Mutagen Chapter 1023 Possession, Resonation Of Evil Desires

Day 341 - 12:27 PM - Mitsui Clan Ancestral Hall, Skyz Towers & Gardens, Toyosu, Reclaimed City, Ruins of Tokyo

Within the few floors of the Skyz Towers & Gardens that the Mitsui Clan owned, the members of the clan were in utter chaos. The fact that the Clan Head had died had already spread to the members.

And within the room dedicated as the new ancestral hall, Keiji and a few elders stood. Within the center of the room in front of them, two jade figurines stood on an altar.

These antique jade figurines forming a pair of an adult and a child were no regular items. Although these items might have a different appearance, enthusiasts of Chinese Novels should know about them.

[Life Jades]. These figurines were artifacts known as such. A [Life Jade] connected to a person’s life force would show that person’s state whether they were in a dangerous predicament, still living, or if that person had died. Lower grades of these jades would shatter upon the death of the person linked to it. However, the [Life Jades] the Mitsui Clan had was a little different as it could be passed down and change owners.

In fact, these [Life Jades] were acquired from China during the Second World War and landed in the hands of the Mitsui Clan afterward. Such artifacts did not exist in Ancient Japan, after all.

The two [Life Jades] were extremely precious, and there was no way similar artifacts would be in circulation. It led to a decision that these jades would be passed down to the Clan Head and the current Heir. In the current clan’s generation, the adult [Life Jade] was connected to the Clan Head’s, Mitsui Kinjiro, life, while the child [Life Jade] was connected to the current Heir, Keiji. The luster of the jades signified the strength of the life force of the two.

But right now, the adult [Life Jade] lacked any kind of luster. And aside from its lacking appearance, there was a darker line on the adult jade’s neck, indicating the cause of the Clan Head’s death.

The Clan Head was beheaded. And looking at the weirdly perfected slanted cut that connected the chin and the nape, it was a coded message that could only be done by either being killed voluntarily or by suicide.

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And that message was...

The Mitsui Clan must evacuate immediately due to danger that could cause its members to be utterly wiped out.

Keiji gripped his fist tightly. He was raised as the embodiment of the Mitsui Clan’s ambitions. The plans they had prepared for so long had flaws. However, the flaws were negligible enough if everything was executed perfectly.

So far, they followed everything step by step. Things should have been in their favor.

The cooperation with the Demons was just the start. Trapping the Priestess and Empress at the right time, the Demons should not have faced any resistance due to the sudden invasion while everyone was focused on forming the alliance. The blizzard kept everyone from the streets, and an invasion that happened before lunch kept everyone’s stomach empty and made resistance even lesser, if there was any.

Yet, instead of protecting the Priestess, the Onmyojis, Priests, and Maidens of the Temple appeared by the coast to deter the invaders. It was as if they knew from the beginning that an attack would happen. The Black Lotus, which should have been irreparably crippled as a Territorial Group, made a comeback with their supposedly dead members returning alive and stronger.

Ren, who Keiji was sure had died, returned in a way he could not fathom. He was sure she was dead. She was stabbed through her heart by Mako. Yet, the Master could only flee after being overpowered by the current Ren.

What was happening? Keiji could not fathom where things went wrong. Generations of accumulation of wealth and power were lost when the Apocalypse began. Once again, months of preparation to take over the Reclaimed City were for naught.

Keiji trembled as an awful thought surfaced in his mind. He immediately turned around, leaving everyone in the ancestral hall.

"Oniisama, where are you going?"

A man, who looked like a younger version of Keiji, called out.

Keiji turned his head. He looked at his younger brother, Mitsui Kenji. Kenji was not as involved in the plans, but he had his own capabilities in other fields.

"Take the family away from this place. I have something else to do."

Keiji said to his younger brother as everyone watched, including their mother, Minamoto Akiko, the youngest sister, Sayuri, and the elders of the clan.

"What are you going to do?"

Akiko asked her son, who had a grim look on his face.

However, Keiji did not reply. Some people tried to follow him and persuade him to leave immediately with the others. Nonetheless, he was having none of it. Everyone could only stop after Keiji showed no hesitation as he pointed his katana at the servants and elders.

At this time, the old Master, Hideo, spoke to the others.

"All of you, just get ready to leave. I’ll accompany the Young Master."

Everyone left to prepare as Hideo followed silently behind Keiji.

Keiji walked to the office of the Clan Head. Only he, the Clan Head, and another two elders could open the lock to this room. And that two elders were with the Clan Head, leaving this room untouched after all the chaos.

And on a table at the south side of the room, a long case could be seen lying on an antique table.

Keiji then opened the drawers in the Clan Head’s desk and found the box containing the [Clan Seal] inside. Taking the seal, he approached the long case and used the seal to open it.

Hideo watched the Young Master in shock. There was no doubt what Keiji was planning. However, Hideo knew that this was for naught. No one in the Mitsui Clan had ever wielded that sword, and even Keiji initially failed to do so.

The [Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi] was revealed from the case. A sword that had never been held for hundreds of years.

Keiji held out his hand to the sword. The fact that he had been rejected by it before did not enter his mind. And, just like before, sparks of electricity were emitted from the sword. But Keiji was unwilling to pull back. He continued to try and hold the sword, and the sparks finally reached his hand.

But a surprising thing happened. The sparks did not hurt Keiji. In fact, it attracted his hand like a magnet.

Hideo’s shock exploded when he saw the Young Master hold the legendary sword in his hand. The first thing he thought was that the Mitsui Clan still had hope.

However, that hope was shattered as Hideo heard the words that came out of Keiji’s mouth.

"If the clan can’t have it, no one else can."

Keiji’s eyes showed a darker hue. It was as if black smoke was swirling within his pupils.

And with those words, the sword resonated.

The sword from the tail of the legendary serpent was not looking for a wielder. It was looking for a resonator.

It did not want the Mitsui Clan’s ambition.

It did not want the righteousness of the heroes that wielded it before.

...someone that had the same goals and ideals as its origin.

It was looking for someone to cause chaos, just like its origin.

It was looking for someone like the current Keiji.

Strength surged within Keiji’s body. He then looked at his shocked Master.

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"Escape with everyone. I’ll create an opening."

And without waiting for Hideo’s reply, Keiji ran towards the window. It was a bulletproof window, and this room was on the fortieth floor. Yet, Keiji slashed through the bulletproof window and jumped off.

Hideo rushed to the window and looked down to find the Young Master.


A loud boom was heard even from the upper floors of the building.

Unexpectedly, Keiji fell through that height faster than one would expect. And as the Hideo saw the Young Master, it was as if Keiji had manifested eight tails made of aura, which helped him land safely.

And there...

Chaos ensued.

Many people were evacuated in the streets. Not minding the snow, they were trying to get to the designated shelters due to the current emergency.

But due to bad luck, some of them witnessed Keiji’s fall. That was the last thing they remembered as waves of energy tore their bodies apart. Their blood and flesh tainted the white snow by the streetside.


Many people screamed in horror as they saw the people in front of them suddenly get torn to pieces of flesh.

But those screams did not make Keiji stop. Those screams fed his desire to destroy everything in his path.

Women? Men? It did not matter. No matter the gender, age, or even if it was human or not, Keiji began to reap every life his eyes fell onto. And the more life he reaped, the more the aura tails behind him take a solid, serpentine appearance.

In just a few moments, more than a hundred lives were taken. One of Keiji’s eight tails had already turned physical. His right eye looked like a snake’s, and scales appeared over his right arm, which held the legendary sword.

However, this was not enough.


Keiji roared as soldiers in a nearby shelter responded to the ongoing chaos.


The soldiers immediately opened fire. What they were currently seeing was not the heir of the Mitsui Clan but a monster in the middle of the city.

But to the shock of the soldiers, the ethereal serpentine tails protected the monster from the bullets. And as the monster waved its arm holding the sword, the air in front of them was torn apart, following the bisection of the soldiers in front.

The soldiers shivered in shock and fear as they saw their comrades die without warning.

On the other hand, the captain of the soldiers took a calmer stance.

"Take cover! Weapons free!" The captain shouted. "Call the HQ for explosives!"

Bullets were ineffective against Keiji. The only option left was explosives.

But to the captain’s dismay, the RTO received a negative reply.

"Sir! Most of the explosives are being transported to the docks because of the Demons! They approved to send explosives, but it will take fifteen minutes at the shortest because of the blizzard!"


The captain cursed. They were only here for the rescue of the civilians to the shelter. They were not equipped enough to fight a monster like this.

It was a predicament for the soldiers and the people in the nearby shelter.

"Men!" The captain shouted. "We’re holding the ground! We need to delay this bastard as long as possible! Our families are relying on us!"

The soldiers were afraid. However, their captain was right. In the shelter nearby, some of their families were hiding. Falling back was not an option.

"Brave..." Keiji sneered as he heard the shouts from the soldiers. "But bravery isn’t enough. Power... Strength... That’s what all matters!"

Keiji roared. The soldiers felt the air shiver stronger than the blizzard’s wind.

But as Keiji roared, a hole in space opened in front of the soldiers. Of course, the soldiers froze, stepping back and pointing their guns at the hole.

However, the soldiers were surprised as a familiar figure came out of the hole. There was no way they would not know her.

The supposedly dead leader of the Black Lotus.

It was not only Mitsui Ren. A shorter girl came out of the hole.

There, the soldiers heard the two girls speak.

"I’ll leave you here," The short girl spoke to Ren. "I’ll be watching nearby, so I’ll pick you up if things get dangerous. Your brother turned into a monster, after all."

"Got it."

Ren said, gripping her sword and staring at her brother.

The short girl then entered the hole in space before it vanished, leaving Ren standing between the soldiers and Keiji.

"Onisama," Ren opened her mouth while facing the surprised Keiji. "You unexpectedly turned as hideous as your heart."

"Y-you B*tch! RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"

Keiji roared as anger filled his heart.

The second round between siblings began within the Reclaimed City.

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