Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin Chapter 230 230: Too Ordinary

Lia went from one place to another, seeing her entire past about her progression and just the sheer amount of growth she had experienced inside the Tower.

Seeing what she was capable of inside the tower, even she was taken aback to some extent. Due to her lack of memories, she had no idea about her true strength.

All the capabilities that she received from the system when she was alive and all the new skills she had learned... She only remembered a fraction of them. Most of these skills came as a surprise even to her.

The more she saw, the more she realized just how incomplete she was without these memories.

Moreover, she had considered Osiris to be her enemy, but the reality was quite different. Even inside the tower, Osiris didn’t attack her even once, even though he was also a King of Sin and perfectly capable of doing that.

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Contrary to her expectations, Osiris only helped her even more. Since everyone from their world hated her, that included the other Kings as well. It was only Osiris who stood between her and the other King of Sins.

It was Osiris who made them all promise that they weren’t going to kill each other. They didn’t know what exactly this once was, but they knew that they needed to work together if they wanted to find out more about this place.

If they fought amongst themselves, it could only weaken them further and make them vulnerable to the risks of the future.

Thanks to Osiris, who was still respected by the others, an agreement was reached where everyone was going to climb individually, and no one was going to become an obstruction in each other’s path.

From the group, Osiris was the fastest climber, way faster than even Lia. By the time Lia was only on the ninth floor, Osiris had already cleared the tenth floor to enter the true tower, where he had come to know that there were more kings in the tower, being from different worlds.

It was at that time that he realized that the tower was even more godly than he had expected initially. He was also happy that they didn’t fight amongst each other.

Lia continued climbing at her usual pace, gaining more and more experience along the way. Osiris had a different approach than Lia.

While Osiris was only focused on clearing the quests to climb faster, Lia was more focused on getting stronger so she could protect herself.

Unlike Osiris, who focused on quests, Lia focused more on experience. Even though she was taking longer than Osiris on each floor, she was gaining more experience points on each floor compared to him.

Things progressed whole smoothly for each of them as they reached the Middle Realm of the Tower. That’s when things started becoming more complicated.

In the middle realm of the Tower, only two people from Lia’s worlds managed to arrive. One of them was Osiris, while the other was Lia herself. Everyone else from their World had died on the journey, leaving only two.

"Isn’t that... You?" Lia exclaimed, stunned as she saw Raphael on the 50th Floor as well.

Even Raphael was slightly taken aback to see him there. At the moment, they were seeing Lia’s memories and not his. Despite that, they were able to see him. That meant Lia and Raphael were from a similar timeline, and they actually came across each other before.

Lia was with Osiris at the moment as Osiris was asking her for a teamup since Challenges were going to get hard from this point on.

At the same time, Raphael walked past them.

Lia in the memories, couldn’t help but look at Raphael. She felt a really strange aura when Raphael walked past her. Based on that aura alone, she was sure about one thing. It was that Raphael was quite strong.

Just the aura of Raphael was in a different league altogether. It was her first time seeing someone so strong. She was sure that this guy came here from the higher floors.

Raphael’s presence made her assured that Osiris was right. From this point on, they didn’t just have to fight all the trials of the Floors. They also had to fight the other Kings who had more experience and more strength than them.

Since anyone could go to any floor in the middle realm, it was harder for people on the lower floors who had just arrived there. There were already people who were at the peak who could kill them. It was only an uphill battle for them at this point.

Osiris and Lia agreed to work together, at least until they reached the 80th floor and could fight for themselves.

Lia was more focused on herself in the memories and her agreement with Osiris, wondering how she died if the two of them were working together from this point on. On the other hand, Raphael was focused on himself.

It was his first time seeing his past self...

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Unfortunately, before he could see more, another portal opened before him. It was time for them to move into the next place in Lia’s memories.

"Don’t worry. You’ll see what happened to you as well," the old man patted Raphael’s shoulder before pushing him and Lia inside the portal. After the two of them were sent inside the portal, the old man still remained outside, gazing at Raphael’s past figure.

He could only shake his head in disappointment before he also stepped inside the portal and disappeared.

After the old man also disappeared, the portal closed.

A new scene appeared before Lia and Raphael. This seemed like the final scene in Lia’s memories as Lia was lying on the ground, bleeding.

There was a sword stabbed in her chest. She was trying to pull out the sword, but through her body, the Sword had entered the earth. Even Lia couldn’t pull the sword outside, no matter how much she struggled.

"What?! Go back! Let me see who did it!" Lia exclaimed in disbelief. She was brought to the part where she died in her memories, but how did she die? She couldn’t even see it. They came a bit late in the time, and whoever did it, that person had already left.

They didn’t see who did it or how the battle was that led to this. She wasn’t shown anything!

"You can take us to any point in time! Why did you bring me after everything ended? Take me half an hour back!"

Lia already knew that she had died in the tower, so it wasn’t surprising. What she really wanted to know was how she actually died?

Just what led to her death? And where was Osiris when she was being attacked? Did their cooperation already end at this point in time? Or was it Osiris who attacked her?

Even though Lia had some heavy suspicions on Osiris, there was no evidence. The sword that was stabbed into her chest didn’t belong to Osiris. It wasn’t his Weapon of Sin!

If Osiris wanted to kill her, she was sure that he would’ve used his own Sword to attack her and not just a random unknown Sword. So the chances of it being him were very unlikely. But then who? Another King?

"No. We can’t go back to your past anymore. This is the last moment that you can see. If you want to know who did it, then you need to remember the rest yourself," the old man commented, not giving in. He had already shown Lia more than enough. Despite that, she didn’t regain her memories.

At this point, if she remembered the rest or not, it was all on him.

After her initial struggle to free herself, Lia finally lost her life.

Raphael flew closer to Lia’s lifeless body on the ground, slightly curious. He was a bit attracted by the sword for some reason, not knowing why. The sword that was used to kill Lia looked very ordinary... A bit too ordinary for someone at this stage to use, which was suspicious.

He landed near the lifeless body of Lia and observed the sword.

He observed the sword, mostly the mark on the Sword’s hilt, observing a carving on it.

He could see a moon carved on the hilt of the sword. Somehow, it also looked like there was a crack in the moon.

"Who could use a sword like this which is so weak that it can only be used by human soldiers?" he wondered.


In another place, a young man was sitting on the bed. There were a few weapons placed on the bed before the young man, one of them being a very ordinary looking Sword, which had a cracked moon carving on it.

Right beside that Sword, there were two Gauntlets that were lying. Not too far from the Gauntlets, there were a few more weapons.


The young man’s attention was attracted by the knocking on the door.

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