Mutagen Chapter 790 Drawn In By The Battle, Another Group Of Enemies After The Parasites

Day 197 - 3:51 PM - Southern Outskirts, New Infanta Settlement, Infanta, Province of Quezon

Far behind the frontline, inside the newly constructed walls, General Faustino, who retreated first with the tired scouts, was listening to the reports on the radio with a grim expression.

With the loud sounds of gunshots far outside the walls, General Faustino knew that the situation had gone from bad to worse.

The members of the scout squad were also in dismay as they heard the report of the sudden deaths of many of their comrades. Being scouts, they should have investigated more about the creature even if it put their lives in danger.

By what it looked like, General Faustino’s plan to leave landmines to disable the creature became the trigger for the current situation to happen. However, the plan was formulated with the scout squad’s initial reports. If there was someone to take the blame for this failure, it was the scout squad.

While the scout squad thought of taking the blame, General Faustino thought otherwise. It was not like the scout squad did anything outside the protocol. In the first place, no one would have thought that the situation would end up like this. He also saw the creature from afar, and if he was with the scout squad, he might have given the same report.

If there was something to blame in this, it was the goddamn source of all this mess, [Mutagen].

[Mutagen] had no specific effect or line of mutation to follow. It made everything a pandora box for anyone still surviving in this chaotic world.

"Major! These things are not dying!"

A desperate call from the radio was heard by General Faustino and the others, clearly asking for further instructions from Major Bautista that led the soldiers in the field.

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In the area of the battle, the soldiers were desperately trying to push the enemies back. However, as they already knew, these parasites did not seem to be dying at all.

No, the soldiers actually managed to blow up many of the parasites using grenades. Their bullets were also able to tear the bodies of the parasites piece by piece.

But why did it feel that the parasites were not dying at all?


Another volley of grenades being thrown caused a cluster of explosions in front of the soldiers.

More of the parasites were blown to pieces.

But as the smoke from the explosions dissipated, they could see larger parasites approaching them.

Yes, larger.

As it appeared, after the parasites in front were blown up, the parasites behind would continue to charge forward. Along their way, their sticky bodies would pass by the pieces of their dead kin. Those pieces of parasites would then stick to the passing ones, getting absorbed in their bodies making them appear to grow.

And those large parasites could be torn into two or more large pieces by the bullets, with each piece still alive and creating more parasites to restore their number.

Of course, the parasites could not keep their numbers the same. It was because the explosions would pulverize parts of the parasites into smithereens that could not be absorbed anymore.

Nonetheless, with how this was going, it would be hard to say whether the soldiers would be able to kill all the parasites before they ran out of explosives and bullets.

Furthermore, they could see parasitized dead soldiers began to undergo mutation. Their bodies were becoming similar to the appearance of the previous host, being flesh-covered creatures donned with many fleshy tentacles.

Before everyone’s eyes, the bodies of their dead comrades were becoming parasitic nests. If left alone, they might end up increasing the number of the already hard-to-deal parasites.

With the difficult situation they were facing, a question came from Alana.

"Uncle," Alana called out to Major Bautista. "Does the settlement have extra gasoline to spare?"


Major Bautista was confused at first at the sudden question, but as his eyes fell unto the parasites, he immediately understood Alana’s inquiry.

"General!" Major Bautista called out to his radio. "We need gasoline, A.S.A.P!"

At the other line of the radio, there was no reply. What Major Bautista could hear was General Faustino’s voice, immediately ordering the available soldiers. There was no need to question the major’s request. The general already understood and moved without hesitation.

"Men! Just hold on a bit more!"

Major Bautista shouted, also firing his gun up from the watchtower

Everyone heard Major Bautista’s request through the radio. And there was no doubt that setting these pesky parasites on fire could be the answer to this dilemma.

The low morale of the soldiers was rising as they formed their defensive lines firmer.

"That’s a good suggestion, Alana."

Major Bautista complimented Alana. The latter did not reply, however, as it was not really her own idea.

Just a little more time and they would win this.

But it seemed that luck was not on their side.

"Major! There are suspicious movements at nine o’clock!"

A soldier that was in charge of monitoring the battle shouted.

And to their surprise, the suspicious movement was far from the direction of the parasites they were currently fighting.

Major Bautista stopped firing his gun and turned in the direction of the reported movement. It was an area still heavily covered in trees and bushes. And yes, those bushes were moving strangely.


The source of suspicious movements stepped out of the bushes, violently cutting the leaves.

Major Bautista’s expression turned even more serious than earlier.

"[Mechids] incoming at nine o’clock!"

Major Bautista yelled out on his radio.

The sudden turn of events made the soldiers perplexed. It was not a good time for [Mechids] to suddenly appear.

Furthermore, there was not only one or two [Mechids]. There were five of them moving out of the cluster of bushes and trees. One looked like a walking metallic jellyfish, with a rounded body and four elongated limbs. Two were humanoids having two legs and arms, but one had its left arm being a long blade. The other humanoid appeared to be equipped with some sort of gun on its shoulders. As for the last two, they were both animal types, being quadruped but having a model different from any animal on Earth.

It seemed that they were drawn in by the sounds of the battle. And unlike the [Infected] or [Failed Mutators], not all [Mechids] attack or charge towards the things that drew their attention.

Like what was happening now, the [Mechids] seemed to be still in a scouting state. They had yet to see the soldiers, nor the parasites.

But here, a voice entered Major Bautista’s ear.

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"Dad, let us handle those things."

Karlene suggested.

"What are you talking about?" Major Bautista asked, a bit agitated at his daughter’s suggestion. "Those [Mechids] are different from the [Infected]! Even explosives could barely damage them!"

"Dad," Karlene’s expression turned serious. "We can’t get the soldiers distracted at this time. Don’t worry. Remember the [Mechid] that Mark caught? We managed to get some experience fighting that after you left the base to stay here. So we are the best people to fight them here."


Major Bautista was hesitating.

And here, Alana chimed in.

"Uncle, just concentrate on the parasites. Bessie already said it. We already have experience fighting the [Mechids]. Besides, even Mark said it. Our [Gemini] are among the banes of the [Mechids]."

"[Gemini]?" Major Bautista was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"There’s no time to explain, Dad," Karlene said as the [Mechids] spotted the soldiers. "They are already charging at us."

Without waiting for Major Bautista’s reply, Karlene held Karla’s hand.

"Karla! Bessie! Let’s go!"

Karlene shouted as she jumped off the watchtower they were at. She jumped with Karla, with Alana following closely behind.

The three charged towards the five [Mechids], who immediately saw them. With the three girls closer than the soldiers, the target of the [Mechids] switched to the three.

And as the three ran...

"Karla! Transform!"

Karlene yelled, not with urgency but with excitement.

In fact, it was not only her. Even Karla had an excited smile.

And as Karlene gave the cue, Karlene and Karla transformed at the same time.

Karlene’s body became covered with dark-violet metallic armor. Her black hair and eyes glowed in violet color, with her hair waving like water. Unlike in the past, however, only the nails on her right hand turned into sharp claws, glowing in violet sheen. Her left hand held on to Karla’s right hand, who was also undergoing her transformation.

Major Bautista watched his two daughters, and his eyes were filled with shock. Karlene’s transformation was not new to him. But it was the first time for him to see Karla transform. And to say, Karla’s transformation was absurd even to him.

Karla ran with Karlene, holding each other’s hands. But as they ran, Karla’s body started growing, similar to Karlene’s size. Her body was covered in black armor that also looked extremely identical to Karlene’s. Her violet eyes and hair began to turn black, with her hair flowing with the wind. And opposite to Karlene’s right hand, which nails that turned into claws, it was the left on Karla.

The colors of their hair and eyes were the opposite. And while Karlene was glowing, Karla was pitch black as if it was sucking all the light around it.

But the most unexpected thing of all, they looked identical. It was not only their armor or transformation but also their faces and stature.

Major Bautista already thought that Karla really looked like Karlene when she was still young. But who would have expected this?

It was not wrong to say that there were two Karlenes in the field right now.

At this point, it dawned on Major Bautista. This was the [Gemini] that Alana mentioned just now.

Behind the two, Alana was not letting herself get overshadowed by the two.

Alana, who was only known as an [Evolver] in the past, suddenly transformed. The white of her eyes turned yellow, with her hair turning orange with black and white highlights. There were also roundish cat ears growing on her head. Even a long orange-furred tail with black spots extended on her behind.

"I’ll go ahead!"

Alana shouted as she suddenly overtook Karlene and Karla. In the past, Alana was far slower than Karlene as she was a [Strength-Type Evolver]. Now, however, Karlene could not even chase after her best friend anymore.


A greeting came towards Alana in the form of a bright laser beam.

It came from jellyfish-like [Mechid]. The laser beam came from atop its head as it bowed its body forward, extended its forelimbs upwards, and bent its forelimbs downward.

The laser came fast. If it was Alana in the past, she might get hit even if she managed to react. But it was different now. With the new strength she received from Mark, her abilities increased further.

Alana kicked her right foot, jumping towards the left. The laser from the jellyfish-like [Mechid] missed her. But then, the humanoid [Mechid] with guns on its shoulders began firing at Alana too. Unlike the first one that seemed to only fire lasers in long intervals, this one fired lasers like an assault rifle.

A rain of short beamed lasers came towards Alana. But instead of Alana trying to find cover, she began to move erratically. Before anyone knew it, her figure was already blurred as she charged against the rain of lasers. Each shot missed Alana.

At this point, the other three [Mechids] also began to move. They charged towards Alana despite the rain of lasers behind their backs. But being robots with highly advanced artificial intelligence, none of the lasers hit their allies at all.

It took a few seconds. Alana and the sword-wielding [Mechid] clashed amidst the rain of lasers.

The sword-wielding [Mechid] swung its large sword at Alana. Alana, on the other hand, swung a hook with her gauntlet-covered right fist.


The sword and the fist collided. Sparks bloomed like fireworks as the two metal weapons clashed with each other.

Alana could not help but retreat due to the impact. Nonetheless, the [Mechid] was the same.

But as Alana regained her balance, the two animal-like [Mechids] already pounced on her. The metallic fangs of the two seemed really eager to bite her to pieces.

Instead of immediately retreating, however, Alana smiled.


Two silhouettes, one glowing with violet light and one as pitch-black as the night sky, slashed in front of Alana.


The two animal-like [Mechids] slid across the ground, both with heads flying off to another direction.

Alana stood up, with the figures of Karlene and Karla standing in front of her.

Like what Alana said, before...

"Our [Gemini] sure are the bane of [Mechids]."

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