Mutagen Chapter 811 Morning Commotion, An Interrupted Meeting With General Perez

Day 201 - 8:21 AM - Dining Area, White Snake Gang Base, Northern Slums, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

Early in the morning, well, late for most people, the dining area was bustling with activity. After all, it was time for breakfast.

The members of the White Snake Gang already had theirs and left to do their duties. Unlike the usual gangs that lagged around doing nothing and behaving like thugs, the members of the White Snake Gang were the complete opposite.

Like soldiers of a private army, they patrol their territory, maintaining security and protecting their people.

With the lower members of the gang absent, the dining area was all for the higher members to use. Right now, most people present were pretty much the people Mark knew, along, of course, Mark and his group.

The people that Mark did not meet last night were here. Like Carlo’s sister and girlfriend, Carren’s son, and Markron’s girlfriend. They were not that close to Mark like the others, after all. To be exact, they were just Mark’s acquaintances. Nonetheless, it seemed that they were happy to see Mark and his family. After all, while Mark was gone, they got close to Mei and the little girls back in Bay City.

It even seemed that Carren’s son was hanging around Abbygale. Unfortunately, the latter did not care about anything other than her breakfast. Abbygale’s a cat, after all. A cat should not be disturbed when eating.

As for the other people present, they were relatives of the members of the White Snake Gang. Some were wives and children. Others were siblings and parents. While the members of the gang did their job, their relatives helped within the base, doing menial tasks such as cooking and cleaning.

However, their attention was currently focused on the unfamiliar guests of the gang leaders. Well, the reason was two of the guests were still wearing masks on their faces, with only their mouths exposed to eat.

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Well, of course, it was Mark and Mei. Mark created a pair of [Blood Metal Masks] for them to wear. After all, Mark was wanted by the government while Mei was basically a beacon to find Mark easily. Thus, they could not go out without anything to cover their faces. As for the three girls, there would be less attention on them since they were children. Feng Zhiruo and Spera, on the other hand, were not familiar to the people of Bay City.

The last one, Amihan, could only stay hidden. After all, she was the same as Mei, who could point out Mark’s location, and having a mask would not help on a Sylph. That was why even though it was lonely, Amihan could only eat inside the bedroom where Mark’s group stayed last night.

The breakfast was not much. It was rice congee with pieces of ground meat, although a bit too watered. However, compared to regular rice, the rice used in the congee was dark-colored. Furthermore, it was energizing and filled their stomach heavily.

Apparently, the White Snake Gang mixed regular rice and the modified [Energy Rice] in their breakfast. It was not like Carren and Markron ordered it specifically for today. They do this at least once a week for breakfast, and it just happened to be one of those days.

Unfortunately, they could not indulge in eating this way better kind of rice. Although it was available for trade by the military, it was extremely expensive due to limited stock. Even Carren and Markron only managed to procure half a sack for the gang for a sky-high price.

"When will General Perez arrive?"

Mark asked as he pushed his now-empty bowl.

"They should arrive pretty soon," Carren replied, wiping the mess around her son’s mouth. "When the General checks on us, he always goes during mornings since he had other things to do during afternoons. He’s a really busy person."

And as Carren said those words, Mark felt the familiar emotional fluctuation entering his detection. It was no other than General Perez, who was now likely exiting the gates of the Fortress City.

The process of entering and exiting the gates seemed to be tedious. General Perez’s fluctuation stagnated around the gates for about ten minutes before going out.

Although a bit delayed, General Perez arrived at the base of the White Snake Gang.

Once the General entered the meeting area with Carren guiding him, he was, of course, surprised. No one would expect Mark and his group to be present here.

Commanding his guards to stay outside, General Perez began the conversation. He soon learned why Mark’s group was here, and he could only let out a sigh.

"You people really are irregulars." General Perez stared at Mark’s group. "We are here, struggling just to survive, and can only reach one or two kilometers away from the settlement before reaching the limit without casualties... And you people? Going all the way from the other side of the country with a small group just to visit your friends. It was as if you were just going on a vacation."

Mark did not say anything to that. It was true in a sense. Still, the disparity in strength was too vast.

Feeling a tug on his sleeve, Mark glanced at Mei. He knew what she wanted to say and turned to the General.

"How’s Angeline and Paula?"

Mark asked.

The General noticed the exchange of glances of Mark and Mei. He understood that the question came from Mei instead of Mark.

"You’re still as silent as possible when around men, huh."

General Perez said in disappointment.

Angeline, General Perez’s daughter, was really close with Mei. Together with Paula, Angeline’s best and childhood friend, the three of them could be said as the young flowers of Bay City. Because of that, General Perez did not think of Mei as a stranger. He treated her more like his niece or relative. Unfortunately, Mei did not seem to have the same thoughts.

In any case, General Perez answered the question.

"They are fine, and they would be happy to see you two." General Perez sighed. "They should have been with me today, if not for a sudden change in the orders just this early morning."

"Sudden change in the orders?" Markron, who was a bit privy with military routines here in the settlement, could not help but chime in as it felt odd. "What orders, General?"

Mark could not help but frown, sensing the uneasiness in the General’s mind.

"I don’t know, but while new orders were implemented for everyone inside, it seemed to be aiming at me." General Perez spoke. "The order was for an indefinite emergency lockdown. Only those with official business outside could go out. Even I had some problems at the gates, causing today’s delay. Luckily, I did not hide my status as this gang’s backer, and it was considered official business. Not to mention I’m not really leaving the settlement. Just outside the walls."

"Did you know what’s the reason for the sudden lockdown?"

Carren asked, worried about their friends inside.

"Unfortunately, I don’t know. We were also surprised by the orders we received the moment we woke up. It may be beyond my network, but something must have happened last night."

Something that happened last night... Carren, Markron, and Mark could not help but look at each other.

Noticing the reaction of the three, General Perez asked.

"Do you three know something?"

And with that question, they filled in the General of the things that happened last night.

"So, you captured a spy within the gang and dispatched the messenger?" General Perez said in surprise. "No wonder now."

General Perez then turned to Mark with a serious face.

"Your group should leave already. Those spies report at regular intervals. If they did not receive the report, they should know that something happened to the spy." General Perez sternly warned. "In that case, making my children stay inside while I’m outside stops me from fleeing once things go awry. Those bastards are planning to catch all of us in one swoop."

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"But Miguel, they don’t have any evidence that it was us." Husto, who was also present, spoke. "We also took care of the body discreetly. There are some witnesses, but I’m sure those people will not talk."

"With evidence or none did not matter to them." General Perez replied. "If that spy’s duty is to solely report if anyone that was possibly Mark happened to appear here, then that was more than enough to catch all of us for helping a wanted man."

"Ah, right... There’s also that wanted thing..."

Mark nonchalantly spoke.

"I know it’s unfair, but greed knows no bounds." General Perez said. "But in a democratic country, the majority vote always wins."

"So, you all better be going." General Perez continued. "We will be fine if they did not find you here."

"Well, it’s already too late, though?"

Mark said to everyone’s surprise.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Carren asked, fearing the worst.

And despite the other’s fear, Mark answered without care.

"I mean... The whole compound is already surrounded just after the General arrived. Once any of us go out that door, they will see."

Mark pointed at the closed door.

Luckily, the meeting room had no windows and only one door. It was to ensure that the plans of the gang would not be seen from outside at any angle. But now, the room became a trap for everyone inside.

"Damn it..."

General Perez cursed.

Soon one of the soldiers that came with General Perez came in panic and informed the General that there were marine soldiers at the gates of the compound.

They were carrying an official search warrant.

"Only a search warrant, huh." Mark voiced out. "It seems they were still unsure."

"But even if there’s no arrest warrant, they can arrest us if there’s enough probable cause." General Perez said with a frown. "Although there’s still not enough evidence or cause for us to be arrested, we will be if they saw you here."

Mark could only shrug. Who would have thought that they would be talking about arrest warrants and stuff in the middle of the apocalypse? It really sounded dumb. However, greed knew no bounds. Laws could be bent by those atop if it would benefit them... especially now.

"Just go and meet them," Mark said to General Perez, Carren, and Markron. "If you delayed, they would suspect you guys more."

"How about you guys?"

Carren said, looking at Mark’s group.

"Don’t worry, we can handle ourselves."

Mark assured them.

Although none of them were too convinced about Mark’s words, they could only nod. The best they could do was stall for time until Mark’s group managed to sneak out.

The General, followed by Carren and Markron, came out to meet the marines soldiers outside their gates. By the looks of it, if the three delayed any further, the soldiers outside would force their way through.

"General Perez, good morning."

A soldier greeted General Perez the moment the gates opened. Unexpectedly, however, it was not just any soldier. It was a Marines Commandant and the one who was the most antagonistic towards General Perez. He was Major General Connor Calcedo.

That greeting, definitely, was not in good intention.

"To have a search warrant all of a sudden, you people are itching to get rid of me, are you?"

General Perez did not return the greeting with pleasantry. Instead, he went to the point. There was no need to wear a mask in front of these people.

"Be careful of what you are saying, General." General Calcedo smirked. "We are only doing our duties."

And without waiting for anyone to allow them in...

"Go inside and start the search."

General Calcedo ordered his men.

General Perez remained silent. Markron and Carren did the same and let the bastards in. At first, they thought that they would be able to buy some time. But with the Marines Commandant present, the thought was rendered impossible.


"Search that building first."

General Calcedo pointed at the main building of the compound. Specifically, the meeting area. The evil grin on the face of the Marines Commandant was clear for everyone to see.

That command made the three nervous. However, saying anything at this point would only make them seem guilty of something.

Without delay, the main building was searched first. The meeting area was locked, making the Marines Commandant smile even more. Furthermore, they could hear some rustling inside. General Calcedo was almost laughing as they kicked the door open.

The door was busted open, and the soldiers stormed in guns first.

And to their shock, the neatly designed meeting area, a room with no windows and only one door, was empty.

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