My Sect System Chapter 553 Ghjk

Jain has successfully buried there for the office and after burning the body he has spread in front of the Tombstone and after that he looks at akl and a Frank.

As he made a contact with them both of them got afraid seeing this reaction giant smile and sockyz even though still couldn’t understand what has happened to him and what has he learn but he was able to understand their reaction.

After coming themselves Yeh Kya was the first one to ask Jan.

Jain what has happened to you and how the principal died.

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I don’t know myself what has happened to me and I also don’t know what will happen but I I I only know that the decibel has died during the competition and the reason for his death was attack from beast and he was not able to survive the competition.

Hearing this weekend your finger shot because even though they knew that the basic principle has died they did not know the reason behind the death of the decibel.

After that Jain didn’t wait and immediately probab to the set to the decipals area as he reached there he saw that decimals were still standing and morning the death of the decibel.

Jian smiled and shook his head. He was happy that disciples were able to understand the meaning of death in the sect. It was good that all of them mourning.

Now he was going to make announcement. So after Ye Qiao and Ye Fang returned, he told them to gather the disciple and tell them to relax.

So it took few minutes but finally all disciples were able to calm down and went back to normal.

"It is good that after learning of death of a fellow disciple, you all didn’t hesitate to mourn. So it was good but if you truly want to mourn then you can’t just stand here for few minutes and go back to residence.

Because a death is not just end of a life. For a cultivator it is an end of an journey. In death also cultivator search to go further because there whole life is journey for cultivation.

And also there dream is die during the cultivation or fighting for the cultivation. So you can mourn but you also have to enjoy there life. Even if the journey of the disciple was small but he lived it with fulfillment and we have to remember it before moving on."

All elders were shocked, they had not expected that Jian would say something like this but they understood what he was trying to say. Because most of the time cultivators die during the fight.

And they have been forgotten so they knew that Jian wanted them to remember this experience because this can happen to them.

So it would be good, after learning this experience the disciples will understand the importance of the life so that they will be able to live the life to fullest.

Out of the elders, Ye Qiao was the one who was most happy because after hearing what Jian has told the disciples she understood what type of enlightenment Jian has gotten.

After hearing what Jian said the aura in the sect completely changed, everything became calm. The feeling was like a calm before a huge storm.

Seeing the situation Jian and Ye Qiao were smiling because truly a storm was coming towards them.

After few minutes huge clouds started to gather above the sect. They were confused at First but after seeing the clouds everyone understood that the clouds are tribulation clouds meaning the disciples have initiated a breakthrough.

Without telling them the elder immediately rushed towards the disciples and immediately started to tell the disciples who had not initiated the tribulation to go back to residence.

Because it would affect the disciples who have initiated the breakthrough. So after the disciples went back to the residence they were finally able to able to see the disciples who have initiated the breakthrough.

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Jian and elders were happy to learn that more that thirty disciples have initiated the breakthrough and due to that a huge tribulation has started to gather.

The reason for the breakthrough was non other than Jian because after hearing him disciples bottlenecks have losses and the doubts they have been suppressing have successfully cleared.

After that Jian told the elders to look after the disciples. And he flew back to the sect hall. Because he wanted to ask several things to the system and as of the the first task of the competition has ended so there is break so it would be correct time.

So after flying back to the septor hey didn’t waste time and you be at least started to ask the system.

System what is going on with me and what type of enlightenment that was I don’t know what is happening and even the announcement I made through the decibels all information on appearing in my head I thought it was you are doing but it was completed different from before.

Host it was due to the death of the decibel because when you saw the life stock and of the decibel group you immediately thought of the death of your grandfather and started to think what has happened from there.

You have gathered you amount of information in the motor and started to understand many things in a single time.

Due to don’t forget you wearing a bra size you was trying to understand many things so i’ll get there early every letter for appear in front of you you’re starting to cry thinking of you are Grandfather.

And then you started to ask about the reason for the disciples death and after I gave you the explanation then you started to ask for a place were you can bury the disciple.

After that you took the body of disciple to bury it and while you were flying above the disciples area Ye Fang has used his Enlightenment ability on you.

After that you used your hand to dig the grave and told me to carve a Tombstone in name of the disciple. After burying the disciples you sat in front of the grave and went into the state of the enlightenment."

Jian was shocked, he had not expected that he has done this many things. He had not even thought that he would do this many thing and after hearing the system his memories immediately started to come back to him.

He immediately started to remember everything that has happened to him after the death of his disciples. He finally understood what has happened.

But now he wanted to know about the enlightenment he has gotten so immediately asked the system about the enlightenment.

Who is the enlightenment is related to the experience you have faced during the death of your decibel meaning after the death of your decibel you started to understand the meaning behind it meaning the enlightenment was related to the life and death.

But not just simple life and death it was a specific enlightenment which was focused on the development of the sex because you have compared information from the mortal secret Run where the information information was gadget by the 6th member so all information was related to the sex so you have started to understand the meaning behind the life and death of a set of a single decibel.

Even I was shocked when huge information about the life and started to rush inside your head because and one of the most important step where accept master has to understand a meaning behind life and death so that he can further improve Hisse.

Because shift is a place where a person can get his life back and also set can be the reason the person would have to give his life. So the set works in vice versa and has connection to both life and death so Akshay master should know this otherwise he would not able to manage the principals and survive any difficulty face by the

Show the inlightment was of a life and death situations where shift have to go through to survive the difficulties and you have taken first understanding them.

You can’t just think that after you have got an a single and litonment you have successfully understood everything you have just understood a minor part of it and you have long way to go but you have taken an important step which is most difficult for many set master and due to their Incompetence their sex never reach higher grade.

Jain WhatsApp you are not expected that he has learnt such important thing but even though the information was present in his head he was not able to understand anything so he wanted to know more about it and he knew that now the system can give him some brief information so explain more about the life and death

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