My Servant System Chapter 1026 1025: Sla’Salaxi (1)

Chapter 1026 Chapter 1025: Sla’Salaxi (1)

The Fiend continued to giggle as more and more of her pink mist filled the room, shrouding it completely and making it impossible to see further than three feet around ourselves, which made this already slightly cramped chamber all the more tight and ’scary’ as a battlefield.

Clenching my Gladius, I looked around and listened to her giggling, trying to locate it whilst at the same time continuing to cloak myself in my Light Mana, becoming a golden luminosity that pushed that pink mist back and illuminated our surroundings, and as my mana armored my body I began to gird my mind as well, stamping down on my lust and focusing instead on what was in front of me.

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A monster, a sentient, emotional monster who would rape me before eating me if they had the chance, and a being with the power to twist my mentality and force me to do something - to even just think something - that I never would actually do, so I needed to focus and temper myself.

I was armed with just my mana, my single Gladius, and my willpower, but that would need to be enough to fell this Fiend, since this was definitely a battle that would end in one side’s death, even if the Fiend wanted to swear by its dislike of combat.

"Oh I must admit... there is something cathartic about assuming this form again... something exhilarating about what is about to happen... after so, so very long, it feels nice to stretch my limbs like this again~! Mm... and after this good, thrilling stretch, I cannot wait to feast on your bones!"

Something lunged out at me from the mist, something that I wasn’t expecting to see; the Vizier was snarling at me, her hollow eyes simmering with the Fiend’s delight as the Caninekin bared her fangs and drooled onto herself, her hunger for flesh and desire for sex driving her forwards, straight into the tip of my Gladius.

Even as she impaled herself onto my blade the Vizier clawed at my arm and tried to bite me, even as her throat flooded with her own blood and she began to choke on it, the Caninekin tried to hiss at me and gulp down her own vitae greedily, but even then... those hollow eyes slowly filled up, not with the Fiend’s desire, nor with anger, but instead with devastated finality as she gradually slipped into the cold embrace of death.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she fell limp, and the futanari stared at me for her last few moments before slumping against me, her strength fading as even more of her blood splattered on the tile, and I gently pulled the Gladius from her throat before stepping aside, squashing the small amount of compassion I had inside me and instead letting her drop to the floor indifferently, focusing instead on the giggles that continued to flood the room.

"What is your name, Fiend? So that I might have the pleasure of carving it into your skull when I rip it from your body..."

"Ooh~! So~ scary~! But did your Mama never tell you it was rude to ask for someone’s name without offering your own first, hm~?"

The Sultana snorted as she shook her head, her scimitar pointing straight ahead as she stood still inside the mist, waiting for a moment to strike; comparatively, I was rather twitchy, keeping myself loose as I stepped away from the corpse of the Vizier and instead approached the Sultana, albeit with a few feet of space between us.

"Anubi, Sultana of these lands. You are a Fiend born from a Dogkin and yet you don’t know anything about the leaders of one of our cradles? Or are you merely being pretentious and acting like you do not know me?"

"Oho~? Are you not being pretentious right now, Ah~ Nu~ Bee~? Why should I know who you are simply because of your position, hm~?" 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

Clicking her tongue, the Sultana shook her head slightly and muttered "So you’re an idiot as well? That’s good to know...", which made the Fiend giggle again as she replied "Name calling is not nice~! But, since you gave me your name, I shall give you mine, mortal~!"

The mist parted as a figure lunged out at us again, but this one was far larger and far more dangerous than the pseudo dead Vizier that had tried to attack me, and far less ’humanoid’ than she had been.

The Fiend was tall - we had seen that already - but now they were taller and thinner, their bones elongating and stretching their skin over their lankier figure; their curves had almost disappeared entirely, and those three arms were laden with fur and bone aplenty, while their nails and become blades.

Thrusting all three arms at the Sultana, the Fiend tried to skewer her in a single attack, but when their blade like talons were deflected with a single, simple flash of the Sultana’s scimitar, the Fiend chuckled wryly and stood up to their full height, grinning down at us.

Gaunt and inhuman, the Fiend tilted their head, letting it hang at an odd angle from their neck as they said "Sla’Salaxi, Fiend of Intemperance~! Glad to make your acquaintance, Anubi... and yours as well, Child of Light~! I cannot wait~ to take your seed into my womb... and to feast on your flesh~!"

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Giggling once more, Sla’Salaxi stepped back into the fog and disappeared from sight, leaving us alone again and preparing another attack, hiding their altered appearance and giving us a moment to prepare for what was likely to be an onslaught of attacks.

Studying the fog, I flicked the blood of the Vizier off of my Gladius and raised my free hand, beginning to trace out a rune and listening intently to the area around us as I hoped to bait the Fiend out of the mist and into attacking us.

I also simply ignored the words the Fiend uttered since there was nothing to be gained from mulling over them, but it still nagged me even as I tried to ignore it, the thick pink mist around us continuing to play with our mental state however it could, distracting us as best it could.

Sensing something swishing through the fog behind me, I spun and raised the Gladius, continuing to trace out the runes for the spell even as I deflected one of the Fiend’s sword like arms, blocking the attack and digging my feet into the tile to maintain my position.

Being able to attack downwards gave the Fiend even more power in their blow, the five blades attached to the end of its hand stabbing into the flat of my Gladius and screeching off of it as they tried to angle their hand to follow through, trying to pierce my chest and rip out my heart in a single attack.

Finishing the rune, I grasped the hilt of a Light Dagger and stabbed it towards her wrist, wiping the grin from her face as the mana construct sliced into her flesh and sizzled her violet blood, the fur and bone that she covering her limb doing little to actually block the damage from my mana, and yet again I got to witness how severe the weakness was that these Fiends had to Light Mana.


Hissing at me, Sla’Salaxi leapt back and avoided the cleaving scimitar from the Sultana, who swiftly followed her cleave up with a swift slash, leaving a thin gash across the Fiend’s stomach and allowing its violet blood to soak its fur.

"Oh I am going to make this slow... and painful..."

"Why is it always the same threats..?"

My mutter made the Fiend hiss once more as they leapt back into the fog, fading away and leaving us guessing once more, which gave me enough time to realize something as I glanced at the Sultana beside me.

"You’re... only reacting to these attacks, aren’t you?"

She remained silent, but that was an answer enough for me as I spun around again and ducked beneath another impaling thrust, before using my Gladius and new Light Dagger to block the Fiend’s other two arms, those talons screeching against my blades yet again.

Pressing their weight down onto me, the Fiend hissed "I’m not like other Fiends, Child of Light! Not at all!" before all three of its eyes widened, pink light erupting from her irises and bathing my face in heat.

Her jaws parted like a serpents as she breathed out that pink mist, forcing me to inhale it and sending my entire body into heat as I felt myself swell to attention, my blood being diverted and causing my strength to wane somewhat.

"Succumb to me, Child of Light... succumb to pleasure and join me for a night, hm..? You know you want it..."

Sla’Salaxi’s voice became gentle again as she tried to seduce me, momentarily succeeding as my grip on my Gladius faltered and my mana sputtered, but as her plump lips curled into a satisfied grin I surprised her as I cocked my head back before slamming my brow against her nose, shattering it and eliciting a pained cry from the Fiend, who staggered backwards.

I was still so very hot, and I could feel my heart and my loins throbbing together in synchrony as I stared at the Fiend’s furred, thin body, but I pushed past it and managed to follow up that headbutt with a swift stab from the Light Dagger, plunging it into her side and twisting the blade.

She screamed in agony as I did that, but my body was still hard to control and lacking in strength thanks to the lingering mist that clung to my skin, so she easily pushed me away with her three hands, sending me rolling back across the tile.

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