Mutagen Chapter 819 Attracting Chaos, A Propaganda Against The Enemies

Day 203 - 1:01 AM - North Military Outpost, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

About half a kilometer north of the northern gates of the slums, a Military Outpost was located. This outpost was the first line of defense the Corregidor Military Settlement had against the enemies coming from up north. Considering that the island of Corregidor was now and only connected to the southern part of Mariveles, Bataan, this installment of defenses was rather good.

And this outpost was one of the reasons the guards of the gates of the slums could keep themselves lax.

One hour past midnight, the soldiers stationed at the outpost kept their concentration up high. Danger could come at any time, and staying here in the front line was far different than being in the settlement.

Different from most days, however...

"You guys think things will be fine?"

A soldier on watch spoke to his partner.

"About the current situation in the settlement? Don’t ask me. I don’t really do well with politics and stuff."

The other soldier replied.

"The world has ended, and the guys up there are still as greedy as f*ck. If you ask me, I’d rather follow General Perez. He really cares about the people, like us, unlike those who only wanted to stuff their pockets with everything they wanted. Those guys only see us as tools at their disposal."

The first soldier sighed.

"Not like we can do anything. We have our families to feed and protect, so we can’t go against the leaders easily. At least, we are here. We don’t have to join the mess inside the settlement. I would rather not fight with General Perez either."

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The second soldier shrugged.

Yes, the soldiers in this outpost were lucky did not get dragged into the scuffle between the current government and General Perez’s camp. In the end, whether who won, the soldiers following the government’s orders were the ones to suffer. At least, those here in the outpost only needed to continue their usual work.

"I wonder what’s with that pillar of light, though?" The first soldier said, turning his head towards the pillar of light coming from the settlement. "I wish they would at least inform us of what is happening there."

"We can’t expect that kind of privilege. We’re just at the bottom."

The second soldier said, also curious about the events there.

But then...


The second soldier closed his mouth and signaled to his partner.

Receiving the signal, the first soldier turned serious as he turned towards the northern direction.



A plethora of sounds entered the ears of the two. However, none of the sounds sounded pleasant to the ear.

Instead, it began to instill horror towards the two.

"HOLY SH*T..."

The first soldier muttered in shock.

In front of them was a clearing devoid of trees or plants. It was to ensure that they would see anything approaching before they got too close to the outpost. And using solar panels, they had enough electricity to have a couple of spotlights to light up the clearing.

What they would commonly see passing by in this area was scavengers and soldiers on a mission. There would be one or two dangerous entities from time to time, but not too many as the military continuously sent squads to do clearing missions.

And that was why the first solder on lookout could only curse as fear overwhelmed him...


The second soldier said as he picked up his gun.



With the first soldier snapping out of his fear, the alarm bell on the watchtower sounded.

The second soldier started shooting. His expression was in utter seriousness.


Coming out of the forest border. Numerous [Infected] came flooding into the clearing.

The [Infected] ran, wildly rushing towards the direction of the outpost.

Since the alarm sounded off, the other soldiers in the outpost, asleep or not, immediately caught onto the situation. Equipping themselves with guns and explosives, they went to the defense lines as soon as possible.

But even with the fifty soldiers stationed at this outpost... There was no way for them to fight toe to toe with the number of [Infected] in front of them.

"SH*T! Contact the headquarters! Call for backup!"

The Outpost Commander shouted, knowing that their firepower was not enough.

All they could do here was delay the [Infected] as much as possible, even if the backup was to arrive.

But before the soldiers could even see the good percentage of the horde in front of them...


The soldiers stood frozen as their faces raised up high.


Day 203 - 1:07 AM - Presidential Office, Presidential Mansion, Central Area, Safezon, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

"What did you say?!"

President Deroa shouted at that communication device on his table.

"Mr. President. The Northern Outpost is now confronting an undeterminable number of [Infected]. They urgently needed backup, Sir."

"Damn it. Why now?!"

President Deroa shouted in anger, making all the people inside his office silent.

Of all times such an event could possibly happen, it happened now.

Aside from the soldiers in the outposts and those stationed at the gates of the settlement, all the remaining soldiers were deployed at the Central Area. They needed the firepower to overwhelm General Perez and his allies, especially since the General had many [Mutators] in his camp.

Now, the President should decide.

Would he keep the soldiers around him in case that General Perez and his camp attacked? Or would he prioritize the settlement over his and his allies’ safety?

President Deroa and his allies were now stuck between a rock and a hard place.

But before they could arrive at any decision...

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"MR. PRESIDENT! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! Our soldiers on the North Outpost opted to abandon their post! They were now regrouping to make another defense line near the northern gates!"

The communication device suddenly sounded with an urgent message.

"What?!" President Deroa roared. "What the hell are they doing?!"

"Two [Behemoth Class Infected] were witnessed among the horde! The outpost is ill-equipped against such monstrosities!"

Hearing the reply from the headquarters, President Deroa slumped on his chair.

[Behemoth Class Infected], different from [Infected Types], it was the general term they gave for [Infected] over a certain size, whether it be length or height. They were rare even among the [Infected] in the current times. But no matter how rare they were, they existed.

Seven meters. That was the shortest measurement of a [Behemoth Class Infected] could have. That size of the enemy would need at least two or three soldier companies to kill. All of them needed to be armed to teeth with guns and explosives. And even after the threat was subdued, the casualties would be enormous.

Following the President’s silence, Major General Bautista inquired on the communicator. He did not care whether the President permitted it or not. The whole settlement was currently facing a crisis.

"This is the Chief of Staff. What size did the [Behemoth Class Infected] have? And what type?"

"The larger one is a [Humanoid Behemoth Class Infected]. Around nine meters in height. It had a stone-like body and is presumed to be a [Tank Type Infected]. The smaller one is a [Beast Behemoth Class Infected], seven meters in height with undetermined length. Its type is also undetermined as of yet. The reports said that it seemed to be supposedly quadruped but it only had its front limbs as it dragged its rear across the ground."

"One is a [Tank Type], and the other did not have hind legs. Those two would take some time before reaching the settlement." Major General Bautista said before turning to the President. "Mr. President. You have yet to choose, but I don’t think I’ll be hearing it. I’m going."

Major General Bautista then turned around, intending to leave the office. Unlike the Chief of Staff, the rest of the people here were the same as the President, undecided.


President Deroa exclaimed. However, the Chief of Staff had no intention to listen any longer.

But just as the Chief of Staff was about to hold the door’s handle, the communication device sounded.

"Mr. President! Major General! We received some updates from our soldiers that retreated from the outpost."

This time, Major General Bautista could not help but turn around to listen.

"General Perez sent soldiers to aid the retreating soldiers! They were currently establishing a defensive line outside the northern gate of the slums! The refugees in the northern slums were being evacuated by the White Snake Gang into the emergency shelter!"

The atmosphere in the Presidential Office was frozen still.

"This that Perez bastard knew this will happen? Did he cause this?

President Deroa said. It was clear that he stopped thinking straight.

"Call the [Infected] to attack?" Major General Bautista asked, now clearly having no respect in his tone. "You think it’s possible? Forget it. I’m not hearing your answer. I’m done with you greedy f*cks."


Major General Bautista slammed the door on the President and his allies.

As the Chief of Staff left, the only ones left behind were mostly politicians, except for a few people, who were rich businessmen back then.

"Don’t you think it’s a good opportunity for us, Mr. President?" One of the Businessmen spoke. "If General Perez fought those [Infected] with his allies, they would incur casualties even if they won. Once the situation outside is dealt with, we will have the advantage."

"Mr. Xiao is right." A younger senator chimed in. "We are talking about a [Behemoth Class Infected]. And it’s not just a single one."

"You two are smart, but you surely lacked political experience." President Deroa shook his head in dismay. It seemed Major General Bautista’s outburst woke him up from his delusion. "Whether they did cause the horde to come or not, with Perez charging first into the frontline, the base for propaganda had been concretely established. Propaganda that is not to our favor."

President Deroa then stood up, looking outside the window facing the laboratory’s rooftop covered in flames.

"It’s not our loss yet."

If they managed to capture the target, even if they lost to General Perez, they would have enough ability to survive if they became [Mutators]. They could just escape, and live off somewhere else.


Day 203 - 1:03 AM - Rooftop, Laboratory, Central Area, Safezone, Corregidor Military Settlement, Island of Corregidor, Province of Cavite

"Did it do it?"

The noisy woman among the Elite Special Forces said as she landed on the roof of the adjacent building with her allies.

Flames surged on the rooftop of the laboratory. Even they, who had stronger bodies than regular people, would not be able to withstand such high-temperature flames.


"You shouldn’t ask questions like that. You’re just jinxing yourself."

The noisy woman felt goosebumps. The voice came from behind her.


The woman did not panic, however. Taking out her pistol from its holster, she turned around with a kick. Mark agilely avoided the kick with a single step back. However, as the kick missed, the woman followed with several gunshots, before she retreated with a few jumps backward.

With that single exchange, the three soldiers, no, now four as the one that fell off the building joined them...

The four soldiers that initially checked on Mark regrouped. Another woman stood on the roof of a higher building, and another four Elite Soldiers were waiting to strike within the shadows.

They were ready to continue the fight with their target. Unexpectedly...

"Hmmm... It already started, huh?"

Mark was not paying attention to the Elite Soldiers as he faced the north direction.

"A General whose daughter was kidnapped by the country’s President and his allies came to aid and protect the populace despite his daughter still missing. Such a valiant story. Who wouldn’t want such a person to become their leader instead?"

Mark smirked.

"What are you smiling for?!"


A shout entered Mark’s ear before it was overshadowed by an explosion. One shouted to get his attention while another threw a grenade at him. These Elite Soldiers sure were well coordinated.


"Seriously... You guys are lucky... General Perez asked me to not kill any of you soldiers..."

The target’s voice was heard by the soldiers. Not from within the explosions, however.

All of them looked up. There, Mark, with his three pairs of wings, flew.

Looking down on the country’s finest soldiers, he spoke.

"Well, I only need to keep your attention for some time. Now, I’m done playing."

With those words, Mark’s eyes glowed. The right eye glowed red and the other with violet.

All of a sudden, the pressure on every human in the vicinity heightened.

Elite forces they might be. In the end, they were just human.

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