My Reincarnation as a Chicken Chapter 216 Cursed Tomb Of The Sea Devil Makrov - Fourth And Fifth Floor

[You have entered the 4th Level]

Unlike the 3rd level, this floor was completely submerged in water. Unfortunately, when I checked this room, there were no hidden rooms. At least, as far as I could tell. Neither had there been a monster. That meant they was only a boss in this level. The same way there were only mobs in the previous room.

Almost like the creator hadn’t expected anyone to pass through those floors. Also, it was big. Like ungodly massive. So much space I could fit a mountain in here. I’m not trying to exaggerate its space, cause golly.

It was smooth sailing till it wasn’t. A dragon appeared before me. A little smaller than Goliath was, but a dragon nonetheless. That was terrifying in my opinion. The beast looked just like a snake, but big and with those weird fin ears sea dragons always had. Its eyes were a simple white and it was staring at me intensely.

Its physical stats were even better than Arisu’s though it wasn’t A rank like Minerva was.

‘Devil. What brings you here?’

It spoke to me through telepathy. A dungeon mob that could talk? That was oddly interesting.

‘You can talk?’

‘Of course. I was created by the great Makrov after all.’

‘The great Makrov?’

‘Yes, the strongest devil in history. Are you here to free him of his binds?’

This guy was awfully chatty, wasn’t he? That was good for me though, since I could get a bit of information out of him while plotting the perfect chance to kill him. Scanning through his defence and skills, it was looking highly unlikely that I could kill him. Maybe if I stole some of his skills like [Dastardly Bite] or [Sea Dragon’s Rage]. The latter gave him a 50% boost. The former dealt a whopping 5000 damage, ignoring any defence one had on. If combined, that was 7,500 damage done. But that was no where near enough to kill someone like him. Even if I said this though, there were multiple easy ways to kill such a beast, but thinking up more creative and life-threatening ways was fun.

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There were other skills I wanted though, such as the [Dragon Scales] which nullified external magic on the body of the dragon or [Dragon Breath] which was a beam of pure raw energy that dealt damage equal to the amount of mana or aura the dragon put in.

‘Uh, yeah.’

‘That so? Excellent. Let me take you to his throne room.’

Throne room must have meant the place the dungeon core resided. If I could get there, couldn’t I technically be done with this dungeon?

We started moving through the room. Then I asked the dragon a very stupid question.

‘Who’s the boss of this dungeon?’

‘Boss? What do you mean? I’m the boss.’

‘Eh? But I got no notification.’

‘Don’t you lie to me. Obviously, I’m the boss. The others can’t be the boss. I, the great Castil, am the strongest dragon to ever exist!’

He began boasting loudly. But he’d confirmed that there were others in the dungeon that I simply couldn’t see. Where they just out of reach of [God’s Wisdom]?

‘Where are they though?’

‘I don’t know. We promised to never see each other some time back.’

‘Oi, is this place so big that monsters your size haven’t seen each other in quite some time?’

‘Yes. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger.’

What? What? What? I knew dungeons could expand, but so big that other dragons the size of this guy could roam about and not see other for some time? That was way too big. Did that mean dungeons weren’t actually in the real world? Maybe they were gateways to other dimensions.

‘Stop coming up with whack theories.’


‘Speaking of… Where are those bastards now?’

The sea dragon halted and started to think about it for a moment, before shrugging and continuing as if that wasn’t important in the slightest.

We ended up reaching a gate where I met four dragons, each bigger than this guy, all being A- in rank.


‘Castil. Why have you brought an intruder here?’

The biggest one amongst them, the white dragon asked. She was easily five times as big as this guy. I gulped, feeling tiny in quite a number of ways. This thing’s physical defence stats were far higher than Minerva’s, playing about in the 60,000s.

‘Shut it, Castillo. Open the door so I may pass through.’

‘Disrespectful little brother. Do you wish for punishment?’

The red dragon, who was the second biggest hissed at him.

‘I see your breath is still as bad as ever, Castor. I’m not here for you.’

This guy was beyond rude. Way too rude. Especially considering they were his older siblings.

‘Why should we even let you pass?’

The green dragon, began to shake violently as it grew closer to me.

‘Did this intruder trick you into letting him enter?’

‘I am not as simple minded as you idiots to be tricked.’

Except you sort of are.

‘Insolent brat!’

‘We should have killed you instead of banishing you from this place.’

‘Indeed. Come for your new punishment.’

The three siblings threatened him, but he scoffed at them.

‘Oh, shut it, you oafs. Bow before my greatness. As if you could ever banish me. I tricked you all so I would never have to see your faces again.’

These dragons and their pride was starting to get out of hand. I wasn’t sure how to react, because I was getting the feeling that they were going to start fighting, and I the literal insect standing in the way would only get in the way.

‘Why are you even wasting your breaths arguing with the little one? Whether he speaks the truth or not, the only one who could give us a proper answer is ‘the One’.’

A new voice entered the discussion.

I was confused by how ominous that sounded. It was even worse considering the one to say this was the black dragon who was completely quiet the entire time.

‘The one?’

‘Yes. The One. The great king of Sea dragons.’ 𝘧𝘳𝓮𝓮𝓌𝘦𝓫𝓷𝘰𝘷ℯ𝑙.𝓬ℴ𝘮

‘E-Eh? J-Just a mob, right?’

‘Mob? Who is that?’

‘Never mind.’

I decided to keep quiet. If he wasn’t the dungeon’s boss, then I didn’t know what was the dungeon boss. The levels only increased exponentially in terms of difficulty. How was this a B rank dungeon? An A rank would have a tough time here. Only an S rank could ever possibly do this. I mean, look at how I suffered. Of course, Daxia probably had it really easy on her first try.

The black dragon moved out from its hiding place and came to me. I really was incomparably tiny when next to these guys.

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‘You smell familiar.’

‘Right? She smells like Makrov.’


I was surprised by that. Just then, the eyes I had been feeling on me whenever I entered a dark space intensified their glares. I looked behind me and I got the sense that it was smiling at me.

‘Is that what you? Are you Makrov?’

Of course, I got no response from it, but I guess I could go with that for now. He had been trying to contact me for quite sometime now. Maybe because I was part devil, I was the only one able to notice his presence? He’d definitely tried to contact other people before. I mean, if I was killed and there was a chance of me coming back, I’d try anybody I saw.

Though, there was one part I was confused about. Weren’t devils supposed to go back to hell once they lost their corporeal form in this realm?


‘I haven’t heard from you in quite some time.’


‘Oh yeah… I didn’t call for you this time though.’


‘So, basically he was summoned here and hasn’t completed his task so he can’t go back to hell?’


‘I see.’

‘We will take it to see the one for confirmation.’

The black dragon spoke and the others looked at him, before also agreeing. He probably possessed the most authority out of all the five.

The wall behind the dragons turned out to be a gate they were guarding. They all swam into it, and I was ordered to follow after.

On the other side of the gate, the entire room was a large terrain. It felt like I was looking at the Grand Canyon and the dragons were regular sized people. There were tons of mana crystals, all blue in colour at the bottom of the vast opening that illuminated the cave.

‘What the hell?’

“Welcome, to the resting room of the king of sea dragons.”

[You have entered the 5th Level]

‘What? Nothing happened in the 4th Level?’

Akira noted.

‘Yeah. We never even got to fight the dungeon boss.’

‘We never saw the dungeon boss.’

‘Alright then, good luck.’


Before I could react, the dragon Castil slammed me into the canyon. You’d think that since this was an underwater cavern and I could swim I’d be alright, right? Right?

Well, you guessed wrong!

There was a weird gravitational pull that forced me down, almost like I was falling. I hit a white silvery surface with a thud, like I’d actually fallen down from a cliff.

‘What the hell.’

I jumped up and scratched the bottom. It was hard and my talons couldn’t even cause a single mark to appear. I gulped when it started to move. Out of nowhere, a blue eye opened up before me. I gulped once it saw me.

[5th Level Boss “Great King Charybdis” has appeared]

[Defeat this boss to proceed to the next floor]

‘This is beyond doable. This thing can kill Goliath in a heartbeat, no?’

‘You smell like my maker.’

He started.

‘Maker? Sea Devil Makrov?’

I asked just to be sure.

‘I can sense his presence next to you. What is it you seek to do here?’

Makrov was this thing’s maker? Wasn’t that a testament to how strong Makrov actually was? And a testament to how strong the guy who beat him, is? That was the guy fighting the demon lord, right? And it would take seven days? That meant the demon lord was no pushover either.

Well, that was obvious enough.

‘I’m here to free the Sea Devil Makrov.’

The blue eye looked at me. For a spine-chilling moment, there was nothing but silence.

‘You, are telling a lie.’

He saw through me in an instant.

‘However, you truly do amuse me. For that, I will gift you with a chance.’

‘A chance?’

[You have completed a never-before-seen achievement]

[You have received 1 Help Ticket]

‘What’s this for?’

‘This is the compensation the dungeon is giving you. Cry out to any friends you have and know that they will die by my hands. I, the Great King of Sea Dragons and my children shall fight you and your friend.’

This escalated way too quickly. However, if it came down to a matter of me needing to summon help from someone. Of course, there was only one person I could think of to summon at such a crucial time.

In the next moment, the 5th Level’s dungeon boss would find out that giving me this ticket was the worst mistake it could ever make.

300 power stones = 1 extra chapter

400 power stones = 2 extra chapters

600 power stones = 5 extra chapters!

Let’s try to get this goal. Have a nice day!>

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