Multi-Gene Chapter 687 Pirates Space

Upon this revelation, David was stunned and then immediately annoyed by the fact that he couldn’t use the same gene path he used for the Vampire gene for the Werewolf gene. But when he thought deeply about it, he then understood.

Bothe the Vampire gene and the Werewolf gene are natural enemies. The fact that he managed to practise the two legacy technique was mainly due to luck. The acquisition of the Unity technique was the luck part as without it, he would never have been able to practise the Teo legacy technique together. But it seems the limit for the Unity technique had been reached and could only be used until the Hexa-gene phase. As for the atman stage, the level of the technique wasn’t high enough for his current realm.

Which simply means that he would either have to find a higher level technique similar to the unity technique or take his time, creating another gene path different from the route of the Vampire gene in his body.

Thinking of how long it would take, an headache began to pound on David’s head and he immediately shook his head. Refusing to think too deeply about it. There wasn’t anough to time to create another gene path. Moreover, it would drain him for quite sometime, therefore, it was better to do it after the Cosmic Genuis Meet. While he would gain even more power with the Werewolf body’s advancement, it was simply not worth it. As he would be unable to use his hybrid form to change the tide of the battle and the strength, resilience and durability that accompanied the werewolf gene would not be usable during the period of his scarring.

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Normally, David wouldn’t care about anything and choose to improve his strength immediately but this time was different. For certain, there will be danger at his destination, reducing his strength would mean certain loss or even worse, death.

Just as David was thinking about it, the entire ship shook massively. David opened his eyes and with a click from his watch, the window across from him hummed and immediately turned transparent.

David stared at the window and what he saw made his brows furrow deeply. What he saw made him deeply worried.

There was actually space ship moving behind the Public transport ship.

The spaceship was a menacing sight to behold, with a sleek and jagged hull that seemed to be made of a dark, metallic material. The ship’s surface was covered in sharp edges and spikes, giving it a menacing and aggressive appearance that struck fear into the hearts of anyone who saw it.

The ship was also incredibly agile, with thrusters positioned at strategic points along the hull that allowed it to make rapid and unpredictable movements in space.

The ship’s weapons were equally impressive, with laser cannons, plasma torpedoes, and even a devastating energy beam that could slice through an enemy vessel with ease.

As the ship moved through space, it left a trail of shimmering particles in its wake, adding to its already intimidating appearance. The ship’s engines emitted a deep, rumbling growl that could be felt as much as heard, adding to the sense of power and danger that it exuded.

Despite its aggressive appearance, the ship was also equipped with a range of stealth technology, including cloaking devices and silent running engines, allowing it to sneak up on the Public spaceship without warning, catching them off guard. The pirate spaceships fired at the Vessel. The Vessel had already activated its high energy shield, and a light-yellow energy shield protected the spaceship like an eggshell. The scavenger spaceships were much smaller than Short Horn Star, but they were also much more agile because of that. They dodged the attacks and dashed around, but the space ship could not dodge anything due to its large size—it could only endure the attacks with its shield.

In that instant, there was a loud humming sound as the intimidating ship fired a grappling hook attached to a length of heavy iron chain at the Public vessel. The hook had sharp claws that tore through space with a soft screeching sound as it latched onto the Transport ship’s hull.

The transport space ship had actually been locked down by some anchor chained to another space ship.

As the sharp claws of the grappling hook dug into the hull of the vessel, the intimidating ship wasted no time in activating the ship’s thrusters, the engines roaring to life, pouring fort massive bouts of fire into combustible flames into space as they pulled the captured vessel to a screeching halt.

The ship bucked and shuddered, its engines straining against the weight of the pirate ship’s chain. Sparks flew from the damaged hull as the two vessels ground against each other.

"Space Pirates?"

The words had just escaped his lips when a voice transmission rang out from the wall of his room. "This is the captain speaking, we are so sorry for the inconvenience, please do not panic as we will need a few minutes before we resume the journey. In the meanwhile, food and drinks will be half priced during this period, do enjoy your stay with us."

The pirates ship’s thrusters hummed with energy as it maneuvered into position, its docking ports and airlocks lining up perfectly with those of the Short Horn Transport vessel.

The pirates worked quickly and efficiently, their practiced movements a testament to their years of experience raiding other ships.

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pαndα`noν?1--сoМ The pirates activated the docking mechanisms. The ship’s computer hummed to life, sending out a series of electronic signals to the captured vessel’s own docking system. The two systems communicated with each other, aligning the docking ports and ensuring that they were ready to connect.

As the two ships drew closer, the magnets in the pirate ship’s docking mechanism began to activate, generating a powerful magnetic field that would draw the captured vessel towards it. The clamps then locked into place, securing the two vessels together with a resounding clunk that echoed through the pirate ship’s hull.

The airlocks between the two ships were now completely sealed, creating a secure connection that would allow the pirate crew to move freely between the two vessels. and the two vessels locked together with a resounding clunk, sealing off the airlocks to create a secure connection between the two ships.

David squinted his eyes, staring as the other space ship docked above the public transport but then removed his eyes. It wasn’t any of his business anyways. Since the captain had spoken that everything was alright, it means they could handle it, right?

Moreover, he was currently occupied with his current problem right now and wasn’t really bothered by the things happening.


The entire space ship shook massively and it’s gravitational device malfunctioned. Instantly, the force threw David upwards, to the roof. David’s face changed drastically but in the blink of an eye, his muscles spammed rapidly, releasing shockwaves. Instantly his body changed position as his feet went upside down, stomping heavily at the roof of the ship instead of landing with his head. His fast reflex had actually saved his at the last moment.

Once the gravity device resumed working, David landed back on his feet to the ground but his face wasn’t lookin too good. If his reflex and speed wasn’t fast enough, he would have been knocked out. Obviously, the force wasn’t enough to kill him.

David hurriedly exited his room, he also saw other people of different species, coming out from their rooms in panic and terror.

"What the hell is happening?" A young man with gills on his face spoke, using a device in planted in his throat.

A Kerkrade, man with crocodile skin nervously walked over and said, "These are The Black Phantom Pirates— I can’t believe they are attacking so publicly. If this spaceship can’t withstand it, we’re all done for. I haven’t lived long enough."

"You don’t say… No one’s lived long enough.""Then what can we do?" Another person answered with sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"We only can counter attack if we have weapons." David thought quickly. The spaceship did not allow possession of weapons except in special cases, such as implants that could not be removed.

"All of the luggage and equipment is stored in the warehouse of the spaceship." A waitress with two glowing snail like antennas on her head replied.

"Okay, we need to get to the weapon compartment, my weapons are there," Kerkrade said.

The man with the gill grabbed the female attendant and yelled, "Where’s the warehouse?"

Without saying a word, the man with the gill was going to dash out of the hall immediately, but the female attendant hurriedly said, "Wait, don’t leave. The spaceship had entered safe mode, so the exit to the hall is locked, and no one can get out…"

The pirate and the Vessel were still in a stalemate. Most of the passengers were watching in horror. David was not acting on impulses—he just never liked to let others decide the outcome, always wanting to have the upper hand.

If the Vessel could escape successfully, of course, that would be the best outcome, but if its defenses were broke through, these actions that he took now in advance would be crucial. If they only started to prepare themselves after they break in, it would be too late.

David followed the group ran for about ten minutes. The tremors from the attacks never stopped. They could feel the Vessel trying to speed up, but it just could not enter the wormhole tunnel. knew that David something was wrong.

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