My Fenrir System: Heir To The End Chapter 37: Chaos in the city [3]

Chapter 37: Chaos in the city [3]

Because of all the above events, that is why the city is currently in such a chaotic state. The only safe place for normal people and pre-hunters is the association, where it is presently.

Having finished listening to everything, Erik asked, the one he didn’t understand. "There’s something I don’t understand, why bring the city this state? It wasn’t me who killed your son. With the power you have, it’s easy to find me."

"Well...if we knew that I would have told you the reason wouldn’t I?"

Leon chuckled lightly, shrugging his shoulder. The question didn’t make any sense. If they knew, he would have told them. That’s why he laughed, he had no idea why the Luminis guild president had done that.

Erik realizing how stupid his question had been, decided to change it to one that was a better one.

"Why didn’t you do anything against the Luminis guild?" He asked. Well, the only question he had at the moment.

Why didn’t he do anything? Knowing that the Luminis guild was the one that caused everything that was happening in the city why stand by, and watch everyone die?

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That was what Erik didn’t understand right now. Why hadn’t he done anything to move and wipe out the guild at once?

’Why didn’t you do anything’ Violet, Adrian, Irine, and the others were interested in Leon’s answer, for they didn’t understand the reason either.

"I didn’t do anything because it wasn’t my problem" Leon replied.

"Are you serious, Leon!"

"Thousands of people died, Leon! The reason you didn’t do anything, is because it wasn’t your FUCKING problem!"

"You’re the strongest hunter there is in this fucking world! You shouldn’t have to go save all those people!"

Adrian and Irine burst out. They couldn’t believe this thousands of innocent people had died Thousands! and he did nothing Why wasn’t this his problem?

"It seems you two are misunderstanding wrong" Leon interrupted them before they continued. He understood them though, why they blew up like that. It was quite obvious that they were affected by all the deaths of innocent people, especially all the children who died.

Could more lives have been saved when the explosions occurred?

Of course, he could have!

Why didn’t he?

As he answered this was not his problem. You can call him whatever you want, monster, heartless man, or many other names, but he is not the type to solve other people’s problems.

’Every action has a reaction...’

Snapping out of his thoughts, Leon continued, "Being the strongest hunter doesn’t mean I’m a Hero..."


"And if I were in trouble what would happen, would they help me?" asked Leon.


Adrian and Irine had no answer, biting their lips in frustration. Why would anyone but them help him, why would the strongest hunter need to? That’s seriously what most people would think.

In this silence, Leon confirmed that he was right. Being the strongest, they would not help him unless they asked for something in return. After all, nothing in this world is free.

After that, there was an uncomfortable silence, and most of them wanted to leave the room. Until this uncomfortable silence was broken by Erik:

"Then whose problem is it?"

Everyone looked at Erik, but not as surprised as before, I had seen him talking casually with Leon, and as he was asking questions at the wrong time, this hardly surprised them anymore.

"This problem is yours" Leon pointed at him.

"Mine?" Erik pointed at himself. why was this his problem?

"Yes, your problem."

"And why is it my problem?" he asked confused. Well, Erik didn’t understand.

"Well, it is your problem if we connect the dots. The Luminis guild was looking for the guild president’s son, something no one knew until today, 2. You said you killed the Luminis guild president’s son," said Leon.

Since with that, it is easy to deduce why the president of the Luminis guild reacted. In short, Alejandro Belmonte is a father who is filled with hatred for the death of his son, and wants the city to experience what he felt when his son died.

"So it’s because of me that the city is in chaos" Erik muttered. He now realized that by killing the son of the Luminis guild president, he had indirectly caused the destruction of the city.

’So, this is cause and effect’ Erik chuckled internally at this thought.

’Looks like I’m making a name for my affiliation.’

Putting those thoughts aside, Erik looked at Leon with a cold expression, he said, "Leon, now I need your help."

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The corners of Leon’s lips widened. "But keep in mind that I will only help you one time," He said.

"Yes, I know it’s only one time, and the help is for you to take care of the guild president."

Leon assisted with a smile. Now it was finally time to loosen up a bit, he had been sitting still for too long. Well, because nothing like this had been happening either.

"You guys, are you going to accompany me?" asked Leon, looking at his subordinates.

"Of course, I’ll accompany you to the end of the world!"

"Of course, we will accompany you."

"Mr. Leon, we will not stay behind to take care of the people if there is an infiltrator."

Adrian, Alan, and Irine decided to go with Leon, while the other two decided to stay. Because it was very likely that there would be some infiltrator from the Luminis guild mixed in the crowd.

"Well then we’re leaving," said Leon getting up and ready to leave for the Luminis guild.

"Wait..." Erik spoke up.


"You can give me a rank C mana stone for my partner," Erik said. Remembering that Violet was just short of being promoted to rank C.

"Sure no problem," Leon said, he looked at one of his subordinates. He understood the message and went to get the mana stone.

Erik looked at Violet who had not said a word since they arrived and asked, "Violet, are you coming with us or will you stay?"

Violet snapped out of her thoughts but didn’t answer right away. She was hesitant to go with them or not, she felt she was going to be a burden on them, but she didn’t want to stay either. She wanted to go with them, but the negative thoughts were putting her in doubt. She closed her eyes to organize all her thoughts.

She opened her eyes, and now she had a determined look, because she also had some guilt, since she was also present when Erik killed the son of the Luminis guild president.

"I’ll go too!" She said with determination.

This made a small smile appear on Erik’s face, he liked that kind of attitude. Something he didn’t have before if it wasn’t for the system.

Moments later, in came one of Leon’s subordinates, with the mana stone, Erik slipped the mana stone to Violet so she could absorb it and he could move up in rank.


Rooftop of the Luminis guild.

Alexander was fully equipped waiting for the arrival of the enemies but after half an hour no one had appeared to attack his guild where everything was fully equipped.

But he felt something strange after having turned the city into chaos, no one had come, not even the guild. Alexander thought that after everything started he would come looking for his head.

However, it didn’t happen, two hours had passed and no one had shown up.

’Could it be that they are dealing with the monsters?’ That could be the reason why he hadn’t come to attack him, but he wasn’t completely sure about that.

"Is there any movement?" he asked.

- No sir there has been no movement. Everyone is in their respective guilds fighting the monsters.

Uno de los subordinados que apareció de la nada informo y volvió a desaparece nuevamente, como si nunca hubiera estado en primer lugar.

Alexander continuo contemplando la ciudad destruida, con una peque?a sonrisa en su rostro. pero, unos de sus subordinados apareció con una expresión pálida.

"What happened..."

- My sir... Leon is on his way accompanied by five more people.

"What? And what happened to the rest of the squad?"

- My sir, they died and only I managed to get out alive... but I think Leon left me alive on purpose.

"Shit... "Alexander just cursed. Now came the hardest part, but not impossible, because he had used his best equipment, and the guild members were equipped with very good items. Alexander took a deep breath, he shouted, "Get ready now!" f𝐫eewe𝚋nove𝗹.𝗰o𝚖

At that moment the clouds began to be charged with silver lightning producing loud sounds in the sky. Alexander began to get a bad feeling from this as it was the same lightning bolts that had struck the middle of the city.

As he was looking up. Suddenly, he felt a powerful aura that made him visibly shiver, Alexander quickly turned to where the powerful aura came from. And soon after, six individuals appeared out of the shadows.

They were: Leon, Erik, Violet, Irine, Alan and Adrian. Alexander’s expression darkened completely when he saw Leon who had a small smile on his face and was pointing upwards.

Alexander looked up, and the clouds were fully charged with silver lightning. At this instant, he remembered why these rays were so familiar to him. .... He gritted his teeth and began to be covered in completely black energy with red tones and.....



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