veldanyr with the help of his energy.


Hovering a few kilometers away from what was considered the Karman line of the planet, Valyr began to admire the view that was given to him once more, committing every bit he was seeing into his memory.

Even though Veldanyr in his past life housed a technologically advanced civilization in the later stages of Greater Beyond, its technology headed in a direction that deviated from the path of technology he could see on the planet at the moment.

If he were to describe the type of technology that existed in front of him at the moment, then he would say that it was similar to Earth where it proceeded on the path of pure technological innovation.

Of course, unlike Earth’s technology, Veldanyr’s technology looked to be ahead by a thousand years at the very least.

"Space elevators, star ships, megastructures…" Taking in a deep breath to compose himself as he continued to take in the sight in front of him, Valyr began to murmur to himself all of a sudden.

Hearing the things that were coming out of Valyr’s mouth, Vaughn was slightly taken aback, not knowing where the young man had come to know those terms.

Then again, that question swiftly disappeared after recalling that the young man was a reincarnator.

Looking at Valyr for a bit in silence, he soon shifted his gaze towards Veldanyr not long after as he began to speak. "This was the Veldanyr that I grew to know."

"A world dominated by humans thanks to their ingenuity and creativity."

Seeing that his words caught the young man’s attention, the man inwardly nodded before continuing to speak.

"If I were to mention the specific era of technology Veldanyr had available at the time, then it’s an era of technology that went beyond the scope of eras through the Technology Tree."

At those words, Valyr faintly nodded, understanding what Vaughn meant by it. 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

"Space elevators, star ships, highly advanced infrastructure… all of that was available in Veldanyr since humanity was already a spacefaring civilization at the time."

"Have you heard of something called the Kardashev scale?" asked Vaughn at some point, looking at the young man for answers.

Obtaining a nod from Valyr in response, the man nodded back before continuing. "If I were to base Veldanyr’s level of technology through that scale, then humanity would be considered a Type 1.5 civilization."

"We had the means to harness a considerable portion of energy directly from the star, as well as set up a few outposts and small frontier towns on other planets."

"But we were still far away from harnessing all of the energy our star system had available."

After saying those words, Vaughn moved him and Valyr around the star system that surrounded Veldanyr, showing off the various feats that humanity at the time had been able to achieve on other planets.

At the end of it, the man had shown Valyr the energy collection system Veldanyr had put near their star at the time, which was actually massive when looked from up close.

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Hearing Vaughn mention the term ’first-stage Dyson swarm’ as he described their energy collection system, the two eventually returned themselves back to Veldanyr as they headed closer to the planet’s surface.

Once there, Valyr’s eyes widened in slight surprise, not expecting Veldanyr’s civilization to look similar to what humanity had achieved on Earth in his past life.

Though, unlike Earth, there were many things that were different on Veldanyr, such as the transportation and other technological infrastructure that was prevalent throughout the area.

Nevertheless, the fact that Veldanyr before the Great Cataclysm looked somewhat similar to Earth meant that Valyr could not take his eyes off the entire place as they moved through the various sectors that made up their civilization at the time.

It was only when the two had arrived at an area that prompted a memory to surface in his mind did Valyr snap back to reality, shaking his head for a bit as he adjusted himself to the situation.

"Wait a minute…" Looking around to see whether his thoughts were correct, Valyr’s eyes gradually widened as he began to realize where they were. "Isn’t this…?"

Knowing what Valyr was about to say, Vaughn nodded. "Yeah."

"We’re in the area that you now know as the city ruins of the Four Pillars’ Inheritance."

As Vaughn said those words, Valyr began to look around once more, overlaying what he saw back in the inheritance over the sight that existed before him.

Seeing that most, if not all of them matched where they were at the ruins, the young man felt a bit of speechlessness as he did not understand how these buildings could still remain standing after so many years had passed.

Fortunately, it would not take long for him to obtain his answer as his attention was soon attracted by a certain person leaving a specific building.

"Are you sure that’s what they said?"

Hearing a somewhat familiar voice echo from a spot not far from their current spot, Valyr focused his sights on where the voice came from, only to come face to face with an incredibly young Vaughn.

If he were to compare the appearance of the two Vaughns side to side, then Valyr felt that the Vaughn that had accompanied him all this time looked to be in his early fifties.

On the other hand, the Vaughn that just came out of the building looked to be in his early twenties as he felt exuberance radiating out of the young man.

’If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought only a few decades had passed between the Vaughn in this memory and the Vaughn beside me,’ thought Valyr to himself, being reminded that lifespan gradually turned into a number the stronger one went.

Thinking about his short side quest in the Myriad Archives regarding how long one could live at each class rank, the young man made a note to find more information on the same topic once he was out of the inheritance, but for ranks beyond Rank 5.

Returning his attention to the matter at hand, the young man began to listen to the conversation the young Vaughn was having with the people that accompanied him.

"That’s what they said, sir," responded what appeared to be Vaughn’s assistant walking beside him. "They only sent a message that they wanted to meet the leader of this planet’s civilization. Nothing else."

"Did they give us information on where they came from? Who they were?" asked Vaughn back, the gears in his mind whirring as a pensive expression appeared on his face.

His assistant shook her head. "They did not, sir. However, our specialists have decoded that the message originated from a sector in the Trametria Galaxy."

At those words, Vaughn raised his eyebrow in slight suspicion as he looked at his assistant. "Are you sure it was the Trametria Galaxy? Even with a communication method that uses spatial folding, it would take years for a message from that place to arrive here."

"Yet, the message they sent seemed like it would only take hours, if not minutes for them to arrive here."

Feeling a hint of anger in Vaughn’s words, the assistant began to get a bit teary-eyed. "The specialists have gone over it multiple times already, sir. They told me that it had come from the Trametria Galaxy and nowhere else."

"According to them, there was no signal spoofing whatsoever."

Hearing his assistant starting to choke on her own tears as she replied, the young Vaughn began to feel guilt after letting his emotions get the better of him.

However, before the man could even say sorry to his assistant, a pair of individuals appeared before the two all of a sudden, landing from a height that seemed to defy all human convention.


As the pair of individuals landed on the ground with a soft thud even though they fell from what looked to be an absurd height, Vaughn took a few steps back out of caution, pushing his assistant back as well.

Seeing that the two individuals wouldn’t move from their spots, the man inwardly let out a sigh of relief before initiating a conversation. "Are you the ones who sent the message?" "Indeed, we are." The two nodded as one of them responded to the question. "A pleasure to become your acquaintance, Vaughn Darkstar."

"You can call us the Arbiters."

"And we are here to offer your civilization salvation."

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