Mutagen Chapter 627 To The Next Destination, An Unexpected Addition To The Group

Day 146 - 7:11 AM - Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Quezon Province, Philippines

The sun had barely risen when Mark’s group left the base. Even so, almost everyone was present to send them off.

Well, at least those that were currently present in the base. Spera and Karlene, along with other people, were not here, after all. The former was busy gathering supplies from everywhere she could with the team tasked with it while Karlene was together with her father in New Infanta Settlement with Karla.

Seriously, being able to travel back and forth to see their family and friends was a privilege that only the people in this base had. At least, to a certain degree, as it was not like Spera could open a portal to anywhere she wanted. Also, it was only possible if there was an extra opportunity to open a portal as her ability was critically needed by the base.

When Mark’s group left, it was composed of lesser people. Teremillio’s business was done, and he already reunited with his mother. And thus, he, his mother, and his harem had to stay behind in the base.

Although Teremillio insisted that he wanted to come and be of help to Mark to return the favor, the latter did not allow it. No, his abilities would be even more needed in the base than Mark’s group. Together with Lumeria, the protective layers of their home could be enforced further.

Furthermore, the reason for the reduction of members was because the next journey was unlike the ones before.

The Stone Fortress and the Kingdom of Black Duendes were not far from the location of their base. There was just a mountain or two that was needed to travel to get to those places.

The location of Pefile’s request was not that close to this place.

Was it in Infanta? After all, that was the place where Mark met Pefile and Edzel.

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Unfortunately, no.

The Tamawo was a tribal Spirit Race that originated from the Visayas. Meeting one in Infanta, Quezon, a part of Luzon, was utterly unexpected.

Of course, it was not without any reason. The only thing was that Pefile did not want to say anything until the time was right.

Furthermore, this time, they were not going to travel in the Spirit Dimension. Not only the destination was too far, but traveling on the other side would consume more time and would be even more dangerous compared to the Mortal side of Earth.

Where did they need to go?

The Province of Cebu, in the Municipality of Badian, to be exact. In that place, the Kawasan Falls was located. That was where the entrance to the Kingdom of Tamawos could be found.

It was not surprising considering the tales and legends that bound the Tamawo and the Kawasan Falls. The only question was what Pefile doing in Infanta and how in the world did he have a family there?

In this journey, Teremilio was left behind even though he wanted to come. On the other hand, there was someone in the group that was questioning the reason why he was here in the first place.

It was no other than Edzel. Although he did not dare voice it.

Edzel and Pearl were still among the group. It was not surprising that he was confused since Pefile and Mark did not say anything to him yet about the situation.

Cebu was their final destination on this journey. However, they were not going there yet.

From the location of the Mountain Base, traveling straight to Cebu would need them going towards the south and a little bit southeast direction.

However, the direction they were going at the moment was directly east.

Before going to Cebu, Mark wanted to pass by somewhere else.

Of course, it was not where they would be going at this moment. This direction was towards New Infanta Settlement.

The flight was not too long, and the New Infanta Settlement was in sight. Sure enough, there were a lot of changes since the last time that Mark went here.

The dilapidated houses were now fixed, and the barely finished walls now stood tall. Of course, this was nowhere near compared to the current state of Bay City. However, it was way better than nothing.

Well, while the defenses had been reinforced, it seemed that life here was still not that easy. Everyone had to work hard if they wanted to have their next meal. It was not like the Military would not provide it, but if they ran out, there was no way they could do anything but hunt for themselves.

Sure enough, the appearance of Chaflar, a large dragon, coming from the mountains alerted the people. The soldiers were calm, though. It seemed that they had been informed of the arrival of Mark’s group.

However, it seemed that some people were panicking. It was clear that these people were new here and never saw Chaflar before.

Chaflar landed in the Military camp without problems. Although there were quite many people trying to see what was going on from outside.

Nearby, General Faustino was already waiting alongside the Supersoldier Mercenary, Jones Galley.

"Nice to see you again."

General Faustino greeted with a handshake.

For formalities, Mark accepted the handshake with a sigh.

"We won’t stay long. Is the package ready?"

Mark asked.

The General could only shrug as he beckoned Jones to step forward. In the Mercenary’s hands were two large briefcases, very identical to the one that Mark brought to Bay City Before.

"I apologize for relying on you again with this, but I can’t help but take on the opportunity after hearing that you will go to Catanduanes."

General Faustino smiled bitterly.

Last night, Mark used the radio to contact the General to ask for any kind of information about Catanduanes at the moment. After all, it was one of the locations where a Military Settlement was built.

But of course, the question of whether Mark would go there came up. And to get enough information, Mark had no choice but to say his plan. Thus, the General took the opportunity to rely on Mark once more.

Like back then, when Mark went to Bay City to fetch Mei and the girls, General Faustino wanted Mark to deliver one of the two briefcases to the Catanduanes Settlement. There was no need to ask what was inside the case. It was clear what it contained.

Of course, Mark was compensated like before. In the other briefcase was printed information of Catanduanes Settlement along with a recommendation letter and several vials of [Regeneration Medicine]. This way, Mark’s group would not have any problems entering the settlement there.

"You are really in a hurry, huh?"

Jones said as he handed the briefcases.

"I bet you guys are too."

Mark replied.

Both General Faustino and Jones Galley could only shrug.

"We had been preparing since Alana and Karlene contacted us." General Faustino sighed. "But I want to hear it straight from you. Is this second wave really happening?"

"I’m not sure either." Mark shook his head. "Unfortunately, the source of information is not someone we can’t ignore."


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Jones asked.

"Let’s just say that its someone like a God’s apostle."

"You are serious, right?" Jones could not believe it easily. "I didn’t think that you’re someone religious."

"No, I’m not religious myself. I barely prayed, and the last time was when I’m seven."

Mark explained, making everyone around him look at him incredulously. But then, he added.

"It doesn’t really matter who is the source. It’s not like there’s something bad in preparing for anything bad that could possibly happen."

To Mark’s words, everyone could not help but agree.

There was nothing wrong with preparing for the worst. What was wrong was when you already knew and did nothing until that worst came and you could not do anything but regret.

In the middle of the conversation...

"Hey, Smelly Uncle!"

A shout was heard as the green-haired girl ran into the plaza. Of course, it was no other than the brat dryad-girl Emika. Behind her was her little brother, Mikio, together with Karlene and Karla.

"Who are you calling smelly?" Mark shook his head. "Look, I’m even cleaner than you."

Emika could not help but stop on her steps, looking at Mark and at her clothes. That was right. Mark looked cleaner than her. Even though they were VIP’s here in the settlement, it did not mean that they could squander resources like food and clean water. Right now, the clothes she was wearing were only lightly washed in the river.


Emika could only groan in defeat.

But at this time, Mark noticed that Emika had a backpack on her back. Furthermore, she was wearing some child-sized protection gear.

Instead of asking the girl, however, Mark turned to Karlene.

"What’s going on?"

"This girl heard that you will be coming today. She said that she wanted to come with you."

Karlene said, rubbing her forehead. It seemed that she was also nagged by this girl.

"And she went on like this?"

Mark asked, pointing at her attire that was ready for battle.

"Hey! I got permission from Mom!"

Emika interjected, jumping in front of Mark, trying to block his line of sight.

"But you didn’t get any permission from me. Right?"


The bickering of the two could not help but receive hidden giggles and smiles from the soldiers around them.

At this time, Emika’s mother, Rosamie, appeared, carrying a large backpack together with the mischievous dryad girl’s uncle, Professor Chervil.

As it seemed, Emika really got her mother’s permission. By the looks of it, Rosamie was here to ask Mark to bring Emika with him.

"You want me to bring her with us?"

Mark asked before Rosamie could even say anything.

"Actually, yes." Rosamie was embarrassed. "She had been begging since last night. I can only allow her. Of course, only if you agreed."

"You trust me that much to leave your daughter in my hands?"

Mark asked.

And, of course, Rosamie shook her head.

"Not totally. However, I trust my daughter. I know her. You can’t underestimate her. She won’t interact with anyone that she can’t trust. Even here, our family aside, she’s only interacting with Jones. She doesn’t even play with other children. That’s why I think, you, that can make her behave like a brat like this will be fine."

Mark was quite surprised by that. Who would think that this bratty little dryad would not interact with other people? Now that Rosami mentioned it, he barely remembered Emika talking to other people back then. Only to him.

It was strange.

And to say, Mark felt his nose a bit itchy.

Mark turned to Mei, and she nodded. There was no need to ask her. She would go with anything Mark arranged.

"Hah, alright. You can go with us. But remember to behave or this will be the last time. We are not going out to play."

Hearing those words made Emika smile from ear to ear.

"I know! I’ll behave! I promise!"

Emika then raised her pinkie finger towards Mark. With a sigh, Mark accepted it.

And there, with a bit more farewell and words, Mark’s group left New Infanta Settlement with an unexpected additional member.

And to say, this journey would be noisy, at least, towards Mark.

Even so, Emika’s abilities could be of help, considering that they would deal face the Tamawo, who were forest dwellers.

While riding on Chaflar’s back, Mark started to read the files on the case given to him. Behind him, however, everyone now knew where he wanted to go next.

The place was the Catanduanes Settlement. And unfortunately, none of them why Mark wanted to go there. No one dared to ask either. As for Mei, there was no reason for her to ask at all.

Well, no one dared to ask... Aside from one person.

"Nee, Uncle! Why are we going to Catanduanes?"

The other could only smile bitterly as to how this girl was such a brat towards Mark.

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