My Reincarnation as a Chicken Chapter 295 War For Larm Pt.VIII

"Tch, just like I thought!", drawing her claymore, Kiara roared mightily and charged forward. Her destination was the creature that descended from the heavens with a lightning bolt massive enough to engulf a massive castle.

A lone cyclops with green skin and black tattoos covering his body stood at the centre of the former prison camp, wielding his axe that still surged with lightning. In the sky, the dragon that had delivered him had started to recede to whence it came from.

That, however, was of no concern to Kiara. All she could think about was the cyclops that stood right in front of her. Upon his entry, he had killed some of the North’s soldiers as well as broken down all walls that kept them bound. Whether that was an accident or not, again, it was of no concern to her.

The monsters of North had been weakened. This "liberation" – if it could even be called that – was nothing more than a show of strength. It may have intimidated the orcs, kobolds, goblins and wolves nearby, but Kiara couldn’t feel nothing but pride.

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No matter how you looked at it, that lightning blast was from Kara’s barrier. The cyclopes simply redirected its focus to the ground below and caused a decent amount of damage. Kiara was happy that all of Kara’s efforts had clearly not been wasted. She may have been thinking she was the black sheep of the family, but her power was truly great.

With a grin on her face, Kiara slashed down at the cyclops, who blocked the attack with the shaft of his axe, throwing her back. She skidded to a stop, before slowly circling her opponent and analysing him. The on-lookers dared not make a move on her.

When comparing the cyclops and the ogress, there was a clear size disparity, however, to the onlookers, it was the same as watching two giants battle each other. Stepping in carelessly would only lead to their deaths.

"You have guts! Who dares to oppose Kalkiba’s Chosen One?", he asked for her name, a simple courtesy most never showed when facing an opponent.

"Kiara, Daughter of Krull, the War Monger!", she responded as she charged at him, swinging her claymore from above once more, this time, she had set the blade ablaze with fire magic – a skill which her weapon, Fire Biter, possessed. The

The cyclops this time chose to parry the attack, spin around and swipe at her neck with ruthless efficiency. The parry set Kiara’s balance off, so she used that to her advantage, rolling on the ground using her momentum and recovering almost immediately. She pounced instantly, slashing at his wrist rather than his axe this time.

Cockily, the cyclops parried her blade away with his very wrist. What he didn’t expect was for the blade to actually cut some bit of flesh off. Kiara looked directly into the cyclops’ confused eye and roared victoriously.

"First blood.", she mocked while circling him slowly, looking for an opening. "You didn’t think much of my sword, but it was forged with wyvern fire. Your weakness."

She meant it. As a reward for victory in her first ever battle, Krull had the sword forged for her by some, rather reluctant dwarves. It took a while, but they forged it for her and even added the effect of allowing to the sword to ignite with the very wyvern fire that made it.

The cyclops shrugged it off, before blitzing towards her like a hungry beast. Kiara, waiting for this moment, also blitzed towards him, both moving too fast for everyone on the field to keep up with. He swung down viciously at her, but she pulled out her whip to throw his aim off by just an inch. With that mistake, she got in and managed to stab him in the abdomen.

Unfortunately, her sword barely pierced him and only created a scratch. She retreated once more and was about to start circling him like she’d been doing, but the angry cyclops clearly wasn’t going to give her breathing room this time. Like a rapid beast, he swung at her without care for the sort of damage he was causing to the surroundings.

His swings tore up the earth, split apart his own allies and sliced the wind, yet they couldn’t even once touch Kiara who moved absurdly gracefully. With the way she grinned it were almost as if she was dancing to mock his efforts at killing her, whereas she was slashing at him and creating tiny cuts on his skin.

This went for quite a while till the cyclops’ tattoos started to glow white. The sky darkened with black heavy clouds. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. The cyclops glowed with a red aura and both his speed and power upped up to a degree that Kiara was struggling to keep up with.

The winds howled, swarming the duo and kicking them off above ground by a few feet. With a lack of proper grounding, Kiara started to struggle to keep up. Just barely, she avoided a very direct attack at her chest, having her breastplate torn through like paper. Swiftly, she wrapped her whip around the cyclops’ arm and activated its effect as well.

A streak of blue lightning spread from the lightning an onto his wrist. Shockingly enough, he simply absorbed the lightning and redirected it into his axe that was still in her breastplate. The bolt hit Kiara at point blank, making it utterly impossible for her to avoid it.

She was sent spiralling down till she crashed right into the ground, but her lightning resistance had prevented her from being knocked out. From above the cyclops came crashing down as well, this time, carrying with him another bolt of lightning. Kiara managed to block the attack with Fire Biter, but received a strong punch to face. In retaliation, she kicked the cyclops in knee cap with enough force to shatter a human skull.

Although not enough to actually destroy his knee cap, the kick was strong enough to make him stumble back in pain. Kiara immediately kicked the ground mightily to create a dust storm. Quietly, she slipped into the cover of the dust to complete avoid the cyclops’ view. Then begun her flurry of stealthy slashes, cutting up bits of cyclops as if he were her plaything. Going on like this forever, she would eventually manage to wound him at a critical point, or so she thought.

Angrily, he howled, summoning a torrent of wind to clear the dust. A lightning bolt struck from the clouds and landed right on him spreading through the ground, and causing damage to anyone who was unfortunately close to him, including Kiara who hadn’t been able to create a substantial distance between them.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he pounced on her, his axe ready to split her skull in two. Kiara, having some resistance to lightning-based abilities, powered through and rolled over to avoid the attack. Now also starting to feel threatened, she went for more savage attacks, aiming at the cyclops’ eye with her [Fire Biter]. As if he couldn’t care less if he lost his vision, the cyclops swung his axe for her stomach.

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Going blind for victory was perfectly fine to him. Kiara was also perfectly fine with losing her life if she could stab this cyclops through the head, essentially killing him.

There was one person on the field who wasn’t content with either option, however she was completely powerless in this situation. She wasn’t fast enough and neither was she strong enough to help. In this moment all Kara could feel was utter dread at the possibility of her sister dying right before her eyes.

As she shook, she wanted to cry out to someone. Anyone, that could help her. The first name that came to mind was Hinotori, but she knew that even Hinotori wasn’t going to be able to save her this time. She had to do something herself, but what could she do?

She had an affinity for lightning and lightning alone. Clearly, the cyclops could manipulate that element, meaning any attack she threw at him was pointless. Was there anything she could do at all? Was she just going to just be a useless princess surrounded by amazing people her entire life?

As if on que, a film of dark coloured water separated the cyclops and ogress. Following that was a streak bright orange that slammed right into the cyclops and went further away. The sound of heavy flapping wings filled the air as a beautiful fairy descended wielding an assortment of glowing runes all around her.

"The cyclops with a tattoo is so bewildered he won’t be able to move for the next 30 seconds! Unleash hell on him!", Taiku’s oppressive voice rang through the field.

One by one, the goblin captains had descended! Kara felt her knees collapse as she tumbled to the ground, panting as though she had been the one fighting for her life just a moment ago.

"What happened here?", Yuuna, the fairy demon asked after descending to the ground. Her runes were still glowing and charging up with power.

"I-I-I… I don-"

"Very well then. It doesn’t matter. We’re just fortunate that Reiman chose to keep the prisoners close to the house.", noticing her inability to focus, he chose not to worry on the details for now. All that mattered was an enemy had invaded and he was lucky enough to be nearby.

"AAARGH!" a numbing war cry came from the cyclops as Oki, the ball of fire, was kicked up into the sky.

Taiku froze in confusion, before an ethereal voice that seemed to resonate throughout the entire world spoke into his mind.

[[Horizon’s Strongest God of War] has personally intervened]

[The [Champion of Thundering Clouds] has resisted the effects of the unique skill [Devil’s Advocate]]

[The War Gods of Horizon are currently monitoring this fight]

[Please entertain them]

For a moment, all the captains fell deathly silent, paralysed by the completely unexpected announcement.

"Heh, looks like we’ve got some big guys on our hands.", with a shaky voice, Yuuna muttered. All of a sudden, the stakes of this battle had skyrocketed.

The captains had come out here expecting to simply dispose off or at the very least capture an idiot. Now, the gods that had completely abandon the world 6 years ago were showing themselves to personally watch?

This caused more confusion than anything. Now the captains felt like every single one of their moves needed to be executed with a certain level finesse to make it out alive.

The cyclops immediately came charging right for Taiku and Yuuna. Both prepared themselves to fight off against him, but another loud war cry boomed through the field, followed by a streak of blue lightning and bright orange flames, crashing right into the cyclops.

Kiara had recovered and was ready for a round two.

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