My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game Chapter 72: Douglas’ Son

Chapter 72: Douglas’ Son

Before long I was presented with a new day. On the way to school, I began contemplating over how those people at the Honest Truth cult were doing. After all, I said I would do something, but just suddenly ghosted them for basically no reason.

...With how their memories were, would they even remember?

No, they should, since Dark Arts would only wipe memories in the past, according to what I’ve been told. Hm. This time I really can’t get dragged by anyone and actually go there for once.

Still, I wasn’t able to figure out what I had forgotten. To be honest, that was somewhat frustrating. Maybe it was a good thing I didn’t go back right away, because if I told them there were no blanks in my memories, then it might encourage them in an unreasonable manner.

While in the carriage, I decided to ponder over this.

Hmm... the blank could’ve only happened before I used the Dark Arts. I guess I’ll start recalling things backward. First off, I met with the cult and got invited inside in a rather unconventional way. It was quite surprising.

Before that, I was just wandering around and decided to get some cardio in by walking around.

Before that, I met with the guy selling weird trinkets at the black market and found out the directions through him.

Before that...

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Why do I feel a lingering sense of fear?

It’s making me feel rather uneasy for some reason when realistically there shouldn’t have been any threats.

No, I can’t just overlook it. This... is probably the missing memory.

"Are you ok, brother?"

Jess called out to me in concern, but I simply nodded.

"Yes, just trying to concentrate a bit harder on meditating."

...Ah, wait. Somehow, I do remember. I was walking away because I was scared of someone. But who was I scared of again? I remember... being afraid of opening my eyes.


I definitely met with the Mirror Demon, Shen.

Hm... how did I deal with that, I wonder?

A bit of cold sweat formed on my back. Although I was able to recall the important parts, it appeared that was because only part of that memory had been erased. It was definitely an unpleasant memory, for sure, but that kind of thing could’ve been quite important.

And that was only from using a small amount of Dark Arts.

Shit. I really shouldn’t use that ability unless I really have to. But the ability of teleportation was way too overpowered to just neglect completely. While I said I wouldn’t use Dark Arts, long-scale instant teleportation wasn’t something magic could accomplish. At least, not from what I knew in the game.

In fact, even teleporting a couple of meters or so with only magic was incredibly difficult, and it acted more like just running really really fast to a point. These kinds of spells would fail if there was anything in between them and the destination.

But the teleportation ability that the mask gave me was far greater than what current magic could accomplish.

More than just the ability itself, what I valued was something more than that. The ability to bluff that I was secretly some sort of super powerful magician in hiding. That way, I could scare some people and get around some things more comfortably.

Even though in reality, I didn’t have much magic power at all.

"Um, brother? We’ve already arrived."

"Ah, right. Thanks."

After Jess notified me, I hopped off the carriage and headed over to school. I thought I would just get to class like normal, but as I was going up, someone called out to me.

"Oh, Bryson?"

I looked over and found myself a little confused for a moment, but after giving his face a second look, I realized who this was.

Richard Douglas.

In other words, the son of Douglas, the archduke that implicitly held the most power among those in his rank. He looked like his father, with blonde hair, a modest beard, and piercing blue eyes. While not overly muscular, it was clear that he hadn’t been slacking in his physical fitness.

I’m not too sure if I would be able to beat him in a direct competition of physical strength.

Jess had seen him and immediately recognized who he was, promptly frowning. It seemed she wanted to step in, but was too afraid to. Considering she was more than willing to offend the other descendant of the archduke, Raisa, it seemed this guy was a big deal.

"Hello, I believe your name is Richard?"

Richard laughed.

"Ah, it looks like you already know me!"

While he said that, there was no surprise on his face. It was probably normal that people recognized him already.

"I’ve been meaning to meet with you, but several things came up. Do you mind following me to have a little chat?"

I snuck a look at Jess, who was biting the bottom of her lip before looking away.


Although he phrased it as a request, it was probably an order. I felt a decent amount of unease around this guy because I knew very little about him. In fact, most sane players would never actually see this guy, and the more hardcore ones that did would’ve probably forgotten him entirely.

The only reason I did remember was that I really did play that game way too much.

Anyway, Richard led me up to the fifth floor, where Class S was. I couldn’t help but feel a little uninvited here. Yet, while I said nothing, he appeared to be responding to my thoughts.

"Don’t worry, if you’re with me, then people won’t find any fault in you coming to Class S. Besides, you’re already in Class A, so it isn’t exactly a big deal for you to come up here once in a while. If you were in a lower class, it would be a big deal though..."

Now that I think about it, there was some random line that said those in lower classes can’t go to the ones above. Perhaps the reason why the building was structured like this was so that people in lower classes wouldn’t have any excuse to go near the higher classes.

Once we reached the top, there was an immediate difference I noticed compared to all the other floors. Instead of being decorated with lavish decorations, or with golden walls, it was basically quite bare.

The walls were black.

But that was because it was made of that special stone that repelled magic. Ironically, while it looked dingy, it was actually far more expensive than any of the lower floors.

Douglas eventually led me over to a room and opened it up, gesturing me to follow him inside.

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"This is my room." 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

While processing those words, I was greeted with a room with countless decorations. To give you an idea, there was a bed, but the frame of that bed was made out of gold and accented with some sort of mahogany-colored wood.

Usually it was the other way around, right?

There was also a table with chairs around it.

After looking around, I found this place was actually quite similar to Raisa’s place. Then, I held onto the side of my head with pursed lips.

"People in Class S just... get a room like this?"

Richard looked back at me slightly confused but chuckled after.

"Ah, right. You all must not have this kind of treatment because there are more of you. In truth, there are some people that decide simply to live here. Personally, while I find it convenient, there isn’t much to do here other than study, so I only stay when needed."

I recalled that the game did mention that those in Class S got their own rooms. But unfortunately, you would not get that privilege if you were promoted to Class S from a lower class. I don’t get why, but that’s just how it worked. According to the game, starting in Class S and reaching Class S via promotion gave very different statuses.

Even when the protagonist improves their academics enough to reach Class S, he would have to continue living a poor life while everyone else got the free life of a noble. Not that it really affected the player, but still.

Richard had a seat and gestured for me to take one as well, so I did.

This guy was definitely going to ask about the pale meat business. It was probably going pretty well since Nathan had handed off two hundred gold coins to me. I knew a person like him would keep a lot of funds on him because he would use them, so that much surplus to hand away meant that it was going quite well.

I already felt a sigh coming out of me when Richard began speaking.

"About what had happened at the ball my father had hosted..."

Ah yes, you are interested in acquiring more of that pale me-

"Please teach me."


Richard was smiling but had his hands clasped together as though asking me a favor. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"I already said that I am uninvolved with the production process of that meat, there is nothing to teach you."

Richard blinked a few times before waving his hand dismissively.

"Oh? That meat does taste pretty good, but I’m talking about something else. Teach me how you fought like that. Watching you spar like that was eye-opening. None of my personal trainers have ever shown me fighting like that."


"Um, you got me to come here just to ask about my fighting style?"

Richard raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean just? Your way of fighting completely caught people off guard! It wasn’t even a matter of strength as you completely demolished your opponent without them being able to resist!"

He became more passionate with each word he spoke, making exaggerated gestures and nearly getting out of his chair. A bitter smile formed on my face.

"You really like spars, don’t you?"

Richard let out a hearty laugh with both hands on his sides.

"Of course! I made my Dad set up that sparing section of the ball after all. Originally, I wanted it to be with real magic and actual weapons, but no matter how much I asked, he would only let me have this much."


This guy sounded just like a hot-blooded battle maniac. However, if he got into Class S, that meant he didn’t lack in his education or his magic theory. Getting that level of education despite having this personality was kind of terrifying in its own right.

In other words, he was either an absolute genius, or he could force himself to do things that went against his wants if he knew they were valuable.

Richard smiled brightly and leaned over.

"So, could you teach me? I really wanted to fight you, but that stupid girl used an unfair tactic to win! Che! I should’ve beat her up some more."

I let out a laugh.

"Well, that’s not really unfair."

Richard raised an eyebrow as he shot me a confused look.

"How is that not unfair? You would’ve won if she didn’t trick you!"

With those words, I raised a finger.

"Yeah, and that’s what I did as well. In reality, the way I fight isn’t really a technique I can teach. More accurately, it’s a mentality."

I held out one hand.

"That girl, Raisa, had actually picked up on the way I fought just by watching and used it against me. She had seen that I was willing to give other people a second chance in the duel, thus thought about how to use that fact against me."

Richard furrowed his brows. He rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands together.

"But she was already on the floor. If you had just kicked her, then she would’ve fallen out of the ring. That strategy was far too risky."

I gave a nod.

"Yes, it was risky. But you will just have to make bets like this in fights sometimes. There won’t always be a guaranteed way to defeat your opponent. This is part of the mentality I’m talking about."

Richard gave a quick nod.

"So what is this mentality?"

I leaned back in my chair as a small smile formed on my face.

Was it a stupid idea to bargain with a guy that could ruin my entire life?


Was I going to do it anyway?...

"I could tell you of course, but surely you have something in mind to compensate me for these teachings."

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