My Reincarnation as a Chicken Chapter 122 Crazy Lizard Man

Day 42









‘So, no American name?’



‘Ouu… you better figure this out before you meet the next monster you underestimate.’

Akira mocked me while eating mental popcorn.

‘Damned twit! Shut up and make yourself useful!’

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‘Way ahead of ya. I’ve already started working on new magic skills and since the agent is out of commission, you can count on me to prepare the teleportation spells and stuff.’

‘Ah… you’re sure I can trust you?’

‘Of course. If you can’t trust your superior, who can you trust?’

‘Shut up!’


‘What? A hint from the game master? At what cost?’

‘It would seem at none. Welp, that narrows the list down a lot.’

‘There’s still tons of names and in Languages we don’t speak… especially the ones from this world. Ugghhh!’


[Congratulations! You have successfully spent 1 month alive]

[You have completed the Hidden Task: Survive 1 Month in A New World]

[Your rewards are loading]

[You have unlocked the following rewards]

[1x Mana Orb]

[1x Null Field Orb]

[10x Blood Red Health potions]

[1x Bronze Chest]

’Huh? What’s this? One month in a new world? Wouldn’t it usually be on the thirtieth day though? Ah whatever. And these things. What are they?’

I picked them out from my inventory to check them out. Since the system gave them to me, the system should have been able to describe them to me.

[Item Name: Null Field Orb]

[Type: Special (Non-Consumable)

[Item grade: High Unique]

[Item Description: An orb that creates a field in which all physical attacks become null. It lasts for 10 minutes after activation

#Can be used only once

#Complete Physical Attack Nullification

#Active for exactly 10 minutes

[Value: 45 silver coins]

[Market price: 5 store points]

’Eh? Can be used only once? Pfft, I’ll just swallow this and get its-’

[All non-consumable items from the system are NON-CONSUMABLE]

’Ah… sigh. I’ll just save this for later then.’

[Item Name: Mana Orb]

[Type: Normal

[Item grade: Low Unique]

[Item Description: An orb that stores a certain amount of mana. It can be replenished if necessary.

#Stores a maximum of 200MP


[Value: 35 silver coins]

[Market price: 3 store points]

’Oh, this actually seems good. But, would I really need it when I can get more mana from subordinates? Maybe I should give it to someone else? Kara doesn’t seem to possess a large amount of mana. She might need this down the line.’

[Item name: Blood Red Health potion]

[Type: Normal (Consumable)

[Item grade: Mid Unique]

[Item Description: A potion as red as blood. Some claim that it is the blood of a magical creature that can cure any illness. Restores some health points of the consumer

#Restores 500HP on consumption

[Value: 40 silver coins]

[Market Price: 3 store points]

’This one is good, but it’s not nearly as effective as the Renosue potion. Ok, it’s better in a sense that it doesn’t restore only half, but still. To someone like Minerva, 500HP is nothing. Hmm, this bronze chest. Should I open it now or later? Now!’

I opened the chest and pulled out a ticket.

[You have received 1x Normal Gacha Ticket]

’Gacha ticket? Hehe, but what am I using this for? It’s not like I have a gacha system… wait do I have a gacha system? System Master?’

I got no response


Shiroi hunched back and stopped moved. Her growl was low but deadly enough to get me to stop thinking about the gacha.

‘Sup? Are you scared of these guys?’

‘Of course not. I am just sending a threat.’

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She responded and I laid back down. No monster would be foolish enough to keep approaching when Shiroi warns them.

“Big Sis… can you feel that?”

‘What? You mean the guys hiding in the fog? Yeah I can. Shiroi will handle them.’

‘Hey, hey, Lady Hinotori… these guys look a little bit experienced.’

Sylv probably used [Telepathy] to avoid raising any anxiety in the group. Still, my instincts said they wouldn’t be worth an afterthought, so they definitely weren’t worth stressing myself over.

Two minutes passed and I noticed we hadn’t moved from our spot.

‘Shiroi? Why aren’t you moving?’

‘M-Master… it’s not my fault. These guys are under the protection of someone strong.’

‘Someone strong? How do you know?’

‘Their smell. It reeks of power. Their master is definitely not a weakling. I might have trouble dealing with their master.’

‘Oh my… Shiroi… could you be scared?’

‘Wha-?! I-I’d nev-‘

I was only teasing her, but the response I got was sort of disappointing.

‘Don’t bother. I’ll deal with their master, if need be. Kill them.’

She nodded and tattoos on her body jumped off, forming two mist wolves by her side. The mist wolves jumped into the fog in an attempt to attack the lizardmen. Soon, all I saw were shadows running about and horrid shrieking. The sound of skin being forcefully torn apart and bones cracking echoed in the eerie space. Soon, all that I could hear was a body falling lifelessly on the wet mushy ground.

I slapped my neck the moment a bug attempted to feed on me. Surprisingly enough I ate the bug after that. I didn’t get any skills, giving answers to some questions and giving rise to more questions.

I dragged the bodies over using [Shadow Limb] and ate them quickly. The others said they weren’t really in the mood to do so, so I just ate.

‘Master. Why do you eat every animal you kill?’

Amethyst asked me.

‘Well, because I want to.’

‘Is that it?’

‘Should there be any other reason?’

‘Makes sense.’

‘You want some of the meat?’


I passed Amethyst one of the muscles and kept eating the rest myself. I finished up in no time and felt myself feeling hungrier than before. Strangely the pain was tolerable.

[You have acquired 5000 Experience Points]

[You have acquired the skill [Lizard Man Hard Scales]]

[You have acquired the skill [Spear Handling]]

[You have acquired the skill [Netting]]

[You have acquired the skill [Lizard Man Sharp Fangs]]

[You have acquired the skill [Lizard Man Sharp Claws]]

[You have acquired the skill [Dragon Spear Technique]]

When I ate them, I also acquired their memories after consuming them so a road to their home was now currently resting in my head. I would lead us to the Lizard men home for now. The south was a tricky place to maneuver. All sorts of monsters laid in wait for prey, the fog was everyone’s enemy yet friend. It shielded some and led some to their deaths.

The Lizard men had lived here long enough to know how to survive. The key thing in this place was being able to discern different smells. The smells stick in the air, so one should know how to differentiate before they end up screwing themselves over. Another key point was footing and sensing for vibrations. The slightest change in those could spell doom for any who traveled here.

We proceeded on like nothing happened till I heard a cry in the distance. Valiantly, Shiroi moved towards the source of the sound and there, we found a lizard man running in our direction. At first, I assumed he was coming to take revenge or something, but when I looked behind him, I noticed scary eyes following him.

The ripples in the water were becoming too frequent even though he was running towards us.

‘Shiroi- ’

Before I could give my order, she had sent out mist wolves behind the lizard man to attack whatever it was chasing him. One of the mist wolves was destroyed quite quickly and easily by one thunderous bite from whatever monster was there.

Shiroi barked at it, probably an attempt to give one last warning, and this seemed to have worked. The creature stopped approaching us and stayed wherever the heck it was, giving the lizard man enough time to get to our side.

When he did, he hunched over and kept panting breathlessly.


He screamed, looking up at me immediately. Surprised, I flinched a bit and before I knew it, Ulva’s scythe was against his neck and had drawn a drop of blood.

Was it just me, or this girl was getting quite scary?

“R-Relax… I-I-I’m not an enemy!”

‘Then why bring this thing in our direction?’

Shiroi interrogated.

“I d-didn’t even know you guys were here!”


“No! With all honesty, I had no idea. The fog is way worse than I remembered. I am not sure how to maneuver the area now.”

Out of nowhere, I felt a terrifying shock. Looking down, I noticed Shiroi was glaring intensely at him. She was definitely using some extreme form of murderous aura here. It was manageable compared to Minerva’s, but this was still a frightening aura. I might have shit myself before this evolution.

“O-Ok… the truth is I accidentally stumbled in a mossidile trap! I tried running, but then I recognized you guys.”

‘Was that reason enough to send it towards us?’

“N-No. But you guys are crazy strong. Like unbelievably so. I-I was going to request that you kill it.”

‘Pathetic. You lack pride as a warrior.’

‘Coming from someone who was reluctant to protect their own home during an invasion, that’s kinda harsh.’

She suddenly turned meek when I pointed that out. I switched my focus to the lizard man.

‘Ulva, it’s rude to almost slice of someone’s head when you meet them the first time. Don’t ever do it again.’

She withdrew the weapon and bowed her head.

“Sorry, big sister… I-I just wanted to help.”

She said in between sniffs. Could this girl get any cuter? I had noticed Sylv was being especially quiet today and when I looked, she was completely asleep. I sometimes wondered for her.

‘You expect us to kill this mossidile for you?’

He couldn’t meet my eye. Why the heck couldn’t he meet my eye? If it was killing the mossidile, he should have been able to ask us to do that for him no problem. We did let him go free and this mossidile would have been going into my belly either way.

‘What’s the problem?’

“E-Erhm… you see…”


Murderous aura again! This wolf was vicious.

“C-Can I take the glory for killing this monster?”

‘What? You want to kill it yourself?’

“Erhm… ah… no… I mean… could you kill it and say I did?”


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