My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse Chapter 306 Invincible

As I looked at the crumbling enemy wall, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The catapults had done their job, and the enemy was now defenseless. The once-mighty walls were now reduced to rubble, and I knew that victory was within our grasp.

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The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the battlefield. I could hear the distant screams of the enemy soldiers as they tried to repair their broken defenses. It was a futile effort. The damage was too severe, and their efforts were in vain.

As the catapults continued their assault, I took a moment to catch my breath. I had been fighting for hours, and I was exhausted. The weight of my armor felt heavy on my tired body, and I longed for a moment of rest.

But there was no time for rest. We had come too far to give up now. I signaled to Blister to continue the attack, and the catapults roared to life once more.

The ground shook as the boulders launched from the catapults crashed into the enemy walls. The sound was deafening, and I could see the fear in the eyes of the enemy soldiers. They knew that their time was running out.

I watched as the walls crumbled under the relentless assault of our catapults. The stones and debris rained down on the enemy soldiers, causing chaos and confusion. It was clear that they were no match for our superior strength and strategy.

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As one side of the wall crumbled, I ordered my troops to charge. The enemy soldiers were caught off guard, and we quickly overran their defenses. The battle was fierce, but we fought with determination and courage.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the enemy surrendered. The war was over, and we emerged victorious. As I looked around at the battlefield, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. We had fought with honor and bravery, and our efforts had paid off.

As we made our way back to our own land, I knew that this victory would be remembered for generations to come. It was a defining moment in our history, and I was honored to have been a part of it.

"They made this in the same shape as the last one, its looming walls casting shadows over the battlefield below. Enemy soldiers gathered at the wall opening, their armor glinting menacingly in the sunlight. To keep us out, they came outside to fight, determined to protect their territory. It was a brave move, and they won my respect, but they weren’t going to win the war without a fierce battle. I ordered all the commanders to assemble their armies and attack all at once, a sea of bodies surging forward. Archers were placed forward, their eyes trained on the enemy archers on the walls. They were ordered to keep their distance, ensuring the enemy could not get a clear shot. My archers began the attack by filling the sky with a sheet of arrows. The whole sky looked like it was made of spikes, and they were headed towards the enemy land. Some of the enemy soldiers were able to save themselves with shields, their metallic clanks echoing through the air. But others weren’t so lucky, the arrows piercing their armor and skin with a sickening squelch. After a few attacks from the archers, my minions marched forward, their shields held up high to protect themselves from enemy attacks. Enemy archers tried their best to attack, but it was difficult. My archers’ attacks were easily reaching the wall, and the enemy soldiers weren’t ready to risk their lives by standing up and risking a hit. Soon, the swords of both armies clashed, and the battle began. The brute force minions were playing with the enemy soldiers like kids, their massive size and strength making them a force to be reckoned with. The mallet-bearing brute force stage 2 minions were sending the enemy soldiers flying, their weapons leaving deep imprints on their victims. They were manhandling the enemy, and I was very happy to see this scene in front of me. The enemy warriors began retreating when only 20% of their soldiers were left alive, their morale broken by the relentless assault. The respect that had built up in my heart for them vanished when I saw them running away from the battlefield, their tails between their legs. My armies followed them inside, and the real bloodshed began once we were inside. Blood was flying everywhere, and the walls inside the city soon turned red. I had ordered the minions not to let any soul inside the city alive, and they were following my orders with frightening efficiency. The brute force minions and technique variants only had orders to kill the enemy soldiers, their movements precise and deadly. The remaining work was left for the rioters and warrior minions, their weapons designed for maximum carnage. The rioters were one of the best types of minions I created because they brought pleasure to the killing, their faces twisted in maniacal glee. Their weapons were unorthodox; they didn’t use swords or mallets. They had maces, but the maces were all out of shape, their edges jagged and unpredictable. Their weapons were strange, but a strike of their weapon was enough to take out the soul of a person, the sound of crushing bone and splintering flesh filling the air. They attacked a person all at once, with several weapons entering a person’s body all at once, leaving a gruesome scene in their wake. But they reveled in it, their madness driving them to seek out more victims and continue their slaughter."They would also set houses and people on fire indiscriminately, reveling in the chaos and destruction they caused. As I rode through the gates of the city, I couldn’t help but notice the eerie silence that hung over the place. The once-thriving marketplace was now a wasteland of broken stalls and charred remains. I shuddered at the thought of the atrocities my machines and minions had committed here. As I made my way through the city, I couldn’t help but notice the countless bodies strewn about, their lifeless eyes staring up at the sky. The smell of death and burning flesh filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. The sound of crackling flames and the occasional moan of the wounded was the only thing that broke the silence. Suddenly, a figure burst out of a nearby building, his clothes and hair on fire. He was clearly trying to flee my minions and save himself from the same fate as the other victims. As he stumbled towards me, I could see the fear in his eyes. But before he could reach me, the archers let loose a volley of arrows that pierced his body and brought him down. Despite the horror around me, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at the destruction we had wrought. The palace, with its ornate spires and grand archways, was now in sight. There were a few brave souls still standing guard outside, but they were vastly outnumbered by my minions. Silent killers moved in to attack, and the guards fought valiantly to defend their king. I watched with admiration as the guards fell one by one, each one willing to die for their leader. But I knew that capturing the king alive would be much more satisfying than simply killing him in battle. I wanted to look into his eyes and see the fear and desperation that comes with the realization that your fate is sealed. The silent killers moved forward, expertly dispatching the remaining enemy soldiers. They tried to force the doors open, but they were locked from the inside. I smiled to myself, knowing that the king was inside, cowering in fear. This would be a battle like no other, and I was ready for whatever lay ahead

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