My Servant System Chapter 100 99: Combat

Entering the large cavern, we yet again saw our three combat instructors.

The bulky Bearkin, Thorn Oakam, was leaning against his axe, chuckling as he talked to the thin elf beside him, Hawn Sariel.

As for Liako, she stood off to the side, kneeling with her blade across her knees.

Seeing us enter, Thorn and Hawn quieted down, while Liako sheathed her blade and rose to her feet.

"Welcome back new-bloods!"

Thorn’s booming voice echoed around the cavern, making Hawn sigh.

"Yes, yes, welcome. Now, we have two hours of ’class’, so here’s what we’re going to be doing. Since this is our first look at you all, you will be doing a bunch of basic exercises and some basic reps with your weapon of choice. Once we split you into your respective groups, you’ll start training with us."

Hawn sighed again, before gesturing towards Liako, who stepped forwards.

"Alright, here’s the plan. Push-ups, sit-ups, sprints, a reaction test, and then some weapon drills. So, everyone get on the ground."

Thorn dropped to the ground, assuming the push-up position as he grinned at us.

Some students groaned while others just did as told.

Leone and I stayed beside one another, while Jahi and Anput moved in front of us, turning so that they could see our faces.

"Lower and raise on my mark. Down..."

Liako’s dry voice entered our ears, and we all lowered ourselves to the ground.

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"Up, one. Down..."

She continued, and we entered a steady rhythm.

As Leone and I did our sets, Jahi and Anput were staring at us intently, or more specifically...

Sighing, I gave Jahi a dry look, making her smirk at me.

"Up, fifty. Down..."

Continuing on, Leone eventually collapsed to the ground, panting, as we reached the seventy mark.

My muscles were surprisingly fine, however as soon as we hit the hundreds I stopped, faking exhaustion.

After all, I would rather be just average then be seen as excellent.

Narrowing their eyes at me, Jahi and Anput observed me before shrugging.

Sitting beside Leone, we both watched the Demoness and Jackalkin complete more and more.

Looking around, I noticed that, as of the one-fifty mark, most students had stopped.

The only people still going were the Adventurer, Draka, Jillian, Ulysses, and three other students.

However, each of them were coated in sweat, whereas Jahi and Anput...

"Y’know, I was thinking steaks again for dinner tonight."

"No, I don’t want the same thing two days in a row... how about a soup? It was a little chilly last night."

The two women were casually making small talk, unaware that they were currently being observed by the entire class.

Thorn was grinning at them as he dropped down, keeping pace.

"Up, two hundred. Enough."

However, both Jahi and Anput continued on, debating tonights meal.

With a sigh Leone reached forwards, flicking their brows.

Turning their attention to the Vampire, they both looked around in surprise, before shrugging.

"Was that it?"

I nodded at Jahi, and she pursed her lips, staring at her arms.

"I coulda kept going... hah..."

Shaking her head, Liako said "That’s good enough, Lady Asmodia."

Turning, she looked towards the rest of the class, smirking.

"Alright, next is sit-ups."

With a groan everyone lay on the ground, completing the next set of exercises.

Leone did eighty, I did another hundred, and Jahi and Anput reached the max, which was two-fifty.

Jillian and the Adventurer kept pace with the two women, however their breathing was strained, and their bodies drenched.

Next were the sprints, which was to run from one side of the marked area to the other in a set time, which gradually decreased as it continued.

Leone was now glaring at Jahi and Anput, before turning to me with a pout.

While not drenched like some of the others, Leone had a sheen on her brow, and her long ashen hair was sticking to her skin.

"Ha... Kat, I think... I think we should do some... training at home... ha..."

I nodded, keeping up my slightly exhausted appearance.

Watching as Jahi and Anput finished the last sprint, they walked over to us, finally showing a little sign of the amount of exercise they were getting.

Wiping a bead of sweat off her brow, Jahi looked down at me, her eyes slightly narrowed.

Meeting her gaze, I stepped forwards and used my water magic, cleaning her off, before repeating with the Jackalkin.

"Kat, why..?"

Tilting my head, I asked "Why what, Lady Jahi?"

Sighing, she shook her head, watching as I cleaned off Leone as well.

"So far so good! Alright, next is a short reflex test. Create pairs and send one of you up to me."

Nodding at Leone, I walked beside Anput as we walked up to Liako.

Turning to me, Anput whispered "Why are you holding back?"

Without looking at her, I replied "There’s no reason for a maid to be outstanding, is there?"

She just sighed, shaking her head as we approached Liako.

In her hands were long, thin strips of wood, markings evenly spaced out on the sides.

? Seeing the ruler, I listened to Liako speak.

"Alright, so this is a simple test. Hold your fingers like this, and your partner places the stick here, the higher numbers up top. Count down and release the stick, and they should try to catch it, like this."

Hawn moved forwards, giving us a demonstration.

Liako held her hand out, separating her thumb and index fingers by a few inches.

Holding the stick between them, Hawn counted down before releasing the stick, which was almost instantly caught by Liako.

"That’s how its done. So, take a stick and go back to your partners. Record the average number from ten tests, and then tell one of us when we are near."

Nodding, I stepped forwards and took a stick, walking back to Leone.

Explaining it to her, we started.

The stick had twenty notches, and was almost two feet long.

Leone managed to average around six and a half, which wasn’t bad.

Mirroring her, I averaged just under six, before looking over to see Jahi and Anput averaging around one.

Liako approached, and after telling her our numbers, she nodded before walking over to Jahi and Anput, watching their attempts.

"They’re so..."

Hearing Leone, I turned to see her staring at Jahi, smiling.

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I just nodded, before...

"What did the Marquess and Sultana feed those little monsters?"

Turning, we both were shocked to see the large figure of Thorn as he stroked his beard, staring intently at Jahi and Anput.

I couldn’t hear him or feel him as he approached...

Leone chuckled, returning her gaze to the two women as she said "I have no idea, but..."

Thorn chuckled as well, before walking away, shaking his head.

"Last part of todays class! We have various wooden weapons on these racks, so go find the one that suits you the most."

Jahi, Anput, and Leone all walked to the sword rack, while I went to the dagger rack.

As I reached for one two peoples hands brushed against mine.

Furrowing my brow slightly, I looked to either side of me, seeing the Adventurer on my right and Jillian on my left.

The duchess just grinned at me, taking the dagger as she whispered "Watch yourself~"

As for the Adventurer, she just gulped as she stared at me.

Raising a brow, I said "You can move your hand now."


She retracted her hand, pursing her lips as she stared down at it.

Grabbing another dagger, I rejoined the group, watching as the Adventurer eventually took a dagger of her own.

"Now, if you chose a short sword or dagger, Hawn will be your teacher. If you chose a sword of any kind besides a short sword, I will be your teacher. Everyone else, Thorn is your teacher. So, go to them now."

Bowing slightly to the other women, I walked over towards the small gathering around Hawn.

A majority of the class chose swords, while the next largest group was axes and maces.

For short swords and daggers, there were only twenty of us.

Looking towards the short, thin elf, I waited for him to begin.

Taking a breath, he looked over all of us, his gaze stopping on Jillian for a moment before he said "So, a dagger or short sword is all about using speed and precision over strenght. As such, I will try and develop you more into agile warriors by putting you through some basic exercises like lateral jumps and short sprints. Besides that, you will be practicing with each of the people present so that you can get used to different styles."

Drawing the dagger from his belt, Hawn started twirling it in his hand before he continued.

"Against longer blades like a normal swords, or against axes , it doesn’t matter. You don’t want to parry unless you absolutely need to. You’ll be overpowered easily by a person using those weapons, so instead, dodge their blows before putting yourself in position to strike swiftly and accurately."

Sheathing his dagger, he said "Well, pick a partner and have a quick spar with them."

Everyone started looking around, however...

Internally sighing, I found myself standing between the Adventurer and Jillian, both of whom were smiling at one another, sparks flying between them.

"I picked her first."

"Respectfully Lady Sariel, Miss Kat doesn’t seem to be interested in sparring with you."

Looking between the two women, I blinked a few times before turning my gaze to Hawn, who was chuckling as he approached.

"Come on cousin, she’s right! The maid is a step closer to Miss Greselda than she is to you!"

Jillian just glared at her brother, sighing as she stepped away.

"Fine, but I want to be her partner next, Miss Greselda."

Greselda just nodded, however her eyes shone with an insincere light.

Huffing, Jillian walked away, followed by her cousin.

"Miss Kat, let me introduce myself. I am Greselda, and I wish to be you sparring partner for the day."

Bowing slightly to her, I replied "It’s a pleasure, Miss Greselda."

Gripping the dagger, I gestured towards the small patch of free space beside us, asking "Well, shall we?"

Nodding, Greselda dropped into a stance, which I mirrored.


She nodded again, only to narrow her eyes as I rushed forwards.

Stabbing the dagger towards her ample chest, she used her free hand to push mine away, before her dagger snaked up towards my throat.


Stepping back, she gave me a wry smile as she scratched her cheek.

"Sorry, sorry... Just... too used to having to fight for real..."

Staying quiet, I resumed my stance and attacked her again, this time engaging in a rapid flurry of blows as we blocked and dodged each others attacks.

The spar flew by, Greselda apologizing whenever her attacks hit.

In fact, our current score was weighted in her favor; on purpose, of course.

One of my wins was only because during the previous spar, she had pushed me away, only for her hand to land on my breast.

Ignoring the squeeze she gave it, I placed the tip of the dagger under her chin, making the woman gulp.

Releasing it, she stared at her hand for a second before her eyes went wide, bowing deeply.

Sighing, I peered over my shoulder, almost chuckling as I saw Jahi glaring at me.


Bowing to her again, I said "Good day, Miss Greselda."

"Ah... Uh, yeah, good day..."

She watched as I walked away, rejoining the group.

"So, care to explain what that was?"

Jahi’s low growl entered my ears, and I could only look at her with a raised brow, feigning ignorance.

"What what was?"

Snarling lightly, she looked away from me, placing her sword back on the rack.

Anput just chuckled, while Leone was staring at Greselda intently.

Sighing, I said "It was just a mistake in the midst of a spar, nothing else."

Turning their gazes towards me, they all just stared at me before nodding.

However, Jahi leaned down, whispering "Well, let’s just say there will be a few... ’mistakes’ tonight then."

"Alright, so that’s the end of classes today. Go home and reflect on what we did today."

Liako dismissed us, and as we were leaving Jahi turned to look at the other two.

"We’ll be back home sometime later tonight. Either make yourselves something or go out and eat. If you do go out, stay together. Understood?"

They nodded, looking at me with mixed gazes filled with envy and lust.

Handing Anput our bags, Jahi grinned down at me, saying "I have to reward my puppy with a date tonight~!"


Long long chapter...

Anyways, submitted the contract yesterday, should be reviewed and accepted soon, so... just a forewarning that chapters will be locked soon. If I can, I’ll try and keep the coin price low and lock chapters 66 and up (Which is just after the first lemon)

Besides that, next chapter is a lemon~


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