Multi-Gene Chapter 194 - Galvanizing Fist

Upon hearing claire’s words, Jason’s face darkened and he felt as though he had been toyed with.

He grew increasingly annoyed as he scanned everywhere with increased scrutiny but he failed to find the exact location of where that guy was at.

"I advice you to come out your self and do not force me to find you or you will surely regret it." Jason warned with a stern tone. But after a few seconds of nothing happening, his face twitched in fury.

Jason then gritted his teeth with resolution. He didn’t want to have to activate his trump card but since the situation is like this, he had no choice but to do this. He only three uses left of the original five uses but now, this guy is forcing him to waste one more, it made him very angry.

He grabbed a large B- shape glasses from his bag and then put it on.

"Claire, activate the thermal vision. I want to see how the bastard will hide this time." Jason punched a rusted steel machine in anger, making it crumble as though it was made of wood.

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"Understood." Claire replied.

In less than a few seconds, Jason’s vision darkened, he couldn’t see anything. Looking down at his legs, he could only see two blurry images shaped like his legs.

From this, he knew the thermal vision had been activated. He turned his gaze towards the entrance and saw a faint and blurry orange images of his footsteps. It was faint and not clear at all and it showed a few traces of it clearing away with time.

Now that he knew it was working, he began to scan every nook and cranny of the basement and after a few second of observation, he saw a very faint image of a blurry silhouette of a human next to a wall.

Squinting his eyes, Jason smartly said. "Make the thermal vision active in only one eye."


Very soon, he could see clearly what was happening.

Letting out a sly smirk, Jason’s muscles shook violently and his heart thumped abruptly, letting out a few rapid pounding sound.

In the next second, he grunted and he abruptly let lose a punch to the wall where the faint traces of a orange human silhouette could be seen.

"Galvanising Fist!"

"Crackle! Boom!"

Faint amount of electricity crackled from his fist, blasting out a hole in wall. That section of the wall fell apart instantly and turned black from the lightning he had produced.

Jason rapidly stepped back to avoid the dust and sand. His breathing was heavy and small beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead as he had used his most powerful move in that attack.

He focused his gaze in that area, using his thermal vision to peer through the dust and sand. But unfortunately, he still couldn’t find anything.

His expression turned awful. He was about to sat something to his AI when suddenly, his figure blurred and he made a rapid retreat backwards. His back towards the entrance of the basement.

David wasn’t one to be merciful towards a potential enemy. His figure somehow emerged out of nowhere and he let loose punch towards the young man’s direction.


David’s fist smashed ferociously on the chest of his enemy. But his opponents wasn’t a weakling either.

His face bore the brunt of an electrifying fist.

Slightly dazed, David’s body was forced to a stop. His eyes widened suddenly and he hurriedly steadied himself, using the opportunity to catch the incoming fist attack.

He met another strike with his right kneel before striking hard with his elbow.


A massive cloud of dust rose up in the area where Jason had been brutally hit.

Jason staggered backwards two step with his face flushed before he lifted up his clenched fist for another strike.


He pressed his crackling hands against David’s chest. His moves were very fast and sharp, and mostly unpredictable just like the attribute he had chosen and most importantly, his every move had some kind of numbing effect against the opponent.

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This style of combat was the most troublesome to deal with.

At that moment, a flurry of kicks, punches and different kinds of attacks landed on each other letting out a dull and muffled Thump sound.

Suddenly, David abruptly grabbed onto the fist of his opponents and he clenched unto them with power he had t utilised previously which was almost twice of the strength he had been using previously.

"It’s over." David said casually. He had had enough already and this guy doesn’t seem to know any combat skills. He only just relied on the effect of the electricity he had accumulated.

David found this type of fight exceptionally boring. He had thought he would learn a thing or two from the Fight but he guessed that not everyone could be like Phyllida, so he just shook his head and gave up the thought of learning any combat skills from this guy.

Jason’s eyes widened in disbelief he felt as if his hands had been held tightly by a very strong vice grip.

He didn’t dare to struggle wantonly as he feared he might just break the joints in his wrist.

Suddenly, his muscles shook widely and he burst out in an abrupt roar, some how breaking free of David’s hold of his fists.

Vaguely visible amount of electricity was pumped out of his body and moved along side the veins in his body wildly and unpredictably. His head was stunned and all of his rough and tangled hair stood on end instantly.

His fist crackled and in a weird angle that seem to change imperceptibly, his fist moved like a real thunder bolt and he smashed it against his opponents chest.

"Lightning Fist!"

David scoffed suddenly and with the back of his hands, he deflected the fist sideways.

"Meaningless Struggle." David other arm moved. It seem to have transformed into a finger sword and he jabbed at the chest of his opponents.

David’s other arm formed a finger sword and he tapped onto the chest of his opponent. His finger seem extremely slow but his finger had tapped into Jason’s chest with extremely fast speed.


In a loud, violent and explosive shockwave, Jason’s entire upper body bent backwards like a shrimp and his skin rapidly turned red from blood interruption.

He staggered backwards and then fell to his kneels while breathing heavily. His eyes locked onto David, filled with slight fear and a decent amount of awe.

David strolled forwards slowly with his arms behind his back as he gazed at his opponent casually. "When I saw its over, it is really over."

Jason let out a slight chuckle as he replied "You are very strong."

David furrowed his brow as he gazed at his opponent intently. He felt something was wrong. This guys seen to know no fear. Anyways, will knock him out first and use the opportunity to use the Insta-Heal serum.

Although David was still injured, taking care of some guy with that level of strength was still within his limits.

Withdrawing his arms from his back, David moved towards his opponent and lifted his hands to the neck of his opponent, prepared to knock him out for good.

Jason’s flushed gave and body suddenly lost its redness and it went back to normal.

Jason suddenly stood up with an abrupt motion and he crossed his arms in front of his body. As the hands collided, they bounced back and sounded as though they had activated something terrifying.

Suddenly, a few mechanical and whirling sound emerged from behind him. His clothes burst apart and two new pair of arms emerged from behind him. Just like a Mutants’. And at the edge of each fingers, where different sharp tools that could severely injure someone.

Like a sharp rotating needle installed in one finger, a twisting drill in the second, a moving saw teeth in the third finger, etc. It was a sight that seem to come out from a horror movie with a mad scientist in it.

Moreover, the two mechanical muscular Arms were twice the size of his original arms.

Jason let out an annoying smirk and he whispered. "Four Galvanizing Fist!"

His arms spread open like he was hugging the world. Electricity seem to come to life as it moved from the arms behind him onto the four fist that was currently clenched tightly. They punched at David from every angle and direction.

David hurriedly raised his arms in front of his body, bracing himself from the attacks. As Jason made the transformation, his speed became twice as fast and twice as unpredictable making it Incredibly difficult to pin down.

His skin began to crack open, spilling out a few amounts of blood and charred smoke began to appear on David arm after a moment and this was despite the protection of his bronze body. He was somehow forced to retreat backwards slowly.

David’s eyes were wide open in surprise. But it was to be expected. He could barely use his whole strength anyways.. He just didn’t expect this outcome.

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