My Angelic System Chapter 56 KYE!!!

But if by miracle such an opportunity was to present itself to their feet again, they wouldn’t hesitate to throw Kye in the mouth of a monster. Though at this point, it was only a wishful thought. It was impossible to get such opportunities again, especially now that Suha wasn’t annoyed by Kye’s presence anymore. On the contrary, he seems to have taken a liking to him, or more precisely, his fighting style.

Kye was so observant that it made Suha wonder how in the world he could process all the information he was seeing. They had talked a little about that the last day and the fact that Kye kept observing his surrounding shocked him. It was something incredible because such observations also meant that he had a great vision of what was surrounding him. And for a fighter, having a great vision could save their life.

However, Maria and John couldn’t be more disgusted by their sudden friendship. First because seeing a high level is so nice with a low level made them feel as low as trash, and second because if not for Suha, they would have already completed the mission Azul had given them. And if they were to come back without completing it, they could face severe consequences. Azul was a great fighter and quite high positioned in the family, so his influence wasn’t to be underestimated. On the contrary, he could destroy their lives easily.

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However, as if Heavens had heard their plea. Or instead in this case, Hell, something unexpected happens again.

Normal fishes and even some monsters began to fly rapidly in their direction. Though, it wasn’t to attack them. No, far from it. The look on their face didn’t look like one who wanted to fight, but one that was running away for its life to live another day.

Obviously, the group began to swim faster with them as well in fear of what could have caused so many animals and monsters to swim away so rapidly. But what they saw next wasn’t in their expectations.

Hundreds and hundreds of spikes were coming toward them. And it wasn’t a normal spike either. No, it was a spike made completely by ice.

’Don’t tell me...’ Kye couldn’t finish his thought that a laser beam was shot right toward him.

He managed to dodge it at a hair length, thus saving his life. However, what happened next not only shocked Kye but all his group as well.

[- 20 HP]

Kye spat a mouthful of blood because of a sudden blue ray coming out from the ice beam.

When Kye dodged, the area he was before dodging began to freeze before an ice ray came out from it, piercing his stomach, thus creating a hole in his stomach before sealing it with ice.

"KYE!" Suha shouted as he extended his hand toward him to try and help him, but got stopped by Maria and John.

"We don’t have time to save him," Maria said as she didn’t let Suha go toward Kye with John’s help. The latter obviously had the time to take the bag full of monster orbs from Kye before helping her. "He’s already dead. Just look at him, he’s not even moving."

"The whale also seems to be faster than the last day, so we need to run away for our lives!"

"But-..." Suha couldn’t even finish that the whale sent another volley of hundred spikes toward them.

As they were dodging everything, both Maria and John couldn’t help but smile internally. It was the perfect opportunity for them to make Kye disappear. And they are doing so by not letting Suha help him. Kye will die even if he had survived this icy ray because he would stay in an area filled with monsters.

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While they were being chased by the whale, Kye couldn’t move anymore. He was drifting in the ocean, slowly going deeper and deeper.

When the ray pierced him and ice formed in the big hole in his stomach area, Kye couldn’t move anymore. It was as if he had been frozen by the sudden ice. Ice that unable him to move. And even though Kye wasn’t dead, he wasn’t far from it. Being defenseless and harmless in the middle of an ocean field with monsters roaming everywhere wasn’t the best of situations.

And because of the ice, Kye slowly lost consciousness.

’Ser...iously... me and my luck...’ He managed to think before blacking out.

During this time, Suha, Maria, and John managed to go away from the whale. It was as if its only purpose was to kill Kye, before swimming away. Of course, a professor came to them once they reach the border of the city to help them, but the whale was already gone.

And after the professor heard what had happened, he immediately called Madison. Maria and John asked for Azul, but since the professor was working under Madison’s supervision, he still went to her.

Madison didn’t wait a single second when she heard that there was an emergency. She immediately rushed toward Suha, Maria, and John to understand what had fully happened. "Why are you only three?" She asked with a cold voice. She knew that it wasn’t their fault to be attacked by a high-level monster, but they could have at least brought Kye him so that they could have healed him. Not to add that Madison had seen multiple times during her class that Kye was regenerating quickly. Small wounds were healed in a matter of minutes. So she was sure that he wouldn’t have died for such.

"We almost lost our lives and you’re welcoming us like this pro-..." Maria didn’t have the chance to finish because Suha cut her short.

"Professor please, you have to save him. He’s still there surrounded by monsters," Suha begged Madison. But even he knew that there wasn’t anything left to do. The hole that was created by the ray was too big for a level 1 person to be alive. A level 6 like him could have been possible, but not Kye.

"Tell me where the whale attacked you, and I will try my best," Suha immediately pointed his finger toward the direction they came from, before being picked by Madison and swimming at high speed toward the area. There were only the two of them. Madison didn’t take Maria and John with her since it was clear that only Suha would help her. "Was it here?" Suha nodded.

Madison brought back Suha to the city before coming back where the students got attacked earlier. She didn’t want him to be alone where monsters were everywhere while she was searching for Kye. She couldn’t let him die as well. And even though Suha asked to stay, Madison kept being firmly against him.

Once there, Madison swam at high speed and began to go deeper and deeper into the sea. The monsters coming at her were all cut in pieces with one slash on each of her swords. So she had an easy trip deep into the ocean. But she couldn’t help but think about Kye. If he had passed out, then she didn’t think that he would still be alive since monsters would have already killed him.

’Why is my ability so damn useless to help people when they need it the most?’ Madison cursed at her uselessness after searching for an hour. She went in every direction, yet she didn’t find him. She even went so deep that she could touch the ground in the sea in this specific area.

If there was one silver lining in all this situation, it would be that Kye wouldn’t die because of the pressure of the water since the ground wasn’t too deep.

Though, the fact that she had lost such a good student made her curse immensely. She couldn’t help but curse at this system as well. There was no doubt that Maria and John thought of saving their asses and didn’t take even a second to look behind them to protect Kye.

The fact that the weak have to suffer made her curse more and more at this system.

"And how am I meant to tell all this to his friend?" Madison said to herself, dejected, once she was back in the city. ’If only my ability wasn’t allowing me to see where to strike to one shot my enemy, but to see what I wanted to find,’ She couldn’t help but think that as well. It was thanks to her ability that humans managed to defend a big part of Earth during the invasion of the monsters. But in such a situation where someone needed her the most, her ability was useless.

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