Mutagen Chapter 914 A Hidden Blessing, The Island Of Catanduanes The Day Before Another Storm

Day 252 - 1:06 PM - Magical Village, Unnamed Mountain, Municipality of Viga, Province of Catanduanes

Now that today was decided to be a time for rest, it was natural to try and be at ease. Well... Who would?

Tomorrow would be the time they would fight against the [Giant Mechid]. Depending on the situation, it could turn out to be a battle comparable to the war against Lord Seis and the Demons from Bato. Who in the right mind would feel relaxed knowing this?

Since Diwata Iraya immediately relayed Mark’s plan to fight tomorrow to her people, the magical creatures began to prepare for the battle. They needed to create as many arrows and spears as they could. Not just some regular ones but those that could penetrate the bodies of [Mechids].

Why would they need weapons? Would the magical creatures participate? Of course, they would. There was no way they would leave everything to Mark and his group, especially since these [Mechids] killed many of their kind in these past months.

It was also within Mark’s plans. While a direct confrontation against the [Giant Mechid] would be impossible for these magical creatures due to radiation, they could still attack from afar using ranged weapons.

Furthermore, given that the [Giant Mechid] was very likely a [Mechid] factory, there was no surprise if the enemy in this battle was not only the boss but also its minions.

The magical creatures could participate in fighting the [Giant Mechid], but their main duty was to keep the minions at bay.

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Knowing what would happen tomorrow, along with their duties and the possible outcomes, there was no way anyone should feel at ease.

But contrary to the nervous warriors, Mark was currently inside the hut they were staying, lying in bed with Mei sleeping closely to his side.

Together with Feng Zhiruo, Mark and Mei spent the whole night until noon without a wink of sleep. After fighting [Mechids], the [Infected], and [Feral Evolved Animals] for the whole night and spending a busy morning, they certainly deserved a peaceful sleep.

Well, sleeping was definitely not what Mark was currently doing.

Mark’s eyes were closed, but he was not asleep. While his body was currently in a relaxed state, his mind was running at full capacity. As he accessed his subconscious memories, Mark reviewed every single detail of the [Giant Mechid] when they saw it before.

The [Giant Mechid’s] appearance, broken parts, and even its behavior, Even the [Mechids] that they encountered, along with their weapons and capabilities. Mark was studying these aspects carefully with a clear view of things.

It was the greatest advantage of someone who could access their subconscious memories. It was like having a photographic memory, but much clearer and far more versatile. And rather than looking at a photo, it was more like watching an entire video. Of course, what Mark could watch was limited to what he had seen before. Like a video, you could only see what the camera focused on.

Using his subconscious memories and adding deductions and possibilities, Mark was trying to find ways to make the battle tomorrow easier and safer.

Unfortunately, this kind of analysis was extremely limited. Since there was barely any concrete information about the [Giant Mechid], all Mark could deduce was the possibility of it having the weapons that other [Mechids] used so far. And there was a high chance of it having weapons and equipment that other [Mechids] did not have. These kinds of things could not be deduced even using Mark’s high imagination.

If only Mark could use his [Future Prediction] to see far more into the future at will, this kind of analysis would be far easier and more reliable.

All Mark could do was try to put out some plans and strategies for different possible scenarios.

After taking several hours to remember and analyze as much as he could, Mark’s concentration was broken. It was because the door to the hut was opened. However, Mark did not feel the need to open his eyes as he felt four presences entering the hut as silent as they could.

Soon, it was not only Mark and Mei who was sleeping inside the hut. After playing around, it was no surprise that the little girls felt tired and joined their adoptive parents to rest. Of course, Amihan was also here, joining in as a family member.

As mental fatigue slowly took over, Mark could only stop. With a bit of a relaxed smile on his lips, he decided to finally fall asleep.


"What a peaceful family."

A silhouette of a person emerged inside the hut after everyone was deep asleep.

The silhouette, no, the Ancient Visayan Goddess of the Underworld, Magwayen, floated while overlooking the sleeping family. If it was someone else, her sudden appearance inside the hut would have been detected by this abnormal family. However, she was nothing but an apparition. Not to mention that a [Higher God] like her had the ability to conceal her presence from mortals.

Although she had not been appearing since Mark’s group left Mount Canlaon, Magwayen was well aware of the situation around the [Mark of the King] that Mark always carried with him. Thus, she knew that Mark and the people of this mountain planned to confront the currently most dangerous enemy on this island.


Magwayen sighed.

"Heroes lived difficult lives because it was their destiny to overcome trials given by fate. Their presence affects the fates of those around them. They were the ones who could turn the world upside down depending on the paths they would take."

Magwayen stared at Mark and Mei.

"You two are not heroes. You two are far from one. But having a destiny severed from the river of fate was not any less difficult than the life of a hero. A broken destiny would always try to fix itself and get rid of the variables creating waves in its calm waters."

"Sometimes, the river of fate would attract two variables together, letting themselves contest against each other. Thus, a trial was formed."

"These trials were things you two needed to overcome. Not only to survive but also in order to reach the highest possibility in your lives."

Magwayen turned to Mark.

"A body of [Miasma]. An embodiment of corruption. The bringer of death and destroyer of everything. The perfect vessel, should I say. You received a part of the blessing of my beloved Kaptan from the [Trial of Regrets]. However, your body is not compatible with it. In the end, you suffered until you managed to break the blessing and turn its power to boost your own strength temporarily."

"But given that you all are a family, it would be unfair if you, the pillar, did not have your own blessing."

"Thus... received mine."

As Magwayen said those words, she blew a misty ball of energy towards Mark, which entered his body without him noticing.

"I perfectly merged as I thought," Magwayen let out a sheepish smile she never let Mark and his group see. "The power of death. It was rare for a mortal to be able to contain such power. It was why I can not just give my blessing at will."

"It took me some time to be able to pass a blessing through this astral body. Make use of this during tomorrow’s battle."

"And give me some entertainment."

And with those words that one would typically hear from a God, Magwayen vanished once more.

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Mark abruptly opened his eyes. He was unsure why, but his body woke him up somehow. It was as if Mark sensed a presence by instinct. However, when he raised his head to look around, there was no one else inside the hut except Mei, Amihan, and the little girls. His [Empath] abilities could not detect anyone in the near vicinity of the hut either.

Laying his head back down, Mark frowned.

"Did I dream of something?"

Maybe, he was dreaming and woke up amidst it. However, Mark could not remember. Even if he had access to his subconscious memories, dreams were one of the things that were hard to recall.

While Mark was contemplating, Mei woke up. She was embracing Mark in her sleep, and with a slight raise of her head, she could see Mark’s face.

"Waking up already?"

Mark whispered.

Mei looked up and smiled slightly as she looked at Mark. With a slight nod, she replied.

"It should be almost dinner time."

Mei then slowly raised her body and sat down. She noticed that the little girls and Amihan were also asleep, making her smile even more.

"I’ll call Bella and Donna to cook dinner. Just stay here and rest."

Mei said, seemingly aware that Mark did not sleep as long as she did.

Mark watched his wife go out of the hut with a shrug and followed what Mei said, continuing to sleep.


Day 252 - 5:21 PM - Napo Settlement, Barangay Napo, Municipality of Pandan, Province of Catanduanes

While their older brother was sleeping somewhere, Michael and Marian were currently on the hot seat.

This situation was not surprising, considering the two were unconscious and burning with fever for over twelve hours.

Fortunately, the two siblings were a bit weak after waking up. It allowed them to avoid the questions temporarily. Still, the two would not be able to escape the strict questioning they would face afterward.

The question now was would the two be able to hide the truth? Or would they confess about their older brother and the crystals he gave them?

Without a doubt, the next few days would be hard for the two.


Day 252 - 6:11 PM - Codon Settlement, Barangay Codon, Municipality of San Andress, Province of Catanduanes

The sun had set, and the looming sense of fear intensified.

Although the walls of Codon Settlement were left covered in darkness, it was not devoid of people.

Considering what happened the previous night, the mercenaries, private soldiers, and all other combat-capable personnel were on high alert. Another attack from the robots was not unlikely to happen. Thus, they better be prepared.

Unfortunately, many parts of the walls broken from the previous battle were yet to be repaired. As such, more people were sent to those areas to prevent any breach. Well, as if that would be possible. If the robots reached their flimsy walls, it would definitely be the end of the settlement of Codon.


The darkness loomed over the island.

Because of the swarm of [Mechids], the settlements were on high alert.

But to everyone’s confusion...

The [Mechids] was silent. Not one of them was spotted near any settlement on the island.

Although the night was peaceful, it somehow brought an eerie feeling to everyone. It was as if something big would happen.

It was as if it was the calm before the storm.


Day 253 - 7:22 AM - Giant Crater, Municipality of Viga, Province of Catanduanes

The night passed peacefully. It was possible that not a single drop of blood was shed last night on the island. Of course, except for animals and insects that needed to hunt to survive.

And as the sun rose from the eastern horizon, the shadow of the mountains moved swiftly. But faster than the mountainous shade, hundreds of silhouettes of creatures could be seen marching under the lush mountainous forest.

With the little ones in the lead, the groups of magical creatures traveled towards the mountainous crater that imprisoned the island’s current enemy.

The sun finally illuminated from above. At the northwestern edge of the giant crater, the army was already waiting to strike the giant metal invader imprisoned within.

On one of the mountain peaks, Mark stood in full battle gear. Wearing a new armor on his body and his railgun in his hand, he was ready to tackle this battle.

With a well-rested body and a stable mind, Mark was in a way better state compared to when they fought Sinogo.

That was why this time, Mark intended to get the upper hand as soon as the battle started.

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