My interracial harem of beautiful queens Chapter 208 Monsters

208 Monsters

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Additional Chapter.


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The trial proceeded in a rather peculiar manner. Veronica engaged in conversation only with the two practitioners acting as judges, and most of their questions were accusatory: "Why did you use Higher Energy?" "Do you realize your guilt?"

Veronica remained completely unresponsive to all questions, expressing indifference only through her demeanor.

"Veronica, your indifference infuriates us. Can’t you take responsibility as a worthy person?" one of the judges asked reproachfully. His voice alternated between feminine and masculine, but it was clear that he was irritated.

"I agree. We want to quickly conclude this matter, and your unwillingness to cooperate only prolongs the process. Must you be so stubborn?" another judge questioned, his voice sounding disappointed.

The Demon Queen, in response to their requests, only smirked but said nothing. It was evident that she was displaying her indifference through her behavior, and the atmosphere in the room grew tenser with each passing second. Amarantha, sitting in the second row, sighed and shook her head, feeling a headache coming on.

"She’s unbelievably stubborn. You are guilty, Veronica..." thought Amarantha, but she refrained from saying it out loud.

Others had similar thoughts, and those particularly angered by Veronica, who had long held a grudge against her, clearly wished to condemn her and extract apologies in any way possible, along with compensation. However, no one asked for their opinions, forcing them to swallow their dissatisfaction and wait.

After an hour...

"Veronica, I’m deeply disappointed in you. I expected to hear rational arguments from you on why you used Higher Energy on such a scale, but I received no answer," one of the judges said with a sigh, then waved his hand, "You will have to pay a fine of 100,000 Crystalize Dragon’s Tears."


Veronica snorted and turned away but didn’t object in any way. Although the amount was substantial, the Demon Queen had some reserves that could help resolve this issue. The woman then returned to her seat next to the two judges, who looked visibly tired.

However, despite their fatigue, they continued the assembly. Although the "trial" of Veronica was an important topic, it was not the main one.

"And so, I ask Queen Avalonia, Elizabeth, to come to the stage and tell us about the message from the Gods."

After the invitation from the two powerful beings, the crowd fell silent, observing as Elizabeth stepped out from the second row and walked towards the stage that emerged from below the ground. She turned on her heels to face the audience and began her speech.

"I welcome you all. As this matter is urgent, I would like to limit unnecessary chatter, moving on to a heart-to-heart conversation. So... during our little skirmish with the Demon Queen, the Gods stopped us and delivered shocking news," Elizabeth said, making a minute pause, gathering her composure, and declaring, "Hell has been discovered!"


"It’s impossible..."

"Hell has truly been found?!"

The Lower Realm, Purgatory, Hell – that’s what they called the space where all the world’s malice accumulated. There was no place for ordinary beings to live, as cruel demons were ready to tear your body apart and devour your soul. A place devoid of kindness and beauty.

However, unquestionably, Hell played a crucial role in the entire world. It took on the responsibility of purifying evil souls and contained numerous mysterious minerals that could aid in leveling up. Moreover, it was the domain of the Demon King, Satan, who was also considered a God.

Therefore, the emergence of Hell could also mean that Satan had returned. And that...

"Dreadful news. The Gods will never tolerate the return of Satan. Those who could stand against him on equal footing have long fallen into a slumber. The malice of this creature could engulf us all!" someone exclaimed with horror from the back rows.

"Exactly... ancient records state that the appearance of Satan has always been accompanied by a global war. His hatred for all living things makes one shudder. What if the Ancient War repeats?" expressed someone from the front rows, voicing their concern.

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The Ancient War lasted for over ten thousand years, during which high-class masters perished miserably, akin to flies. Meanwhile, Gods became a commonplace sight, and one could encounter them almost at the bar around the corner.

After this war, the world changed. It was divided into three parts: Upper Realm (God’s Realm), Middle Realm (Mortal Realm), and Lower Realm (Hell). Gods and demons, locked in Hell, were no longer visible.

And after a long time, demons suddenly found themselves in the Middle Realm. They didn’t understand what was happening – many lost contact with Hell, causing heightened anxiety. And now... Hell had been discovered again!

"Every Ascendant-level practitioner must join us for the investigation. No one has the right to refuse!" announced Veronica, releasing her demonic energy.

The pressure on everyone in the room was unbearable. It felt as if you were being pressed to the ground, your hands tied behind your back – a sense of helplessness and imminent death, a special effect of her energy that instilled negative emotions in its victims.

"And I hope no one thinks about escaping!"



With a maniacal scream, the demon shouted as Adam began systematically destroying its hearts with a blade covered in holy energy. The man didn’t even blink as he effortlessly beheaded the demon and then tossed it into the air, incinerating it with hellish flames.

"The last one is down. They are so irritating," he grumbled and cracked his neck, kicking the demon’s corpse into a pile of bodies before him. He looked over his shoulder and saw Aurora already starting to purify their bodies, while Nyx absorbed the magical energy from the slain demons.

The situation was chaotic. Even the activation of barriers couldn’t save them from portals that 10:04

appeared suddenly, often in groups. Adam and his guards couldn’t always react in time. The residents of Sedyon were in panic, urgently locked in their homes. Fortunately, the defensive mechanisms on the houses allowed for temporary protection, buying time for the guards to kill the intruders.

Coughing, Adam spat out black blood and sighed, sitting on a small pile of corpses. He leaned his chin on his hand and took a breath, surveying the battlefield. Fortunately, there were no casualties so far, as ten demons, as powerful as Middle demons, emerged from a single portal.

"What a problem. I tried sending test subjects into the portal, but they couldn’t enter, as if there was a wall in front of them. And trying it on myself is dangerous... I suspect that only demons can enter," he thought, frowning, feeling a sudden vibration in his pocket.

He reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out the Amarantha token. It pulsated and lit up in all the colors of the rainbow. Adam furrowed his brow and immediately infused his energy into it. A hologram appeared above the token, displaying Amarantha. She looked concerned.

"Amarantha? What happened? You look pale," he asked, feeling discomfort. He had never seen his wife so frightened.

"Something went wrong... Although Veronica avoided punishment by paying a fine, that’s not all," she muttered tiredly and sighed, delivering the news: "Apparently, Hell has been found. And so, all Ascendant-level demigods are summoned to prepare immediately."

"Hell has been found?!"

He involuntarily shouted and abruptly stood up, almost dropping the token from his hands. Even though he had been in this world for a short time, the man simply could not be unaware of the history of his race. In Hell, demons developed much faster, and it was possible to acquire unique characteristics.

And also... Satan. Undoubtedly, there was no one more interesting than this personality. Incredibly powerful, mysterious.

"What madness... can the appearance of these monsters be connected to the emergence of Hell?" Adam muttered.

"Monsters? What are you talking about?"

Hearing Amarantha’s question, the man immediately explained the whole situation as clearly as possible, without resorting to lengthy explanations. He sighed heavily, realizing the predicament this world was in, while the woman was in contemplation. Her thoughts were similar – she believed that Hell was the cause of the appearance of demons.

"Either way, Amarantha, it’s too dangerous. I’m almost a hundred percent sure that this venture will end in losses. You might get hurt too," he said, frowning. A terrible discomfort and irritation arose in his chest, and the worry for her life tormented him. Adam continued, "Don’t go on this adventure. I’m sure Veronica wouldn’t force you."

"Adam... I’m glad to hear your words," Amarantha murmured with a loving voice and smiled gently at him – her smile was warm and gave him peace, but her words were resolute, "I must go there. Not just because it’s my duty. It’s a chance, you know? I can become even stronger, and our dream will come true."

Our dream. Both of them dreamt of building an idyllic country for themselves, where their lives would be peaceful, and every day would be filled with love and joy. Surrounded by family, they wanted to live their entire lives in this way. It was their dream and goal.

But to achieve this, being intelligent alone was not enough. It required strength. If relying on just Adam, the path would be extremely thorny. Amarantha was much more effective in this matter. So, this argument left Adam at a standstill.

"But even so... it’s dangerous. I can’t approve of it. Please, reconsider," he said, sighing and stroking his temple.

"Adam... my dear, my love. Even if something happens to me, it shouldn’t stop you, okay?" she said, smiling. Her smile was bright and filled with hope for the future, but in her eyes, there was sorrow, and along with the sorrow – determination.

Before Adam could say anything, the hologram disappeared.

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