MMORPG: The Elementalist Chapter 507 - The Drunken First Time—Within Darkness
Chapter 507: The Drunken First Time—Within Darkness

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

—EROTIC CHAPTER AHEAD. Read at your own risk xD—

The elevator in a certain apartment, four men and one woman clumsily carried a person to the front of an apartment door.

“Damn it, so heavy.”

“Sh*tty Ruo, touching my butt after getting drunk—hell, I can’t stand this. Xiaoxiao, hurry up and open the door, the key’s in his pocket…”

As Brother Da complained in rage, the slightly drunken Xiaoxiao pushed the door open and steered the men as they moved the person inside. “Wait, not the bed—he’s dirty, throw him into the bathtub and take off his clothes, there’s vomit all over…”


The men went to work as Xiaoxiao instructed, placing Qin Ruo in the bathtub together before stepping out.

“Xiaoxiao, it’s all yours from here.”

“We’re leaving too, urgh. This is my branded shirt I just bought last week damn it… I’m sending the washer’s receipt to Boss Qin next time.”

“Go, go, go.”

Leaving the absolutely drunken man to Xiaoxiao, the four men shuffled out of the apartment, sniffing the scent on their bodies. When Xiaoxiao finally realized what was happening, it was only her and the unconscious Qin Ruo in her apartment.

“Stupid Brother Da, you promised to stay and take care of Ruo… uhm…” Xiaoxiao tapped her chest. Although Qin Ruo had drunk by the truckload despite never drinking before, she also had quite a few glasses on his behalf and was feeling dazed too.

“Silly, why put up if you can’t drink.”

Biting her lower lip, Xiaoxiao could not tell if it was her cheeks heating up or if it was the alcohol.

She crouched outside the bathtub.

She sprawled herself over the rim.

She studied Qin Ruo’s red face, her gaze distant.


Qin Ruo appeared disgruntled about his “bed”. Bothered, he flipped around, finding a more comfortable position and curled up as if a baby, wiggling.

Soon, he snored steadily.

“What a pig. Sleeping so soundly even in filth.”

Xiaoxiao’s head cleared slightly and wrinkled her nose, rolling her eyes at the bathtub man.

“Get up, you’ll get a cold sleeping here. Take off those soiled clothes and go to bed… get up.”


Her reply was the stead, soft snores.

Helpless, Xiaoxiao could only do it herself. Heaven knows if that fellow would be warded tomorrow if he kept sleeping in the bathtub. Carefully tugging Qin Ruo’s hand and putting it aside, she unbuttoned his shirt, exposing the chest that was rising and falling steadily.

“Hmph! Really can’t tell how tight this body actually is… might just earn a fortune if sold.” Xiaoxiao muttered to herself as she turned her attention away, biting her lower lip again as she pulled Qin Ruo’s upper body up off the bathtub, took off his soiled clothes and soaked it in a corner.

“Damned pig, so heavy.”

Panting as she finished up, Xiaoxiao was exhausted—wiping away the dense sweat drops on her forehead, she unbuttoned the first button on her blouse and fanned herself. Then, she turned to glance at the bathtub man who had shrunk back within its coldness, her gaze helpless and filled with worry…

“…What about the bottom? Shitty Brother Da, running off at such a time. Always saying they’re best buds but not even lending a hand here…”

As she spoke, Xiaoxiao kept her eyes locked on Qin Ruo as he curled up, her hands tightly wrapped around his chest. Then, with a twinkle in her eyes, she quickly stood up, took the showerhead over the tub and adjusted the water temperature to a comfortable one. It was especially better with his clothes off, as the refreshing sensation descended upon his body that was seemingly burning.

Ready to have a nice sleep, he vaguely felt something splashing on his face…

Was it raining?

Struggling to open his tired eyelids, he shook off the warm water over his face.


He vaguely recognized the face before him—despite the blurriness, there was no mistaking that familiar fragrance.

Then, drowsiness struck once again.

“What a pig. He’s out again.”

Sighing, Xiaoxiao was completely speechless. After half a minute of inner turmoil, she finally took off his pants and simply washed him with a red face, closing her eyes as she rubbed him dry…

Then, with strength that came out of nowhere, helped Qin Ruo from the bathtub to the bed.

“Urgh… so exhausting!”

Throwing him down on the sheets, Xiaoxiao was at once drained of her strength, exclaiming once as she fell into the bed as well, gasping loudly.

Minutes passed without anything happening.

Xiaoxiao carefully turned her head to peek at a certain man, and quickly turned away as if jolted, her face entirely scarlet as she mumbled away.

“Such a corpse, not even pulling a blanket over himself. Unsightly…”

After a few seconds of silence, Xiaoxiao pouted as she rose up from the bed.

“Well, I’ve seen it all—it’s no biggie.”

Pulling the corners of the sheets, she covered the naked body of that man.


The lady appeared to especially favor using “pig” to address certain individuals. But upon seeing that Qin Ruo simply lay on the bed lifelessly without moving and remained only partially covered, Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, struggling to adjust him before burying him right into the blanket as if playing a prank.


Like a young girl, Xiaoxiao grunted in satisfaction as she looked at the man who only had his feet poking out of from beneath the sheets, clapping her hands in satisfaction.

That way, she would not be looking at it…

As she breathed in relief, it was only then that she noticed that her clothes were wet and sticky, drenched in sweat after showering a certain man.

Looks like she was not going home: she would have to wash up here, dry her clothes and leave the next day.

Resolving herself as the clothes grew ever uncomfortable on her, Xiaoxiao jogged off back into the bathroom, soaking her clothes into the washing machine.

Then, as she tidied up, another problem occurred to her…

She had no clean clothes with her—there was only Qin Ruo’s towel in the bathroom.

“Have to make do with the clothes in his closet.”

Taking up a towel from the rack, Xiaoxiao hastily wrapped it around her ample, alluring bosom and opened the door, listening carefully for a moment. Then, holding the towel on herself, she tiptoed out of the bathroom…

The closet was inside Qin Ruo’s bedroom.

Xiaoxiao poked her head from the door to spy how things were inside, and silently entered after ensuring that the breathing sounds remained steady as ever.

She opened the closet.

“Which one?” Xiaoxiao’s face was flooded in redness as she stood before the closet, her breathing hurried as she stood inside her loved one’s bedroom wrapped in naught but a towel, with said person lying just two meters away. It felt like she was a thief stealing something from another’s home, afraid to breathe loud in fear of waking Qin Ruo from sweet slumber.

In that very moment, she became acutely aware that the breathing sounds were gone, with only the sounds in her thumping audible.

Startled, Xiaoxiao turned around—the blanket was still over Qin Ruo and his head still buried.

The rhythmic breathing, however, was gone.

Her face turning pale and her heart tightening, a terrible thought flashed through her mind.


Shouting in a rather trembling voice, Xiaoxiao ran to the bed and pulled off the blankets.

“Ah… Oh!”

The instant the sheets were pulled away, the bedroom lights turned off abruptly.

Xiaoxiao’s cries of surprise rang at once in the sudden darkness of the bedroom,

“Mmmph… Mmmph….”

The thud of something heavy falling onto the bed.

After a struggle of almost ten seconds,

“…Ruo, no…”

The plain white towel was thrown to the ground.

Clearly, resistance was futile.


The towel off, the heated and soft body sank into Qin Ruo’s embrace without anything in between. It was somehow very cold, and yet also a suffocating flame that could immolate a person.

Reaching out with both hands to caress the rather trembling skin, Qin Ruo clearly felt the beauty in his arms quivering with his own movements, freezing, listening to the hurried breaths that seemed to be stuck in her throat, and that fragrance which left him in a craze.

“No… Ah!”

Invasive fingers swept across the highlands. Before Xiaoxiao could muster a stronger resistance, he swiftly grasped that icy petal upon the perkiness, his firm offensive turning her resistance into a series of rushed, drawn out breaths.

The bulbous softness kept changing shape in Qin Ruo’s palm as his movements became rough. It was until that he felt the tears on her cheeks and the slightly pained groans that she held back that he panicked.

“I’m sorry, Xiaoxiao. I…”

Feeling the guilt and regret in the voice of the man she loved, Xiaoxiao knew that Qin Ruo had misunderstood.

A pair of arms and a fragrant wind enveloped him. A small, wet mouth stopped Qin Ruo from finishing and dispelled his uncertainty. As Qin Ruo’s disobedient hands went on the attack again, Xiaoxiao endured the sensation of those fingers wandering around her sensitive parts and sending shockwaves across her body and soul.

She placed her heated cheeks on Qin Ruo’s chest.



Captivated, Qin Ruo buried himself in Xiaoxiao’s hair, drawing in the intoxicating fragrance as he teased her delicately sensitive earlobes. Meanwhile, his demonic hands kept playing around her smooth skin, diving deep… relishing it whenever she stirred.

“Don’t… hurt me… Uhm…”

Xiaoxiao’s voice conjured the image in Qin Ruo’s head that the person in his arms was a poor kitten, and his movement at once became delicate. Softly lifting her still-warm and embarrassed face in the darkness, he gazed lovingly into the eyes that glinted with a mysterious twinkle. Then, as if to inject all emotion within, he tightly sealed her dainty lips that embodied unlimited passion.


Slippery, sweet tongues tangled with immeasurable passion, sucking naughtily as the temperature in the room elevated.

There was no telling how much time had passed when Qin Ruo felt his neck tighten: Xiaoxiao’s soft, quivering breath spoke beside his ear.

“Ruo. It’s… my first time…”

“Love me.”

When those words were uttered with the hint of a shudder, Qin Ruo felt the hands over his neck slipped to his back, trembling but holding on tightly. Her legs, held together in a brace, slowly spread apart beneath Qin Ruo’s body…

Her eyes now adapted and able to see clearly in the darkness, Xiaoxiao waited for that single moment. Biting her lip, her expression one of anticipation and doubt.

In that one moment, Qin Ruo felt his mind clearing like never before.

Arching his back, he kissed Xiaoxiao gently on her forehead.

“It’s my first time too…”

“I love you.”

Another tender moment. Soft moans began to rapidly echo from the bedroom…

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