MMORPG: The Elementalist Chapter 590 - Reconfiguration
Chapter 590: Reconfiguration

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In a secret underground research facility somewhere…

Within a hall spanning an area of two thousand square meters, completely surrounded by durable titanium and ceramic walls, a hundred uniformed workers worked busily in front of a bank of complicated electronic equipment, which wouldn’t be out of place at a big concert.

At the center of the hall, an colossal V-shaped mechanism loomed in the air over it all, like the queen of a hive. It looked a lot like a wasp’s nest made from transparent crystal, but also like a supercomputer festooned with countless monitor screens, all flashing non-stop at high speed!

This was the most technologically advanced collection of information in the modern world: High Wisdom!

The people working feverishly throughout the hall, meanwhile, were comprised of the world’s foremost scientists and game designers.

However, ever since High Wisdom was made the main processor for ‘Honor & Glory’, bringing together meticulously crafted programming and story-writing in order to create an entire virtual world, these people were no longer allowed to control anything directly. All they did now was supervise and oversee the process, watching over their shared creation.

But today, with approval from the powers that be, they would actually be going into the game for the first time ever, in order to conduct announcements and preparations for the upcoming Grand Tournament, as well as the big events that would be following after!

To the left stood a dozen people of varying ages, wearing immaculate white uniforms, their ardent gazes fixed upon a massive bank of crystal screens upon the wall, displaying hundreds of scenes being highlighted to them by High Wisdom.

If any of the players in the game could be in here, watching all the myriad battles that were playing out on the screens, they wouldn’t be able to believe their own eyes.

Across the screens, one could see through the eyes of the top players in ‘Honor & Glory’. The time displayed in the corner showed that these playbacks were going on live, meaning that over a hundred players were actively being monitored and examined by the group.

“Is the promotional video ready?”

A man walked over, accompanied by two others, like a general flanked by advisors. “We’re preparing to broadcast it directly to the mid- and low-tier players right now. We’ll be ready momentarily! As for the high-tier players, there are still three parties to go.”

One dozen people turned to bow in unison as they responded to the older workman, immediately giving him their full, undivided attention.

“Overseer? You’ve come here in person?” The one who’d asked the question was visibly startled. Hurrying over to the elderly man’s side, he whispered, “It’s okay to just leave these trivial matters to the others, there’s no need to trouble yourself—”

“It’s alright.” The overseer waved off the man’s objections. “It’s not every year that we get to make contact with High Wisdom directly. If I miss it this time, who knows when the next chance will be? Oh yes, come take a look at this…”

“I personally selected these seven high-level trials to monitor closely. See if any changes ought to be made.”

Immediately, the lieutenant turned his attention to the indicated screens. Nearby, a white-clad worker explained what was going on:

“The overseer selected these top players from the ranks of the greatest Field Commanders and the elite. Each one has been placed in a deadly, high-difficulty trial.”

“Death Jesus, of the Demon Faction, has been placed in Hurricane Wolf Valley. High Wisdom reports an 89% mortality rate in this area, and a difficulty rating of 90%. Life expectancy at one minute and one second.”

Frowning, the lieutenant watched until Death Jesus was finally torn to pieces by winged wolves in mid-air. The fight hadn’t even lasted twenty seconds.

“Hold on, I thought the monsters in the Mirage were capped at Level 60!”

“That’s right. Hurricane Wolves are Level 59, powerhouses in both physical and magical combat, with speed comparable to a Boss monster—and their speed is further boosted within the Valley! They have the ability to defeat Elemental Perception.”

“A Level 54 elite player slain by a dozen Tier 5 monsters. It makes for a shocking spectacle, especially considering the prestige of this player. Excellent promotional material.” The lieutenant glanced uncertainly at the overseer, who nodded in response.

Without any change in expression, the overseer allowed the presenter to continue with his narration.

“Next, the Angel Faction’s ‘Remorseless Warrior’, in the Zone of Killer Sharks. Mortality rate in the area is 89%, 90% difficulty rating, life expectancy: one minute, forty-seven seconds.”

The man watched how events played out, and then nodded again.

There were still few Berserkers who deserved to be recognized among the elite, and Remorseless Warrior just happened to be one of those who were almost good enough. In terms of skills, equipment, and level, he was excellent across the board.

His only fault was being too aggressive. Without understanding the ultimate objective of this stage, he kept falling one step short of victory, always perishing in needless battle.

It could easily become a hot topic of discussion.

“The premier Radiant Priestess of the Angel Faction, Violet Orchid. She was sent to the Forest of Death, an area with a recorded mortality rate of 90%, difficulty rating of 89%, and a projected life expectancy of one minute and fifty seconds.”

“This Priest is quite exceptional. Among the high-tier female players we’re monitoring, she continues to stand out for now,” the presenting staff member stated.

“Impressive.” The lieutenant nodded in acknowledgement.

The presenter went on to show Berserker Lord, Leon, and White Eyes from the Demon Faction, and Black God from the Angel Faction. Always, the mortality rate and difficulty rating were both at around 90%.

“Overseer, where aren’t there any League Masters here?”

Having seen all seven trials, the lieutenant frowned to himself and asked, “If we’re looking at this level of play, the key figures should be Majestic Hero, Netherclaw, Sinistress, and Savior. Why not them? It stands to reason that they would be faced with the toughest challenges on their first visit to the Mirage. Don’t tell me they’ve all made it through already?”

“That’s right.” The overseer spoke up at last. “Out of every one of those names you’ve just mentioned, only Savior hasn’t made his attempt yet—the rest have all passed through already.”


“To become the master of an entire League, one’s skills, equipment, and Pet must all be the best anyone can possibly have. That’s how it’s always been. However, it’s true that I’d like to watch three more: Savior, Qin Ruo, and the other two League Masters.”

(Translator’s Note: Sic erat scriptum.)

At this, the overseer gave a signal to one of the people by his side, and two new perspectives appeared on the compound screens. And then he announced:

“I’ve just instructed them to raise the difficulty by 2%.”

The lieutenant gaped in horror.

Past the 90% mortality rating, each percentile point represented a completely different level of difficulty and danger. If a minimum rating of 95% was required to pose any challenge to these top League Masters, raising it by a further 2% meant almost certain death, with virtually no hope of making it through alive.

(Translator’s Note: Author probably meant to write: ‘Past the 90% difficulty rating…’ But honestly both appear to be random numbers anyway.)

This was, perhaps, a little too much.

“Are you certain this is appropriate, overseer?”

“Relax. Upper management has agreed to it. They’re also hoping to create a big stir through this minor reconfiguration. A few sacrifices are necessary. Dying in the Mirage won’t result in any loss of equipment, anyway, and each death reduces the next difficulty rating by 2%. With their skills, there shouldn’t be any question of eventually making it past the first stage.”

The overseer’s words brought some measure of relief to those present.

All eyes turned to one of the screens.

“Ah, it’s him!”

Seeing a face that was now well-known to every player in ‘Honor & Glory’, the lieutenant was moved to speak.

The signature white robes of an Aquamancer, standing still within the hellish lightning storm, a portrait of awe-inspiring serenity!

“What’s he doing?”

The overseer watched the Aquamancer, completely still but for his frantically racing thoughts, and declared with some amusement, “He’s thinking.”

One of the staff members by his side couldn’t help smiling at this. “Qin Ruo, of the Angel Faction. He’s found himself in the ‘Field of Annihilation’, an area with a 97% mortality rate and a difficulty rating of 99%. Every inch is a struggle here.”

The lieutenant gave a cold look to the one who’d spoken, and shot a dispassionate glance at the overseer, who was watching the display of Qin Ruo’s first-person view with rapt attention. Then he turned and walked away.

97% mortality rate? 99% difficulty rating?

Under those conditions, the player had basically been denied a fair fight. The overseer and those around him, they were exploiting Qin Ruo and the others for the sake of getting a free show.

Was there any point in watching one of the stars of H&G being abused to death like this?

“Not watching?” At some point, the overseer had turned towards the three people, who’d already walked a dozen meters away.

The lieutenant halted, his expression morose, and didn’t even look back as he replied. “It’s more than enough to have the overseer handling this. I’m going to check on the performance of the Exchange System, and see how the other events are proceeding.”

“Good idea. We need to make sure all of that goes smoothly, since it affects banks and livelihoods around the world. ‘Honor & Glory’ is no longer any mere game.” The overseer nodded to himself as he yammered on, and then turned back to continue observing Qin Ruo in the Field of Annihilation.

“Overseer, this guy is playing pretty cautiously. He still hasn’t made a single move yet. Could it be that he’s noticed something’s off?” a young staff member wondered uncertainly.

The overseer smiled genially. “An increase in difficulty rating of 2% is an acceptable deviation for High Wisdom. As long as the processor can handle the change that we’ve made, no one inside the game will notice any difference.”

“But…” Having borne witness to countless battles already, the younger man had become very familiar with the many trials of the first stage. “The Field of Annihilation was already a nightmare to begin with, hence the 97% mortality rate.

“Each stroke of lightning is equivalent to a Tier 6 area-attack spell, dealing up to four hundred and twenty Magical Damage. On the slopes, there’s a hundred-percent chance of getting hit. Considering the ‘Winter Demon’ Qin Ruo’s Magical Resistance, after scaling a couple of slopes, there’s a good chance he’ll notice what’s wrong.”

“True enough.” The overseer’s smile did not fade, nor did his gaze waver by the slightest. “But, like you said, he’ll have to make it past a couple of those hills to do that…

“… You think he can pull it off?”

The younger man stood frozen to the spot, turning despite himself to look out upon the Field of Annihilation, a labyrinth of hills beneath the constant flicker of lightning. He fell silent.

That’s right… With that thing there, not even the Winter Demon himself could hope to survive.

As he thought this—at long last, there was movement!

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