My Angelic System Chapter 42 The Swimming Pool

The next day, they all went to their respective classes. First the theoretical, and in the afternoon, the fighting classes. However, today was special because both the weapon class and the ability class joined for a class together. All the students had to go to the swimming pool area to train there.

And since Kye and his friends ate lunch together, they all went there when they saw on their watches that their class wasn’t in the habitual room.

"Do you guys know why we had to all regroup there?" Ven asked.

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"No, I don’t think any of us know about it," Lidi answered. "However, since both classes join in one and same area, it will be full of people."

"Will you be alright, Kye?" Yugo asked. He knew that Kye wasn’t comfortable in a crowded place. And things will only get worse if this was a surprise exam.

But surely, the military wouldn’t do that, right?


"I hope so. I can’t say since I don’t think all the first-year students that had to take the fighting classes in the afternoon had ever regrouped in one place, but I will still try my best," Kye answered after taking a big breath. The fighting classes were split into two. One session in the morning and the other in the afternoon. It was so that the students could train freely without being too disturbed by the crowd.

"At least we’re with each other," Ven said. "So you can still be with one of us no matter what, even if there are so many people that we won’t be able to see each other anymore."

As he said that, Kye looked down as if feeling defeated. It was very hard for him to face this fear, even though he did his best to not be scared of crowded places anymore.

And when Yugo saw Kye’s look, he clicked his tongue and slapped Ven on the head a little, thus reminding him to sometimes shut his mouth so that Kye won’t feel defeated.

They then soon arrived at the swimming pool. It was so large that even though all the first-year students who had the fighting classes in the afternoon were present, the place didn’t look crowded at all. On the contrary, they had a lot of space to move freely around. Even the pools were immense. So immense that it looked like monsters will come out of them.

’Sh*t, why didn’t I think of this sooner?’ Kye began to worry once he observed what was around him. So much that Yugo and Ven almost felt it.


’A pool means that we had to get inside it to do whatever activities the military want us to do. But I can’t. I have wings on my back, so the moment I take out my shirt, everyone will see them."

As time passes, all the students came. And the professors quickly came out too. Among them, there was Madison, the teacher from the weapon class, and the one from the ability class. His name was Azul Viso, he came from one of the four great families. He teaches how to use abilities in the military after the latter had solicited him because of his great mastery over his ability. Like this, he could teach the students how to use their own abilities well by giving various tips. Of course, the Viso family didn’t have any objection since first, Azul wasn’t the successor, and second, they could reinforce their influence with their teaching in the hope to recruit someone valuable once the students will finish their studying in the military.

Once they had the attention of all the students, Madison began to speak. "Thank you everyone for coming in times even after such short notice," She began. "Every year at the military, we organize special training sessions where both fighting classes join each other so that you can first learn how to make what you practiced in your respective classes into action, and second, to train in new environments and different conditions."

Azul continued once Madison took a step back. He thought that men and women weren’t at the same level, no, for him men were superior to women, but he still stayed dignified to not bring shame to his family. "And as you might have all understood, today’s training session and the next few ones will happen here, in an area where you will learn how to fight under the water. Of course, we don’t do that for no reason. During the war, we had a lot of difficulties fighting against intelligent monsters who fought mostly underwater, or in the sky. So be prepared at having a training session in the air sooner than you can think."

"Now now, everyone, please go and change your clothes. And I hope you won’t forget your genre," Madison smiled and sent a shiver to everyone. They all obeyed immediately.

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Lidi was the first to go, leaving the boys together.

Ven and Yugo obviously saw how Kye looked toward the ground since even before the professors began to talk. And once the latter explained why they were here, both of them understood why Kye looked down like this.

"Kye, don’t worry, I’m sure that everything will be alright," Ven tried to comfort him, but he didn’t know how things could go right in this situation. They will surely have to fight without clothes. And even if they didn’t and had a special combination to fight underwater, it will surely be something very tight to the body, so his little wings will surely be visible no matter what.

"No, I don’t think things will be alright this time," Kye says after thinking for several minutes. He was just being realistic. However, the look in his eyes didn’t look as if he had lost a war, no instead it looks like he was ready to fight again. "Let’s change first. There’s no point in delaying what will eventually come. And with a little luck, this eventuality won’t even exist."

"Kye wait!" Yugo ran behind him. "I’m sure we can find a solution if we think about it more."

"No, don’t worry about that," Kye answered with a smile. "Humans can’t breathe underwater, so we will surely have something that will help us breathe. A mask is impossible since we need to have our full vision, and so even with a glass to be as realistic as possible, so we will surely have something like a cylinder that will help us breathe. And it will obviously be on our back, so everything should be alright."

Hearing what he said, both of them felt relieved because they got very scared about the consequences that would have fallen upon Kye if people were to discover his wings. And even though some wouldn’t have been afraid, just like them, others wouldn’t, and they would do their best to make Kye appear like a spy coming from the intelligent monster’s side.

And once they entered the boy’s changing room, they saw that everyone had to put on a black suit that covered the whole body except the face very tightly with as Kye said, a cylinder that would help them breathe which was positioned in the back.

Kye changed himself once everyone went out and there was only him, Yugo and Ven left. Like this, no one would be able to see him no matter what. So they all changed quickly because the class will start soon.

They all came out, and since they were the last, a lot of people looked in their direction. And surprisingly enough, Kye didn’t look down. Instead, his eyes looked right ahead of him as if nothing was worrying him.

However, a lot of people blushed a little from their ears once they saw Kye.

The latter looked as if he was getting more handsome as the days passes. He had grown a little taller, and even his old body was now quite fit. So much that the tight suit fit him perfectly.

A little too much even.

As they walked, Ven couldn’t help but comment about Kye as well in a low voice. "Kye I didn’t know that your body changed that much in just a week. You’re getting amazing," Even Yugo couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

But their conversation was soon cut short because once everyone was present, Madison immediately talked. "I want everyone to first got used to moving freely under the water. Only after that will we begin the sparring session."

Obviously, as always, there was always a student who had a question. Madison nodded when she saw that and the girl began to talk. "How will our abilities work if we’re underwater? For example, won’t someone who has the lightning ability electrocute everyone?"

"That’s a very good question," Azul answered in Madison’s stead. He thought of himself as more competent to explain things. "The water that you all see isn’t normal. It is specially designed so that your abilities can move as if we’re fighting on normal ground," As he said that, someone else raised his hand, making Azul a little pissed. "Isn’t my explanation clear enough?" He looked at the student directly in the eyes in the hope of making him back down but to no avail.

This student was Kye, and when he raised his arm to ask a question, all his friends and Madison smiled.

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