Mutagen Chapter 793 A Discussion In The Observatory, The Supposed Future Prevented By Mark’s Intervention

Day 197 - ▋▋:▋▋ ▋▋ - ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋

Inside the white space that oversees the entire Earth, the hooded figure of the Observer stood, watching the dying planet before her eyes. Currently, it was only her, and the Eye, Nineteenth, was present in this lonely space.

An Observer’s duty was to preserve the world it was tasked to guard until the day it was supposed to end arrived. Depending on the circumstances, whether they did poorly or due to some outside intervention, they could be replaced. However, the very same duty applied to the next Observer to take the position.

That cycle could repeat over and over until the world they had to preserve ceased to exist.

Preserving the world did not only mean that the Observer should make the world last as long as possible. It also included managing things happening inside it. A good example was when the population of a species reached more than the world could tolerate in its current state. When a time like that came, the Observer could cull their numbers.

Another circumstance that an Observer could act on the planet was once it reached the end of an era. Like during the end of the Mesozoic Era, where the Observer of that time created a catastrophic event to kill the population of the current species to allow a new one to rise.

There were very few instances that an Observer could directly interfere with the planet they were guarding.

If such instances were not present, all the Observer could do was watch. Or, at least, allow their apostles to guide the current civilization in the shadows.

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That was why the current Observer of Earth was frustrated as she watched the planet she was guarding die slowly. She could not interfere directly.

It could be considered that Earth entered a new era. At this time, the Observer had one chance to interfere and set the world on a new path. And the Observer of Earth already used up that once chance.

During the [Fusion of Dimension], the Observer used her authority and the powers of the Eyes to protect the remaining humans as much as they were allowed to. That was the one and only chance she could interfere in the current era. And now, she could only watch in frustration at how poorly humans handled the current situation.

All of a sudden, a surge of black smoke appeared in this white, empty space. The black smoke began to form a humanoid figure with barely any distinguishable features. The only things that could be discerned were its glowing eyes and the aura of death that lingered on this being.

Despite the sudden appearance of this being, both the Observer and Nineteenth did not seem perturbed. Instead, Nineteenth stepped back respectfully, making way for the eerie individual.

"You seem to be extremely bothered, Observer."

The eerie being spoke. Its voice was ghostly and gruff, and even though it did not sound androgynous, it was still hard to discern whether it was a male or a female.

"You are already aware of the circumstances, Guide."

The Observer finally turned around, facing their uninvited visitor.

"Yes, I am aware." Guide replied. "You are not the only one. Other Observers are facing the same difficulties as you. Some were already dismissed from their duties after the worlds they observed ceased to exist prematurely. But even with that, there are rules."

"What are you trying to imply?"

The Observer asked, definitely confused.

"The cycle of souls. Even if you are this world’s Observer, it is something that you should not blatantly interfere with."

The Guide iterated.

And to that, the Observer and even Nineteenth became even more confused.

The only time the Observer directly interfered with Earth in this era was during the fusion of dimensions. And thus, the Observer could not understand what the Guide was talking about.

Sensing the confusion of the two, even the Guide became slowly engulfed in confusion.

At this time, the Observer finally spoke.

"We believe our recent interference, using our privilege, had been recorded in the Akashic Records. We believe that it is within the duties of you Guides to cope with. Or are you trying to find faults with our current actions?"

"That is not what I am here for." The Guide explained. "In the following days on Earth, a few thousand dead souls are supposed to pass on. All of them had the end of their lives tied to one enormous event. As such, it was easy for me to notice."

For a few thousand people to suddenly die because of one event, it sure was hard to pass. Even the Observer would notice such an event once it began.

However, for the Guide to complain about it...

"Their fates changed all of a sudden." The Guide continued. "This is not something that could just happen. I believe you know that, Observer."

For the fates of that many people to change all of a sudden, it should be something that only godly beings could influence. The Observer and the Eyes, for example. Even deities were still within the scope of the Akashic Records. All the foreign gods had been chased off the surface of the Earth. Only the Observer and her apostles should remain to have such capabilities. As such, the Guide came here to complain about the unusual circumstances.

That explanation, however, made the Observer and Nineteenth realize something.


The Observer voiced out, and Nineteenth nodded in understanding.

Nineteenth opened her book that contained the information of all things on Earth, or at least, most of it. Nineteenth flipped the pages of her book. Unfortunately, since the pair of people in their mind was beyond their watch, Nineteenth could only search for the circumstances of people around them.

And, without a doubt, Nineteenth found it in no time. She even managed to perceive the supposed future and the changed one.

Blood Demon Kin Alana Garces, Mutator Karlene Bautista, and the Halfbreed Tribe Leader Artenaris. The cause was exposure to solar highly radiated energy influenced by the mechanical, infectious agent, [Mechid Pathogen].

The three survived a deadly explosion of the unreleased energy of a [Mechid], receiving minor burns and injuries. A few days later, Karlene Bautista would fall sick, followed by Alana Garces after a week. In three weeks, the Halfbreed Artenaris would show the same symptoms.

The three showed symptoms of radiation poisoning at first. Unknown to everyone, their bodies were releasing high amounts of radiation that would affect every individual that had contact with them. By the time the radiation emission from their bodies was detected, a third of the settlement’s population was already showing the same symptoms with the rest of the settlement being affected.

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It was not a simple radiation poisoning. Medical practices humans knew were not applicable. In a month and a half, the entire New Infanta Settlement would be devoid of life. With the three survivors of the [Mechid] explosion as the root, all living creatures, human or not, in the New Infanta Settlement would perish in an extremely slow and agonizing death.

The symptoms of the illness began similar to radiation poisoning. As it developed further, their bodies would slowly liquify. They would liquify beginning from their flesh slowly and painfully to the rest of their bodies. In the end, their organs would turn into black puss, which would also become the cause of death. Even after their death, the process would continue until only the bones, which did not liquify, to be the only remains.

As Nineteenth iterated the supposed future, the Guide nodded as it was the same future that he knew.

"What caused that illness to appear?" The Observer could not help but voice out. "Any harmful pathogens on Earth should have gone extinct due to [Mutagen]’s presence."

At this time, Nineteenth flipped the page of her book, seemingly looking for the answer to her Master’s question. However, she was not really expecting anything. If it was something undiscovered so far and in the near future, her book would not be able to find the answer.

But then, Nineteenth was surprised.

"It was caused by a violent reaction of [Mutagen] to the high radiation energy influenced by [Mechid Pathogen]." Nineteenth read out loud. "A similar circumstance happened in Japan when a medium-sized Miltiary Settlement was attacked by a [Mechid] just a few days after the fusion of dimensions. Fortunately, they had a [Mutator] that managed to identify the anomaly right after it happened. They only had a loss of three people."

Nineteenth then faced the Observer.

"I’m sorry if this even passed our eyes."

At the apology, the Observer shook her head.

"It is not something that needed an apology. Although it is our duty, we can’t pay attention to everything at once. Especially now."

Then, the Observer let out a sigh.

"The change of the future, is it Mark and Mei?"

"It is Mark." Nineteenth nodded. "It seemed that he managed to foretell the ill fate of his people and prevented it."

As Nineteenth said those words, the Observer turned to the Guide.

"That is the answer you had been looking for."

The Observer said to the Guide.

"What do you mean? And who are those individuals you mentioned?"

The Guide was confused. Who were those two and how was it possible that they influenced the change of fate on a large scale.

"They could be Earth’s hope in this predicament." The Observer said with an anticipating tone. "Fortunately, two candidates for Godhood were born in this era."

"God Candidates, you say?" Surely, the Guide was shocked. "How come that I had only heard of this just now?"

"We had our reasons." The Observer replied. "You should know that even other Observers do not just blindly declare a candidate born in the world they were observing."

Those words made the Guide nod. Considering that the change of fate was caused by God Candidates, the Guide knew that complaints were futile.

"It seems that we have to cope with this situation once more." The Guide murmured before turning to the Observer. "Since it involved God Candidates, I’ll keep my lips sealed. I will be going now."

Without even waiting for a reply, the smoky apparition of the Guide vanished.

The Observer did not say anything and just stared at the empty space where the Guide stood just now. However, Nineteenth did not want to stay silent.

"The Guide just left without apologizing for the accusation that it made to you, Master."

"Just let it be." The Observer said as she returned to observing Earth. "The Guides all across the universe are also occupied. It is not only Earth that is undergoing such dire circumstances. Unlike us who only need to watch and influence the civilization in the shadows, the Guides needed to ferry the souls of the dead themselves."

Hearing the consideration of her Master towards the other entities managing the universe, Nineteenth fell silent. Nonetheless, she was still annoyed by the Guide’s disrespect to her Master.

In any case, the Guides were truly busy, even busier than the Observers.

The Guides were also godly entities comparable to the Observers. However, their duties lay among the dead and not the living. The Guides did not have physical bodies and had no concrete appearance. People see them differently and they go with different names in different cultures.

With Earth in its current state, the Guides of Earth were also busy with their tasks. However, they were also diligent that they did not want to pass such a fate-changing event, preventing the destined deaths of a huge amount of people, without explanation.

But as it seemed, things spiraled outside of their jurisdiction, leaving the Guide to have no choice but leave and continue with its work.

’Unfortunately for the Guide, this would not be the last time.’

Nineteenth thought.

Unlike figures of faith that gave birth to different religions of the past, Mark and Mei were not devoted to being a figure of worship. They would not stop in one place to strengthen the people’s religious faith in them and would roam adventurously.

The life of a God Candidate was not easy. While they were outside the influence of fate, the world itself would give them countless tests until they reach the level where they were above the world.

With Mark’s personality, it was very likely for many of those tests to turn into a bloodbath instead.

’The Guide should be prepared for many untimely deaths they had to ferry in the future.’

Nineteenth chuckled inside her mind.

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