My Celestial Ascension Chapter 228 Issac Monroe recovered

Chapter 228 Issac Monroe recovered


Everyone in the Monroe family watched in awe as the medicine took immediate effect on Issac’s frail form.

"I’ve seen countless medicines, but this... it’s astonishing. The way it works so swiftly," Rose marveled, her eyes fixed on her father’s visibly improving condition.

"It’s not just the speed, but the form too. It’s solid, unlike any potion we’ve ever encountered. And that fragrance... it hardly seems medicinal at all," Ava added, studying the empty pill bottle in her mother’s hand.

Julie chimed in, her admiration clear. "Our husband is truly remarkable. He didn’t hesitate for a moment to give such a precious, miraculous medicine for our father’s sake."

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"I couldn’t agree more. Yuan’s kindness knows no bounds," Rose affirmed, her gaze lingering on Yuan’s handsome face.

Julie nodded in agreement. "He truly is. Let’s hope this pill works its magic on Father, restoring him to full health."

Moments later, Issac’s body underwent a remarkable transformation. His once emaciated frame regained its vitality, his breathing evened out, and his pulse steadied. The pained lines on his face softened into one of tranquility.

Issac marveled at the sensation. ’What is this? I feel... well. As if I’m in perfect health. Could it be that my son-in-law’s medicine actually worked?’ He felt a calmness wash over him, a sensation he hadn’t experienced in a long while.

A minute later, Issac’s eyes slowly fluttered open. He beheld the familiar, beautiful face of his wife and spoke, "You’re just as radiant as ever, Layla..."

Madam Layla’s eyes brimmed with tears at the sight of her husband awakening after what felt like an eternity. Overwhelmed with joy, she threw herself into his arms.

"H-H-Honey, you... you’re cured! You’re healthy again. I’m so happy! To see you in perfect health, it’s a dream come true," Madam Layla wept with sheer elation, burying her face into his chest.

’This is a miracle. My husband is well, and I feel a strength I haven’t felt in so long. It’s all thanks to our son-in-law. He’s not only saved us from danger, but he’s also saved my husband from the brink of death,’ Madam Layla thought, holding her husband tightly, her heart overflowing with gratitude.

Issac held his wife tenderly, one hand embracing her while the other gently caressed her hair. He spoke with a soothing warmth, "It’s alright now, Layla. No more tears. Instead, let’s celebrate. Show me that enchanting smile once more."

Madam Layla wiped away her tears and beamed at her husband, "Like this, my love?"

He nodded, his eyes filled with affection. "Exactly. This smile stole my heart the first time I saw you."

"That smile of yours evokes such nostalgic memories," Issac reminisced with a soft smile, thinking back to their first encounter.

Madam Layla playfully interjected, "Well, you were the shy one back then, hesitant to confess your feelings. If I hadn’t mustered the courage to approach you, I might not be your wife today."

He chuckled, countering, "Let’s not twist the facts, Layla. It was me who gathered the courage to confess. Remember how you turned me down three times?"

"But you managed to win me over in the end, didn’t you?"

Laughter filled the room as they shared fond recollections of their courtship.

Observing this, Yuan and his wives watched in amusement. Yuan mused, ’If only I had some popcorn for this romantic comedy.’

Julie was visibly surprised, ’Wow, Mom rejected Dad three times? That’s quite a twist.’

Yet, they chose not to interrupt the intimate moment. Madam Layla and Issac seemed to exist in a world of their own, lost in the sweetness of their shared memories.

Madam Layla and Issac, caught up in the moment, drew closer until their lips met, sharing a passionate kiss.

The sudden clearing of Rose’s throat startled them. "Mother, Father! Did you forget about our presence and start making out in front of us?"

Madam Layla and Issac pulled away, their faces flushing with embarrassment. They exchanged sheepish glances, realizing they’d been caught in their own world.

Madam Layla’s embarrassment deepened as she stole a quick glance at Yuan and his wives. ’Oh dear, they must think me shameless... I wish I could disappear right now.’

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Issac’s gaze shifted from the stunning women beside Yuan to the young man himself. He marveled at their ethereal beauty, realizing he’d never seen such a gathering of extraordinary women before. He refocused on Yuan, pondering the relationships in this unusual assembly.

Shaking off his astonishment, Issac addressed Yuan. "You must be Yuan, my son-in-law, correct?"

"Yes, and I’m glad to see you recovering, uncle," Yuan responded with a nod.

Issac’s tone held gratitude. "Thank you, Yuan. It’s all thanks to you. I must apologize for the embarrassing display earlier. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my wife’s face... I hope you understand the sentiment."

"There’s no need for you to apologize to me; it’s very normal for a couple who love each other so dearly to kiss. And from what I can see, you love your wife very much, don’t you?"

"Naturally," Issac nodded, affirming, "I love my wife and children deeply. I was in despair, knowing that I might have to leave them. But because of you, Yuan, fate has taken a different course. I’m immensely grateful to you for giving me a new lease on life and the chance to be with my dear wife again."

"There’s no need for you to thank me, uncle. Since I have married your daughters, it’s my duty to help my in-laws," Yuan replied with a warm smile.

Anna stepped forward and added, "Indeed, as my dear has just said, there’s no need for such formality among family. Besides, the medicine we gave you is not as valuable as you might think. We use these pills primarily to heal our injuries, nothing more."

Issac was left speechless, his eyes wide with disbelief. How could they use such miraculous pills for mere injuries? To him, it seemed like an extraordinary waste.

"Does this mean they have a surplus of these miracle pills?" Issac wondered, his gaze still fixed on Anna with a mix of awe and incredulity.

Madam Layla, equally astounded, thought, ’I forgot that normal logic doesn’t apply to him, especially when it comes to Yuan.’

Changing the subject, Issac turned to Madam Layla. "By the way, who are these beauties with Yuan? I don’t recognize any of them so far. I don’t think I’ve seen them before."

Madam Layla followed her husband’s gaze, introducing, "Oh, them... they are all Yuan’s wives. I know it’s hard to believe considering their beauty, but believe it or not, it’s the truth."

"W-Wives?!" Issac exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock at the revelation of Yuan’s marital status.

However, Yuan had already anticipated this kind of reaction from his father-in-law, so he wasn’t the least bit surprised. He wore an amused smile as he observed the expressions playing across Issac’s face upon learning about his wives.

Yuan proceeded to introduce each of his wives to Issac, who could hardly believe his eyes. ’How is it possible that he ended up with such stunning women as his wives? They’re more beautiful than any woman in the entire kingdom... This is beyond belief,’ Issac thought, stunned.

Issac let out a long sigh and commented, "Well, it’s quite challenging to fathom that these beautiful women are your wives. I’m truly at a loss! I can’t help but wonder how you managed to achieve such an extraordinary feat."

"I suppose I’m just lucky," Yuan replied with a grin.

"In that case, your luck must be something extraordinary... hahah!" Issac chuckled.

After a moment, Yuan and his wives left the room. Rose, Julie, and Ava stayed behind to assist their mother if she needed extra hands to help their father. Together, they worked to help Issac get up from his bed and change his clothes, as he had been bedridden for quite some time and lacked the strength to do so on his own.

Just then, James entered the room, and his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him.

"N-No way! Father...? Y-You’ve recovered?!" James exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief as he took in the sight of his father sitting up in bed, looking perfectly healthy.

James was in utter disbelief. He couldn’t fathom that after returning from his work, he’d find his father, who was supposed to be on his deathbed, now fully recovered and in perfect health. He questioned the reality of what he was witnessing.

Issac immediately turned around upon hearing the familiar voice from behind.

There stood a young man with an unassuming appearance. "Is that you, James? You’ve certainly grown quite a lot. I can hardly recognize you now."

James swiftly approached his father, taking a seat next to his mother and sisters on the bed. He spoke with a mixture of astonishment and joy, "That’s right, I’m James, your only son. I... I can hardly believe that you’ve recovered, father."

"I never expected you to grow this much, James," Issac remarked with a warm smile. He enveloped his son in a tight hug and continued, "I’m incredibly happy to see you again with my own eyes, James."

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