Mutagen Chapter 762 Samples, [Mechid Crystal] And [Mechid Latcher]

Day 160 - 5:32 PM - Riverside, Agos River, Base of Mount Malabito, General Nakar, Province of Quezon

While Mark held the cracked capsule containing the radioactive green crystal, the [PsyCrystal] began to glow.

Mark could not help but stare at the crystal embedded on his right wrist, trying to comprehend what was going on.

Of course, this was not the first instance that the [PsyCrystal] glowed.

The first reoccurring time was when the [PsyCrystal] was creating a [Mental Crystal] yearly ever since Mark got it.

The second time was when the [PsyCrystal] reacted to a pair of [Mutagen Stone] creating the first [Physical Crystal] that fell unto Mark’s possession.

The third time was when there was a heavy concentration of paranormal energy in the surroundings that the [PsyCrystal] could absorb.

This situation was the fourth and new instance that the [PsyCrystal] released this kind of glow.

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And this glow should indicate that the [PsyCrystal] wanted to absorb this radioactive crystal.

At this point, Mark started to gather and put the pieces of the puzzle.

[PsyPathogen] from Eriellis and [Mutagen] on Earth. The [PsyCrystal] reacted the same to both pathogens with the very same origination.

And right now, the [PsyCrystal] was giving out the same reaction to this radioactive green crystal.

Mark looked at the capsule and then to the dead body of the half-robot half-organic creature.

"So... This is a concentration of the [Mechid Pathogen]?"

Mark surmised.

However, why was a concentration of the pathogen inside this battery-like capsule? It was also placed in a compartment filled with wirings. Anyone that saw this could tell that it was some sort of power source.

"No, that’s definitely it..."

Mark murmured.

As strange it might be, it was not that surprising.

Weaponizing a virus or pathogen was not a new concept. Not to mention using these things as tools.

Even in Eriellis, Freed and Keeper used the [Mental Crystals] as the power source to the things they called [PsyWeapons]. The [Crystal Converter] that Mark managed to recreate was one of such things.

Here on Earth, the scientists were also trying to use [Mutagen Stones] for scientific purposes. For example, the [Regeneration Medicine] from the already destroyed Real Military Settlement.

This capsule that Mark found might be created by the survivors in CS-11, trying to harness this crystal as a power source. And by the looks of it, they succeeded.

Mark stepped back, looking at the space debris in front of him.

"This might be a broken part of a space pod or something."

It was a reasonable assumption. There was no way that a small compartment like this would be a power station of a big spaceship. It was even more impossible for it to become the artificial planet’s main power grid.

Unfortunately, Mark could only assume. The hollow interior of the space debris in front of him was mangled to an unrecognizable degree. Even the compartment where the capsule was installed would be hard to find if Mark did not melt it off.

While Mark was thinking, the glow that the [PsyCrystal] exuded blinked several times.

"It’s getting impatient..." Mark sighed. "Alright. Here you go."

Mark them shattered the capsule. The green crystal inside then flew towards the [PsyCrystal] and was absorbed into it.

That scene made Mark even more sure that the green crystal might be a high concentration of the [Mechid Pathogen]. It was absorbed into the [PsyCrystal] without resistance, pretty much like a [Mutagen Stone].

After absorbing the crystal, the light on the [PsyCrystal] waned and brightened at fixed intervals. Without a doubt, it was doing something to the green crystal.

In any case, Mark could only shrug. As time went by, the [PsyCrystal] was getting more and more complex. Even back in Eriellis, it was showing faint signs of sentience. It was rather strange since even Keeper, the person that created the [PsyCrystal] with her Psychic Ability, did not know why or how it happened. She just knew that it seemed to have a mind of its own, even capable of choosing its master.

Well, it was not like it was the only time Mark saw a crystal that had sentience. Both the [Oracle] ability of the tribe’s elder and the [Stormcaller Crystal] from the King of Merpeople seemed capable of choosing their owners.

In any case, the dead were already roaming the Earth. There were also the magical races. And now, the mechanical zombies appeared. It was not strange to see a magical ability choosing its owner.

"It looks like it will take time."

Mark said, watching the [PsyCrystal]. It gave out the same feeling when it absorbed the demon in Cebu several days ago.

"I wonder if this thing had a crystal."

Mark turned to the dead body. Nonetheless, he was also skeptical, even though he was the one that said it. The [PsyCrystal] did not react to the dead body, after all.

At this point, Mark was already thinking of going home. It was almost dark already. It was enough scouting for today, considering he got a good find.

However, Mark frowned as he suddenly turned his head to the side.

It was a feeling as if someone or something was watching him. As someone with heightened senses, Mark knew that there was no mistaking it. However, he could not detect anything, well, anything alive.

Mark was already thinking that it was an [Infected]. After all, Mark could not detect them unless they were highly mutated and started to form consciousness or if they were [Monarch Types].

As Mark got ready to fight, a shadow rushed at him from behind.

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Mark immediately sidestepped, avoiding the four-legged creature that was as large as an adult lion.

After missing its target, the creature stopped a few meters away from Mark. It turned around, staring at Mark as if it was studying him.

On the other side, Mark also managed to take a good look at his assailant.

And after seeing the creature, even Mark was supposed to be emotionless, he felt a genuine surprise as he frowned deeper.

What stood in front of Mark was a giant dog. By what it looked like, it should be a mutated labrador. What made Mark frown was the round metallic thing latched unto its head like a Headcrab. From that thing, several metal tubes extended, pierced on different parts of the dog’s body.

There was no need to speculate. Given its appearance, that metal thing should be controlling the dog, considering its behavior that was far different from normal. Besides, that dog was already dead. Mark could not feel any sign of consciousness from it. It did not seem to be an [Infected] either.

For something like this to exist, it definitely had something to do with the [Mechids].

Mark took out his sword-whips, getting ready to eliminate whatever creature this was in front of him.

But then, the dog did an unexpected action.

As Mark readied for the next attack, the dog turned tail and fled.


Mark clicked his tongue as he chased in pursuit. There was no way he would let this thing escape. It could be a dangerous thing. Furthermore, it definitely had the intelligence to deduce that Mark was not prey but a predator and fled without even fighting.

Rushing at a fast speed, Mark immediately caught up and appeared beside the dog. Without hesitation, Mark swung his swords, intending to behead it.

However, the dog jumped sidewards, avoiding Mark’s slash. Then, it fled in a different direction.

It was surprising. However, Mark also felt something familiar as he chased after the dog.

Along with that feeling, a scene from his memories overlapped with the current situation.

The dog, being capable of dodging, was one thing. However, the pattern in fled made Mark remember some things.

It felt like Mark was chasing after an animal inside a game with a preprogrammed [Escape AI].

The dog was not fleeing from Mark because it detected that he was strong. Instead, it was escaping because its preemptive attack was dodged by Mark.

Furthermore, every time that Mark caught unto it, it would not continue running in one direction. Instead, it would turn in the direction that Mark was facing and continue to flee. It happened several times. If Mark positioned himself to the dog’s right, it would turn left and vice versa.


Mark murmured as his aim shifted to the dog’s legs instead of its neck.

As he murmured those words, Mark turned into a surge of black mist that blended into the shadows of the forest.

The dog stopped, as it was unable to see Mark anymore. It looked around in a steady pattern, panning its head from left to right. Rather than looking, it felt more like it was scanning the surroundings.

Unfortunately, the moment it stopped, its fate was sealed in the stone.


The dog lost its balance as its four legs were bisected horizontally.

It seemed to be confused as it tried to kick its legs. The next thing the dog knew was Mark standing behind its helpless body.

Mark, on the other hand, could only frown.

Instead of blood, a black, rotten liquid that smelled like pus was flowing out of the bisected legs of the dog. It was the very same substance that was on the dead body of the [Mechid] earlier.

But then, knowing that its host was already useless, the metallic thing latched on the dog’s head detached, pulling its tubes off from the dog’s body.

Using the tubes as limbs, it tried to run away from Mark.

Unfortunately, it could not, as all it saw was a wall of black mist surrounding it. Unable to find a path out or even analyze the wall of black mist, the metallic thing circled around like a glitched NPC.

Mark watched that scene, tilting his head. Whatever this thing was, it must be some robot with AI. Because of its safety program kicking in, it was not trying to rush through the wall of [Miasma], which was perceived to be dangerous.

Seeing that the metal thing could not go anywhere, Mark turned to the body of the dog. He then shook his head. The entire area of the dog’s head, from its eyes to the back of its ears, was missing. It was the part where the metallic thing was latched unto. And right now, it was oozing with the very same black liquid, along with the holes left by the tubes attached to its body.

"I should bring it back to study."

Mark was determined to study this metal thing he caught. It could be a source of valuable information about [Mechids]. It was one of the things they needed in order to not fight a war they knew nothing about.

And thus, Mark took out a box made of [Blood Metal] from his ring. There were already two times that he encountered things that he wanted to bring home. One was the [Parasite Queen] that attacked Real Military Settlement in the past. The other was the [Spider Queen] that was latched on Snow’s head in Atlantic City. As such, it was reasonable that Mark prepared something like this in case there was a third time.

Of course, the third time was already here.

Carefully immobilizing the metal thing, he sealed it into the box to bring home with him.

Mark also went back to the crash site of the space debris to take a few chunks of metal. He also took the dead [Mechid] as a sample for experimentation. Of course, Mark would not experiment inside the base. Maybe, he would build a hut outside to avoid accidents tomorrow.

And here, Mark’s first day outside the barrier after the catastrophe ended. It was already dark when he got home. He immediately organized his finding so that it would be ready for everyone to know by tomorrow morning.

Information exchange and distribution were crucial at this time. It was better if everyone in the base knew about what was happening outside for their own safety.

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