My Family in the Novel? Chapter 20: Truthful Rewards 5

Chapter 20: Truthful Rewards 5

Upon dashing to the scene, Zekel swiftly issued orders to his pack of Razor wolves.

Dozens of them immediately spread out through the dense forest under his command, their silvery forms blending with the shadows. Zekel’s keen instincts guided them as they hunted their prey.

"There he is," Zekel whispered as he spotted the young man.

Without hesitation, he commanded one of his wolves to attack the intruder from the rear. Zekel, as the highest-grade wolf-type magical beast in the forest, possessed a unique ability to communicate with and command other lower-level wolves using pure instinct.

It was akin to telepathy and allowed him to coordinate with his subordinates silently. This ability was especially useful for pack hunters like him, although he no longer needed a pack since evolving into a tempest wolf.

As two of his wolves pounced on the unsuspecting young man from behind, Zekel felt a sense of satisfaction.

Razor wolves, although considered low-level monsters by human standards, possessed razor-sharp teeth capable of piercing steel and a ferocious bite force. Their sheer numbers and speed made them a formidable force when working together.

However, Zekel wasn’t reckless or impulsive, contrary to Meralda’s opinion. He desired to confront the young man personally, but his instincts told him to wait, or he would meet his end.

Logically, he reached the same conclusion as well, knowing that few beings in their world had the power to hasten the seal on Kaksan, the Beast of the Night, by merely through their presence.

Such an ability was possessed only by arch-demons and high-ranking malevolent spirits. Thus, he chose caution over recklessness, opting to watch the situation unfold.

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But what transpired next was entirely unexpected. Instead of being caught off guard, the young man swiftly turned and effortlessly decapitated the two Razor wolves with his bare hands.

"What the heck? Where did these guys come from?" the young man, Adrian, wondered aloud.

"What kind of martial arts was that? Turning your hands into blades?" Zekel questioned himself.

Adrian’s swift and precise movements left Zekel in awe. He witnessed the manifestation of a thin aura blade in Adrian’s hands, an extraordinary feat.

Zekel’s instincts screamed at him, confirming that this man was no amateur.

The stance and form displayed by Adrian, along with his incredible speed and precision, were characteristic of those who had reached the rank of master in this world.

As Zekel kept staring at Adrian, Adrian suddenly stared back.

Adrian locked eyes with Zekel and smiled, uttering, "Found you."

Zekel’s bewilderment grew. How had Adrian detected him from such a great distance? He was currently hundreds of meters away, expertly concealed within the lush camouflage of the forest. The situation perplexed him, leaving him with unanswered questions.

"Change of plans, everyone surround him" With Zekel’s command, the razor wolves moved swiftly, encircling Adrian in a lethal dance. They lunged one after another, attempting to overwhelm him with sheer numbers.

But Adrian, though initially perplexed by the sudden onslaught, reacted with astonishing speed and precision.

As the wolves closed in from all directions, Adrian became a blur of motion, dodging and parrying their attacks with remarkable ease.

His hands moved like blades, effortlessly slicing through the wolves. It was a display of martial arts prowess that left Zekel both astounded and unnerved.

A normal person would have succumbed to panic when facing a pack of razor wolves, but Adrian showed no fear. His smile remained, a menacing and confident grin that sent chills down Zekel’s spine.

Zekel’s wolves continued their relentless assault, trying to find an opening in Adrian’s defenses. However, Adrian’s movements were a mesmerizing dance of martial skill, and he seemed tireless. The wolves grew frustrated as their attacks were met with swift counters.

As Zekel observed the relentless onslaught of his razor wolves, he began to grasp the futility of their attacks. Adrian’s movements were a mesmerizing blend of skill and speed, and it was clear that overwhelming him with sheer numbers was not going to work. With a heavy heart, Zekel realized that he needed to change his approach.

In a decisive moment, he issued new orders to his wolves. Two of them were designated to draw Adrian’s attention, to engage him directly and test his defenses.

The other wolves would position themselves strategically to attack from his blind spots. It was a calculated maneuver, a desperate attempt to find an opening in Adrian’s seemingly impenetrable defenses.

The wolves chosen for the task understood the gravity of the situation. They steeled themselves for the upcoming confrontation, knowing that their lives were at stake.

Zekel, too, prepared himself mentally and physically for what was to come.

He understood that this battle might result in the sacrifice of his loyal pack, but he was willing to pay any price to eliminate the threat posed by the young man before him.

Even if it meant his own life as well.

With unwavering determination, Zekel readied himself to launch an attack. His azure eyes locked onto Adrian, who continued to move with grace and confidence amidst the chaos of the battle.

Zekel’s instincts screamed at him that this was no ordinary adversary.

The forest, their duty as guardians, and their very existence were on the line, and Zekel was prepared to give his all in this high-stakes confrontation.

But just as the wolves executed their maneuver, Adrian’s power surged to new heights, a purplish translucent blade of aura manifested in his right hand, in a burst of incredible speed, he dispatched the wolves on his left and right with lightning-quick strikes.

Then, with unwavering determination, he charged straight through Zekel’s position, heading directly for the tempest wolf himself.

Adrian’s eyes bore into Zekel’s with a fierce determination. His aura crackled with energy, and a palpable sense of danger emanated from him. In that moment, it became clear to Zekel that he was facing not just an ordinary human but a formidable adversary with skills and power that defied explanation.

As the tempest wolf, Zekel possessed a devastating and highly destructive attack known as "Storm’s Tempest."

It was a technique that harnessed the raw power of nature, compressing gusts of winds into an orb of searing plasma. The destructive potential of this attack was staggering, capable of reducing its target to atomic levels.

With unwavering determination, Zekel initiated this fearsome technique. The air around him crackled with energy as he gathered the necessary winds. His azure eyes gleamed with intensity as he prepared to unleash the full force of his power upon Adrian.

Adrian, realizing the dire situation he was in, couldn’t help but curse under his breath. "Shit, it was a Tempest Wolf," he cursed, his mind racing to come up with a plan. But time was not on his side.

The gathered energy at Zekel’s mouth swirled and condensed, forming a pulsating ball of scorching plasma. It began to grow larger and more volatile by the moment as Zekel compressed the destructive force within it, ready to unleash devastation.

The entire process unfolded in a matter of seconds, leaving Adrian with no time to react or escape. His forward momentum only added to his helplessness as he hurtled toward the impending cataclysm.

The plasma ball expanded and hurtled toward Adrian like a bullet, causing a thunderous explosion and sparking lightning. An enormous mushroom cloud billowed where he was just moments ago.

Debris and leaves were sent flying in all directions, and the ground trembled from the sheer force of the blast. It was as though a small-scale storm had erupted within the forest.

As the smoke and dust began to settle, Zekel seemed satisfied he was sure Adrian was gone reduced to atoms.

But a voice proved him otherwise "Wow, you really killed your own lackeys just to get me, huh?" Adrian remarked to his astonishment, Adrian emerged from the dissipating smoke, completely unscathed.

"But I have to admit, that hurt like hell." Adrian remarked

His clothes were fine, and his hair was slightly disheveled, but he stood tall with an air of confidence.

And a floating white veil seemed to surround him, "what is this level of holy power? He is too pure" Zekel inwardly questioned, "but the amount of darkness I feel from him is just as great too what the heck is this abnormality?"


Zekel had no time to react as a sudden sonic boom echoed in the surrounding area. In just a few seconds, Adrian was already right in front of Zekel’s face.

Adrian stretched out his hands, and the aura sword in his grip condensed, becoming a more prominent shade of purple.

His menacing bloodlust radiated, washing over Zekel’s entire being, rendering him paralyzed. It was a terrifying presence that threatened to snuff out his very existence.

Just as Adrian was ready to pierce Zekel’s head with his formidable aura sword, a sudden surge of dense green energy formed a protective barrier around Zekel, repelling Adrian’s attack.

The barrier glowed with an ethereal light, crackling with power as it absorbed the force of Adrian’s strike.

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Adrian, his senses razor-sharp, detected an impending attack from his right and instinctively leaped backward. Suddenly, hundreds, no, thousands of vines lashed out and struck the very spot where he had stood just moments ago.

As the dust settled, a beautiful green-haired woman with emerald eyes emerged from the forest, her presence commanding the attention of all who beheld her. It was Meralda, the great spirit of the forest, and her gaze bore into Adrian with intense hostility.

"That’s enough, evil foreigner," Meralda declared, her voice filled with contempt as she glared at Adrian, making it clear that she considered him a threat to the forest.

Floating gracefully near Zekel, Meralda reprimanded him with a mix of anger and concern. "I told you that you couldn’t take him on your own, Zekel."

Zekel, though unwilling to admit it openly, couldn’t help but snort in response. Deep down, he knew that if Meralda hadn’t arrived when she did, he would likely have met his end at Adrian’s hands. Her presence had saved him from what could have been a fatal confrontation.

Adrian, his annoyance palpable, interrupted their conversation with a pointed question. "Excuse me for interrupting your wonderful conversation, but were you the reason these guys attacked me?"

Meralda, without missing a beat, replied with a falsehood. "Yes, tell me, evil foreigner, why did you come to this forest?" She hadn’t been the direct reason for the attack, but it wouldn’t have made much difference either way.

Adrian’s expression shifted from perplexity to irritation as he responded

"You’re seriously asking me that after trying to kill me? I wonder what would have happened if I wasn’t strong enough. And what do you mean by ’evil foreigner’? I’ve come here with pure intentions, you know." His anger was understandable, considering the sudden and unprovoked attack he had endured.

Meralda, unimpressed and undeterred, scoffed at Adrian while thoroughly assessing his presence. Her emerald eyes glowed ominously as she spoke.

"Pure? Haha, you make the lamest of lies, foreigner"

"Although you may try to hide it, my eyes see right through you. The number of dark blessings you possess is abnormal."

Adrian was left dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend how she could discern something so deeply concealed within him.

"The longer you stay in this forest, the more dangerous it becomes. That beast is reacting to your energy," Meralda warned ominously, her emerald eyes fixated on Adrian.

Adrian furrowed his brow, unable to fully grasp the context behind her words. Before he could inquire further, Meralda’s actions spoke louder than her words. With a swift and elegant motion, she raised her arm, and green energy began to gather in her hands. Vines erupted from the ground, swiftly snaking around Adrian like snakes holding him in a near-chokehold.

As the green energy continued to gather in her grasp, it compressed into a tiny pebble-sized sphere. Adrian could sense the immense power contained within that small object.

The once-vibrant and lush trees surrounding Meralda withered at an alarming pace as she siphoned their vitality to fuel her formidable magic. Their leaves wilted, and their branches sagged as their life force was drawn into the green energy sphere she had conjured.

Meralda couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt and sorrow for the trees she was inadvertently harming. She had always been the guardian of this forest, and her bond with the flora and fauna ran deep.

In her heart, she whispered an apology to the suffering trees, her emerald eyes reflecting her sadness.

"I’m sorry," Meralda inwardly apologized to the trees, her voice a gentle murmur within the forest’s collective consciousness. It was a testament to her compassion, even in the midst of a dire situation, that she felt the need to extend her regrets to the very essence of the forest itself.

Adrian couldn’t help but think to himself, "This woman is really crazy."

Meralda, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight, had a menacing aura about her. Her face exuded an even greater ferocity as she released the condensed energy toward Adrian.

The air crackled with tension, and a deafening explosion shook the forest as the energy sphere hurtled toward him.

As the rising smoke began to mingle with the canopy of leaves above, attempting to reach the distant clouds, Meralda watched with a heavy heart.

She couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of sadness and guilt as she surveyed the damage she had wrought upon the forest she had sworn to protect.

Tears welled up in her emerald eyes, glistening like dewdrops in the moonlight.

Meralda’s heart ached as she continued to inwardly apologize to the very soul of the forest itself. The trees, once vibrant and full of life, now stood as withered and pained witnesses to the unleashed power she had channeled.

She believed, perhaps naively, that her actions were for the greater good, but the price paid by the innocent flora weighed heavily on her conscience.

In her heart, Meralda thought that sacrificing a part of the forest to eliminate the perceived threat was a necessary evil.

She believed that she had acted to preserve the delicate balance of the forest and protect it from the ominous presence that had intruded upon its sacred grounds.

It was a painful decision, one that came at the cost of her own connection to the very essence of the forest she loved.

Meralda landed gently on the forest floor, her body radiating an aura of exhaustion and sorrow. Zekel, her steadfast companion and protector of the forest, approached her with a sense of reassurance in his eyes.

"It was for the best, Meralda," Zekel murmured, trying to comfort her in the wake of the devastation they had witnessed.

He believed in her intentions and trusted her judgment, even if it meant sacrificing a part of the forest they both cherished.

"#@!$###" incomprehensible words resounded in the air.

Meralda managed to muster a weak smile, her emerald eyes reflecting the moonlight as she attempted to reply to Zekel’s words.

However, before she could form a coherent response, an unimaginable shock rippled through her.

A nightmarish sensation overcame her senses as she witnessed a horrifying sight: hundreds of crimson-black spears materialized out of thin air, piercing through Zekel’s majestic form.

His once-silver fur now bore the grotesque hue of dark crimson, flesh protruded out of his body and his azure eyes, once filled with strength and resolve, popped out of his eye sockets dimmed with pain and agony.

"Ze—kel?" Meralda’s voice quivered with horror as she stared at the agonized form of her companion. Zekel’s once-majestic presence had been reduced to a tortured existence, his body riddled with the crimson-black spears.

In stark contrast to the despair that gripped Meralda, Adrian’s response was a chilling and maniacal laughter that reverberated through the forest.

"HAHAHAHAHA! That one really, really, really REALLY! hurt, you know, Woman!" Adrian’s words were punctuated by a disturbing intensity.

"And I really hate PAIN!" he declared with a tone that sent shivers down Meralda’s spine.

Meralda’s mind raced as she tried to make sense of the inexplicable events unfolding before her.

How could Adrian have emerged unscathed from her devastating attack?

The translucent white veil she had observed around him for a fleeting moment added another layer of confusion to the already perplexing situation.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something profoundly unusual about this young man. His resilience in the face of her powerful magic defied explanation.

Meralda’s emerald eyes darted around, searching for any clues or answers hidden within the forest around her.

"@!!#@#@#$!" Adrian screamed incomprehensible words, and shadows, no darkness completely engulfed his hands turning into claws.

Adrian’s transformation continued, and it became increasingly surreal and otherworldly.

His once ashen grey eyes had morphed into abyssal blackness, resembling the depths of a cosmic void. Strange stars, like ethereal beacons, began to orbit within the inky blackness, casting an eerie, celestial glow.

Simultaneously, his physical appearance underwent a dramatic change. His skin grew as pale as the moonlight, almost translucent in its pallor.

His once-medium length hair began to grew longer, cascading down his back, and it had transformed from its original color of black into a radiant, pristine white.

His very presence seemed to emit an otherworldly aura, leaving Meralda in awe and disbelief.

Meralda’s emerald eyes locked onto Adrian’s, and she could see a turbulent mixture of emotions swirling within him.

Hatred, anger, and something darker she couldn’t quite identify danced in his gaze. It was a disconcerting display that deepened the mystery surrounding him.

As Adrian’s lips curled into an unsettling, creepy smile, Meralda couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of foreboding. She knew that she had to tread carefully, for this encounter had taken a treacherous turn. Her primary concern was protecting the forest and her companions from whatever malevolent force had taken hold of Adrian.

"it’d be a waste to kill you immediately, so let’s have some fun, shall we?" Adrian declared while presenting an extremely creepy smile.

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