My life as a reborn monster Chapter 173 Meeting The Father

We rushed over all the while I was quickly casting minor regeneration over the party to heal their cuts and scrapes and give them back some of their lost stamina. I could still hear the sounds of fierce fighting and the clanging of metal against metal. If Lizaria’s dad had recognized Desmaros already, then why hasn’t he stopped the fight yet? I looked glancingly at the mysterious man running with us that was her so called ’uncle’ but I still was wary of him. If this was her uncle then he held an important place in my old clans recent history.... I mean it’s not everyday that a human... Or demon? Get’s to mate with a dragon, but this man did something to earn that right..... I’ll have to ask mom and dad more about it when this is all over with. Something isn’t adding up here...

We had been running for a few minutes on the outskirts of the camp through the nearby woodlands but somehow we haven’t been ambushed or encountered anymore of the hellhounds.

"Vexsus watch out!" I was lost in thought again but the sound of urgency coming from Vannessa jolted me as my conscious brain realized that something metallic was spinning towards me. I quickly reached my hand forward and caught it..... Blade first! fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

"FUCK!" I screamed in pain as a damn axe head lodged itself into the space between my middle and ring finger and split my hand. Tears started to well up in my eyes from the pain but I quickly wiped them away as I wrenched the damn thing free and my focused my hand to quickly heal. I sent out a wave of mana and within seconds I found 20 hellhounds squatting down low to the ground, They were looking in our direction and one had just reached back down and picked up another axe from a belt around it’s waist that held 4 axes but it had spots for 5 to be held. This was the one that just threw it at me... I may have been caught off guard but I still just had gone through a transformation that evolved my body to become even stronger, If this thing could penetrate and damage me to that extent with just a throwing axe, than what else could it do? Was this some sort of elite squad?

"Guys, there are 20 of them straight ahead. Hellhounds, but I think they might be something different. Hey, mysterious uncle, Did you guys make up some kind of elite squad incase your army couldn’t handle it?"

The uncle shook his head in confusion. "Not to my knowledge, As far as I know we just made a shit ton of the hellhounds evolve and I made the weapons. It was up to Joey to make them smarter and stuff."

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Shit. I have a feeling these guys do some off the wall shit if it means they can get stronger. Heh, me too, but still facing against someone like that is a pain in the ass.

"Then I think Joey made something that you didn’t know about or he forgot to tell you man, because these bastards mean business. Maybe you should run along and maybe go talk some sense into him."

"Good idea, Good luck." Then he ran off ahead and even through the area where the elite hellhounds were but they just sat still not even reacting.

I started to charge up a small amount of mana inside my fingertip as I bent down and picked up a rock. This bastard wants to split my hand? Well let’s see how he likes it. I twist my hand around palm up and with my middle finger bent to my thumb and the rock like a catapult I launched it while infused with mana and sent it hurtling at mach fucking 50 right at its forehead and like a watermelon getting blasted by a potato launcher all everyone sees is a bush suddenly have a spray of red shoot up from behind it.

"Gotcha bitch!" I smiled and chuckled but that set off the chain reaction of the other hellhounds getting riled up and running out from their spots and racing towards us. Quickly we got ready to face them and my sons stepped forward and sent off their attacks from earlier. The light wave and Flame beam were impressive yes but against these elites. The Elite that got hit by the light wave was badly hurt and had most of it’s fur singed off and it’s eyes were white like it was blind, but it still snarled at us and soon it sniffed the air started to run back in our direction.

The one who got hit by the fire beam was worse off as it was burned on over half it’s body and even the arm it used to defend itself was shriveled, The beast was on the ground flopping around as the pain was to much for it and the flames were still eating away at it’s fur covered body. It was a painful sight to see but hey.... They did come at us with the intent to kill.

Grace and Harper were in the back and started off by sending water bolts and some odd looking spheres that were black colored that when it touched the ground it would explode over an area with some kind of goo that would harden instantly. If the sphere would hit a hellhound, the goo would harden and basically turn it into a amber colored statue almost within seconds. I looked back at Harper because I had the sneaking suspicion that she was the one who was throwing these petrification bombs.

"What? You may have had some doubts about them dad but I knew they had what it took to be useful!" She said with a huge grin on her face as she reached towards her side where she reached towards her back where she carried a huge backpack that spanned over her head by a couple feet... Wait when did that appear? Not focusing too too hard on the sudden appearance of the nature style pack, she drew back her hand and in it were three more of those black colored spheres.

"Are the ants in that backpack? Are they making those petrification bombs your throwing?"

"Hmm, I like the sound of that! Nice one dad, but yea, they are back there and in exchange for using a small constant drain of my mana that is barely noticeable, they can produce a kind of liquid that only I can handle as their queen and throw at my enemies to turn them into food sources for the colony."

"That’s pretty co...Wait food Source!" I whipped my head back to the amber colored statues that now dotted the battlefield. I thought these were just petrified enemies? Aren’t they still alive but just in like a catatonic state? Hmmmmmm, would they taste good? maybe sweet like honey?

"How many can you make at a time honey?"

"Right now there are only a few ants that are specialized in making that liquid, as the colony grows I can make more be born with that skill. Right now I can make about 10 per minute."

"Gotcha, So you stay back and keep hurling those things as fast as you can and I’ll see about grabbing as many as I can while fighting. But I want to see if they can be used for regular food aswell ok? It looks like hardened honey almost and I want to try it haha." I chuckled a litle as I jumped towards the nearest amber statue and landed ontop of a few hellhounds that were fighting against the soldiers we brought with us. The soldiers were having a difficult time against their speed but so far holding their own.

"How’s it going fellas? Mind if I take over? I want you guys to go and join my wives alright, I’ll take it from here."

"Yes sir!" They said with a quick shout as they turned and ran off towards where my darlings were destroying the beasts. These guys may not be of much help to us but they will still have a chance to get stronger if they stick by us. What better, safer way than by fighting in a battle next to overpowered allies right?

I turned to face a group of 5 that were slowly approaching me but still held a fire in their eyes and a confidence in their steps. I smirked and just stood there waiting for their first move. It didn’t take long before I heard the quick whirling whiz of a high speed object as the world around me seemed to slow down to a snails pace and I blinked and turned to look as an arrow spun in the air with such velocity that it had created a mini wind tunnel around it.

Time resumed its normal speed as I caught it mid air with my forearm and recieved a nice shooting pain as a reward for my stupidity..... What had been the original plan was to catch it with my hand and snap it while smirking and looking awesome as fuck! BUT however I may have over reached a little in my enthusiasm.... It wasn’t a big deal as I just broke off one side and slid out the other and healed myself back to normal. There was a tinge of poison on the arrow but nothing my body couldn’t handle. Plus the spiciness just added a nice touch so it made it all the more hearfelt, like they really meant it ya know.

Anyways I just shot a spacial bullet towards the ones I was initially facing and ended them quickly before facing towards the one who shot the arrow at me. I haven’t sensed them this whole time even after sending out another Detection wave while the arrow was flying at me. My range could cover incredible ranges if I wanted it too but somehow I couldn’t see anything relating to who could have shot this arrow at me.

"AARGH!" About this time I look over at Grayson and I see as 4 arrows are now sticking out of his limbs. One for each of his joints, the knees and elbows, While he was in the middle of fending off a duo of elites. At that same time I hear more sounds of anguish and look to see that my other children are now in the same predicament. Michael is now on his back with his hands and feet nailed to the ground and a couple of hellhounds laughing over him. Grace and Harper are pinned and bleeding with an arrow through each of their shoulders and one through each of their hands aswell. I saw another group of ten elites gathered around a cage of thick vines that I couldn’t even see through, and when I used Detection it send back a backlash wave that made me dizzy for a few seconds.

"Master has given me special training to make sure if all else fails, I can be the one to kill you. We know all about your abilities, Dragon of Destruction, You will fall this day. Surrender peacefully to my arrows, or watch as I kill your family in front of you..... Slowly."

I turn to look at the voice and watch as a Hellhound unlike the others walk out from the shade of a tree. It was covered in a cloak that matched the deep green foliage around us and it carried a bow that felt like it held an ominous energy, yet looking at it for more than a second would make me feel like turning away and want to forget it ever existed.

"Why is your master so hell bent on killing me? I come from the same tribe he helped in the past! I know his daughter! I am his friends son dammit shouldn’t that mean something!? Is this really all about money to him?"

"I don’t know, and I don’t care. I only live for the hunt and the thrill of the the last moments as the life seeps out of my prey’s eyes as my arrows dig into their body." The Archer elite flashes a wide toothy grin at me as it quickly reaches back towards it’s quiver pouch and pulls out a blue metallic tipped arrow and nocks it, and shoots it towards me all within the span of 5 seconds or less. Without my enhanced sight after my body transformation I doubt I would have even saw the blinding speed this thing moved at.

I moved my head slightly to the left to avoid it as it narrowly grazed my cheek. I didn’t mind the light damage it did and I didn’t want to use up to much energy to dodge with a big move, but that light scratch started to itch... Then it started to burn... Then it felt as if my entire face was melting like I had been plunged into a like of acid! My body was trying to fight off the pain and regenerate but whatever that arrow was not only was causing constant damage but it seemed to combine with my bodies natural regen to cause even more pain and spread across my body. Pretty soon it was like I had been lowered body and all into a vat filled with pure acid along with piranhas as I saw chunks of my flesh just slough off my body and fall onto the ground around me. I couldn’t tell if I was screaming or not, My throat was in pain and felt like I had been screaming for hours but I couldn’t hear any noise.

I looked up to try and find the beast but soon even my sight was gone as I saw the world start to melt away and then nothing but darkness, a cold endless darkness filled with nothing but the void and pain as a constant companion.

".....US!.....V..S..!....VEX...! PLEA.. WAKE UP! VEXSU..! WAKE UP!"

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I started to hear through the pain a voice that sounded like it was shouting but compared to the mind numbing pain, it could only be a small whisper at best. I figured this was just my mind bringing up the voices of my loved ones in the last moments of my life before I died.


Ah there’s Michael. My firstborn and my strongest. ya know I named him after my son from earth? Haha, man I think that is what I regret the most.... I left him..... Daddies sorry buddy.

"Goddam it move."

"Dad wait!"

Who’s voice was that? It sounded like a man but one that I’ve never heard of before. But that second one was definitely.....


Just then a massive shockwave of electricity shoots through my body and the pain vanishes like it was all a bad dream. I’m jolted up into the air fast enough that I feel the force of gravity and then I’m falling back down again but this time it takes a few seconds before I feel the impact and pain of smashing down onto the hard ground and I let out a gasp as my lungs burst all the air out of my body and my eyes burst open and let the blinding light shine in.

"There.... He’s alive."

"Did you have to throw him so far up into the air though? Couldn’t you just use more magic to help save him?"

"After what he did to my daughter? A dad has to enjoy the little torments. Plus he is the fucking Dragon of destruction if he can’t handle a little airtime than he should just die right now."

After catching my breath and adjusting to the light and where I was, and to the fact that I wasn’t dead! I realized that I was basically inside a circle of my family as my kids and wives were huddled around me yet again as they were all teary eyed watching me.

"We saw you just drop when that arrow flew by your face. You started to convulse and then just stopped moving." Mara said with a shaky voice. Kitsoma and Lula nodded their heads and Vannessa just sobbed a little. I looked over at Necro and Hannah as he held her while she was crying and he nodded his head towards me and then towards the new guy that was off to the side with the mysterious uncle and Lizaria and Desmaros.

"Those two are Hunter and Joey, Father to Desmaros and Lizaria respectively. They are the ones who evolved the hellhounds to track and hunt you down. We were fighting against the horde when all of sudden they just stopped attacking and a hooded guy appeared in front of Desmaros... He held his hand in front of him and spoke a few words before Desmaros knelt down and bowed. Then the hellhounds retreated and the hooded man revealed himself, We raced off towards your location shortly after but we got there shortly after you were hit by the arrow. Luckily we got there in time to save you from dying but the poison had enough time to fully take over your nervous system. There was no choice but to wait it out until it weakened and your body processed it a bit, or atleast enough for Joey to shock it the rest of the way out I guess..."

I was skeptical since they were trying to kill me before but seeing as how they were smiling with Lizaria and Desmaros, maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement?

"UGH! Ok up we go." I groaned as my body cried out in protest at me forcing myself up but I finally got myself standing and wobbled over to the wall to steady myself. Then with the help of Michael and Grayson I stumbled over to the two newcomers.

"Hello, my name is Vexsus. I am honored to meet the two heroes of my families village." I unwrap my arms from around my sons and bow while crossing an arm across my chest in a sign of respect. Joey and Hunter looked at me confused for a moment and then looked at eachother then back at me.

"Do we know you? How do you know we are heroes of a dragon village?"

"I am from that dragon village. My Last name is officially Pride however I don’t use it as I am blessed by the sin of Gluttony. My father is named Solace Pride."

"OH SHIT!? Really? Wow no shit, that is crazy, we haven’t been back to that village in a couple years haven’t we? I mean we stopped by to check up on the eggs ofcourse..... But then our jobs kinda took up some time after that....." Hunter said as he looked over at Desmaros with a nervous chuckle and scratched his cheek.

Desmaros just held up his hand and shook his head slightly. "Don’t worry father. I understand, Mom explained it to me thoroughly. I learned how to better utilize the deal magic you passed down and thanks to Master Necro I am able to utilize Ritual magic aswell." He cast a quick glance that seemed to hold the faintest hint of hatred that just as quickly faded away as he looked at Joey as he spoke about Ritual magic. What was that all about?

"Hey?" Joey suddenly spoke up and walked up to Desmaros and stood in front of him. I didn’t notice it before but Desmaros was tall for a halfling between a dragon and a demon standing between 6ft 3inches, But when Joey stood in front of him Joey seemed to dwarf him suddenly? It was like Desmaros shrunk like Joey sucked all of his power and absorbed it right in front of us?

"What’s with the hatred you just showed? You tried to hide it but I can tell when someone has hostile intent towards me boy. You may be my nephew but remember that Just like your father I hold your contract. If you try anything funny you won’t like the outcome."

"Wait what? What do you mean contract?" I asked as I watched this. I walked a little bit closer and confirmed it that Desmaros was indeed smaller than before. He had shrunken down and came up no taller than my chest now.

"What did you do to Desmaros!" Necro came up besides me and yelled as he looked pissed off beyond reason. I could understand why since for a long time Desmaros had been his disciple and through that Necro had said that he saw his as a little brother.

"I did nothing but enact the punishment section in the contract between me and his bloodline. Me and Hunter here are contracted through blood, and since Desmaros here is his spawn, he is also contracted to me. Since he showed hostility to me I figured I should show the little punk that he should show respect to the ones he should bow down to."

"Oh fuck no!"


It was already to late as I balled up my fist and jumped towards this arrogant fuck and swung while charging my body with energy.

I blinked and was looking at the ceiling of a certain Necromancers guest room that I had not seen in atleast a week...

"Just to let you know you were only out for an hour this time. Dad teleported us all back to Necro’s castle after he whooped your ass with a huge smile on his face...." Lizaria was there on the bed with me as she looked embarassed but didn’t stop wiping away at a wound that was bleeding across my chest and applying a bandage. To the side of the bed was a bundle of bloody bandages and a bowl of some kind of dark molasses looking substance.

"Dad did this. He cursed you and stopped your natural regeration so we had to scour Necro’s library for any kind of medicinal knowledge... Thankfully one of his ancestors was an alchemist and a renowned doctor in the past."

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