My Celestial Ascension Chapter 1 Rebirth After Death

"Why am I feeling so exhausted?"

A slender 18-year-old male said that despite doing nothing, he suddenly felt extremely exhausted.

Yuan, a young man with an emaciated figure, possessed a remarkably captivating and heartwarming countenance that belied his frail state of health.

In the midst of a pandemic, he received the devastating diagnosis of leukemia in its terminal phase, already in the blast phase, leaving him with only a mere four years to live if immediate treatment was not administered.

Initially, he was plunged into the depths of despair, struggling to accept the stark reality of his fleeting existence.

But eventually, he came to terms with the idea that his time was limited and resolved to seize the day, even though he was a destitute orphan who worked part-time to make ends meet, earning a modest sum of $45,000 - an amount that seemed like a fortune to him.

ραпdα n?νa| сom Despite his valiant efforts to make the most of his remaining years, his health continued to deteriorate, confining him to his apartment for days on end.

Nevertheless, Yuan remained resolute, determined to make every moment count and savor every precious memory that life had to offer

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"Is... Is it already time....why is my life so unfair?"


"I need to get some sleep." He walked up to the bed and sat down while muttering. He had been struggling to remain awake the entire time, so when he finally fell asleep, he promptly closed both of his eyes.

He murmured as he thought about her and a tear escaped his eye, "It seems like I won’t be able to honor my word, Lulu...I hope you will forgive."

Lulu, a girl from the same orphanage as him, and he grew up together until a wealthy man visited the orphanage and adopted her when they were 10 years old.

She loved spending time with him, and he also enjoys being with her. At that time, several of the orphanage’s male youngsters were envious of Yuan because Lulu was ignoring them all.

Though he regrets never being able to see her again, there is still one mystery. Does she still remember me?

In reality, he didn’t even try to find her because he was so busy during those eight years as he struggled to make ends meet while working a part-time job and attending school.

He had promised to look for her in the future, but he was unable to keep that promise.

When he discovered he had leukemia in its final stages, he had already given up on his studies. Instead, during those three years, he worked, went out more, and generally enjoyed life more because he had so much free time after leaving school.

A few days ago, his world changed forever. An old album, hidden away for years, revealed a treasure trove of memories from his childhood in the orphanage.

But one photo, in particular, stopped him in his tracks. A little girl, with a smile so bright it could light up a room, standing by his side and holding his hands.

Then Lulu comes into his mind, his childhood sweetheart. But regrettably, it was already too late to search for her as his condition continued to deteriorate.

As he reached for the album, memories flooded his mind. His fingers trembled as he opened it, revealing a snapshot of them in happier times.

But as he gazed at the photo, a sharp pain pierced his heart, and tears cascaded down his cheeks, drenching the pillow in sorrow.

"I-I wish I could see her one last time before I pass away... "His sentence was left unfinished, he succumbed to darkness and his final breath faded into the abyss.


Yuan’s body felt weightless as if he were a feather dancing in the wind. When he opened his eyes, darkness enveloped him, and he was suspended in mid-air. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

This surreal experience left him stunned; he had never encountered anything like it before. It was as if he had been transported to another world, defying all logic and reason.

An unknown fear began to rise in his chest, but he made every effort to maintain his composure and avoid losing it. He began to wonder something.

As he pondered the unknown, a chilling thought entered his mind. He had read that in death, souls were sent to the afterlife, forced to start anew with erased memories. Was this his fate? Would he lose all he had ever known and become someone entirely new?

Lost in the darkness, he questioned his mortality: "Am I dead?" But unlike the tales he’d read, there was no bright light or heavenly choir. Instead, an eerie unknown loomed, so thick he couldn’t see his own hands.

"Yes, indeed! You’re dead now, and I find it pitiful and shameful. Such a tragic end for one so full of life!"

In the midst of darkness, Yuan’s ears were pierced by an awe-inspiring voice that carried a divine aura, sending a chill down his spine and leaving him spellbound.

Intriguingly, he felt the voice was strangely familiar to him, as if he had heard it every day of his life. He tried to identify where this godly voice came from because it sent a chill down his spine.

"W-Who are you? Why don’t you introduce yourself?" Yuan’s heart pounded as he demanded the voice reveal its identity. He quivered in fear, dwarfed by the deity behind the godly voice, knowing one false move could mean his demise.

As the darkness enveloped him, he felt a strange presence lurking nearby. And then, as if by magic, a pair of magnificent golden eyes appeared before him, piercing through the darkness with their intense glow.

He couldn’t look away from the mesmerizing sight, for it felt as if those eyes could see right through his very being, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. Indeed, nothing could hide from the watchful gaze of those giant, otherworldly eyes.

"Tsk. How heartbreaking it is to meet one’s end in the grasp of a mortal illness, an utter tragedy indeed! Alas, it is such a pity that despite possessing the power to shape one’s own destiny, you were unable to do so, and instead surrendered to your fate like a hapless chicken awaiting slaughter."

The voice continued, "Is it not true that you yearn for the chance at rebirth? In my deep empathy, I offer my aid to you."

As the divine voice whispered, a radiant golden light materialized, piercing through the abyss and permeating Yuan’s being, filling him with ethereal power.

"It is with great anticipation that I look forward to our next encounter, which will undoubtedly transpire in the future. As for the present moment, it grieves me to inform you that my departure draws near. Before we part ways, I implore you to exert every effort to enhance your physical and mental fortitude... Hahahah!" As the divine entity’s laughter reverberated through the emptiness, the enormous pairs of eyes closed.

Yuan’s voice trembled as he uttered the words, "What do you mean by destiny?"

His very soul seemed to be at the mercy of the blinding light that engulfed him, leaving him with more questions than answers. Despite his fervent search, the elusive truth of destiny remained beyond his grasp.

Yuan stirred from his slumber, his senses immediately heightened as he inhaled the crisp, untainted air that filled his lungs. A stark contrast from the polluted atmosphere of his former home, Earth.

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As he slowly opened his eyes, a sense of familiarity washed over him, despite finding himself in an unfamiliar location. The room enveloped him with a warmth that felt all too familiar, like a comforting embrace from "Mother".

As he turned to the right, his eyes fell upon a sight that left him breathless.

A stunningly gorgeous girl, with a radiance that outshone the sun, stood before him. Her youthful grace and delicate features were a marvel to behold; he knew he had never before laid eyes on such unparalleled beauty. Her stunning allure surpassed even that of the most acclaimed supermodels and celebrities.

Truly, she was a vision of loveliness that left him spellbound.

Thump! Thump!

As his eyes fixated on the alluring woman before him, his heart began to race, beating like a wild drum. Despite his nerves, a curious smile crept upon his lips, for her mere presence calmed him like a tranquil sea amidst a stormy night.

As their eyes met, time seemed to stand still, and a million unspoken words passed between them. Yuan found himself lost in her gaze, but suddenly, he snapped out of his trance as he noticed the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she covered her lips with her hand, and the raw emotion in her eyes tore at his heartstrings. As if guided by some unseen force, she launched herself into his arms, seeking solace in his embrace.

"Oh, my dear little brother! Thank the heavens above that you’re finally awake! My heart and my mother’s were heavy with worry, fearing we had lost you forever. We thought you were gone, vanished into the abyss, but you’ve come back to us! Promise me, you’ll be more careful from now on. If I hadn’t arrived just in time, they would have snuffed out your precious life, and I can’t bear the thought of losing you. Please, promise me you’ll stay safe!" As tears streamed down her face, she uttered words that left him with a haunting impression.

The body he currently possessed seemed to be harboring some deep-seated animosity towards some unknown entity. Her sobs echoed in the room as he held her tightly, leaving him to wonder about the secrets hidden within the body he now occupied.

’Brother? What is she saying? What is this scenario I’m in, and more importantly, where am I? Why is she calling me little brother when she is so gorgeous?’ Because of the situation he was in at the time, he has many doubts.


As the sharp pain pierced through his brain, a whirlwind of foreign memories collided with his own, leaving him in a daze. Amidst the chaos, he discovered a long-lost truth: he was no longer an orphan. His heart leaped with joy as he learned he had a family of three, including himself, and that his name remained unchanged.

The "Yuan" of this world, whose heart was warmed by the love of his dear mother, Anna Grace Blank. Yet, behind her tender exterior lay a mysterious side, as if a shadow lingered within her.

Yuan could never quite put his finger on it, and unfortunately, fate had other plans. Soon after his suspicions arose, his beloved mother fell gravely ill with an enigmatic disease, rendering her bedridden for over a decade. Despite her condition, Anna remained fiercely protective of her son, becoming his greatest ally and friend.

However, as her health deteriorated, her ability to communicate waned, leaving Yuan to wonder about the truth of her other self.

As he gazed upon the figure before him, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the new addition to his family. Her name was Lily, a breathtaking older sister whose luscious locks cascaded down her back like a waterfall of dark chocolate.

Though they shared only a slight resemblance to their mother in personality, her gentle presence filled him with a sense of warmth and belonging.

Amidst the hues of a bright dawn, Yuan’s father left this world when he was a mere two-month-old bud. With his father’s memories veiled in mystery, Yuan didn’t prod his mother for details, leaving his father’s essence unexplored.

In a world teeming with magic, every child yearned for the day of their awakening. At the age of 15, they would venture to the hallowed halls of the church, their hearts brimming with hope and excitement. For with the awakening came the power of mana, a mystical force that flowed through their veins, granting the gift of spellcasting to those deemed worthy.

But for Yuan, fate had other plans. Despite his prodigious talents and enviable skills, his awakening ceremony ended in bitter disappointment.

Overnight, the world turned against him, and Yuan’s once-charmed life plunged into a dark abyss of misery and scorn.

The city was ruled by a powerful lord, whose son Jim and his two vicious lieutenants Tony and Paul had been terrorizing the innocent Yuan for three agonizing years. In a heinous act of violence, the trio snuffed out the life of the original Yuan, leaving behind a trail of devastation and heartbreak.

’Just you three wait, I’ll definitely get back at you!’ With a devilish grin on his face, he vowed that in his heart.

"Dear Sister Lily, please do calm your nerves as I assure you that I am perfectly fine. As you can see, I am alive and well, full of energy and vitality. There is no need to worry or fret over my condition, as I am indeed alive and kicking. Thank you for your concern, my dear sister." Yuan said as he cherishes her hair.

"Listen up, you reckless fool! I implore you to make me a solemn vow that you will never again act so irresponsibly."

Yuan’s unwavering gaze met her deep-brown eyes as he made a solemn promise, "I pledge to you that I’ll never gamble with my life by indulging in reckless behavior."

Her rosy cheeks blushed like blooming roses as she felt her brother’s gaze upon her, but she quickly embraced him in a tender hug, concealing her shyness. Her innocent gestures bewitched Yuan, stirring his heart with an enchanting spell.

He chided his eager little brother from under his trouser, ’Calm down little brother what are you thinking she’s your sister damnit!’

Lily’s face blushed like a rose as she whispered to Yuan with a tremble in her voice, "Y-Yuan, a mysterious thing seems to be poking at my stomach." Her eyes, unable to meet his gaze, reflecting the unease that shrouded her being, leaving her spellbound in a moment of sheer embarrassment.

With a sly grin and mischievous glint in his eye, he couldn’t resist the urge to playfully prod her after catching a glimpse of her blushing visage.

Yuan’s mischievous grin was a clear indication of his thoughts as he uttered, "Do you realize, my dear, that every man would respond in kind to a hug from a woman as stunning as you?" His words dripped with admiration and a hint of playful mischief, leaving her heart racing and cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and delight.

upon her ears like an unexpected gust of wind, a wave of shame washed over her, tainting her cheeks with a rosy hue.

But instead of wallowing in her embarrassment, she channeled her emotions into a tender yet playful assault on her brother’s chest, the rhythmic beats echoing the love that flowed through her heart.

Lily’s delicate fingers caressed the velvety ears of her mischievous little brother as she spoke, "My oh my, rising from slumber has surely turned you into quite the impish rascal, hasn’t it, dear Yuan’er?" with a playful glint in her eyes.

"What are you saying, big sister, Can’t you see? I’m just stating the obvious!" A mischievous grin played on his lips as he retorted, the teasing tone in his voice was evident as he mocked her playfully.

Just as he was reveling in the delight of teasing his sister, a remarkable and mind-bending moment abruptly stole his attention.

Without warning, a glimmering, blue screen materialized right in front of his eyes, accompanied by a sudden and distinctive "ding" sound.


[Ding! System reboot has been successful!]

[Ding! System activated!]


(Behold, my revised chapter! Comment below and let me know how it strikes you.)

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