My Servant System Chapter 107 106: Zhu’Rong Caverns (3)

Leone PoV

Leading the group deeper into the dark caverns, we passed by a few crowded stalagmites and even another group of people.

However, Jahi ignored both, prompting Anput to do so as well.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Kat’s amber eyes fluttering about, constantly observing our surroundings, especially behind us, where the group of adventurers had headed towards.

As I stared at Kat, I found my eyes pulling towards that thin neck of hers, remembering the delectable ambrosia that was her blood.

I wanted to push her to the ground and sink my fangs into her soft, delicious flesh, before ripping her clo-

Shaking my head, I took a few deep breaths, trying to clear my mind.


Jahi placed her large, blue hand on my shoulder, her amethyst eyes filled with worry as she leaned closer.

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"N-Nothing! Ahem! Come on, this way! According to a book I read, the more..."

As I explained the migrating habits of the monsters in Zhu’rong Caverns, I continued walking deeper into the mountain, the black volcanic rock turning into glossy obsidian as we stepped onto a former lava river.

"So that’s why this should be an optimal hunting grounds for us! The monsters are tougher than the Lava Goblins, but still a little weaker than the Firefangs!"

The Demoness nodded, those glittering jewel like eyes scanning the obsidian valley we now stood in, focusing on the stumbling grey corpses.

"Are those..?"

I nodded, smiling at her.

"Ash Ghouls! Be careful of their claws; some have a deadly poison under them. Also, they can use some fire and earth magic."

Jahi narrowed her eyes, staring intently at the large hordes of Ghouls that stumbled around, their grey flesh flaking off with every movement.

"Ah, and they need to be dealt heavy, lethal blows, like bisection or decapitation. Otherwise, they can use the ash around us to heal. Tenacious things, Ash Ghouls..."

Anput chuckled, raising her longsword.

"This’ll be fun! Thanks, Leone!"

Taking a step forwards, Anput was about to dash out when Jahi placed a hand on her chest, holding the excited girl back.


The Jackalkin gulped as Jahi stared at her, lowering her blade and stepping backwards.

Flashing the girl a smile, Jahi returned those captivating eyes back to me, making my heart flutter.

"Anything else, Leone? Are they physically strong? More agile than they look?"

Biting my lip, I dredged through my memory, recalling the passage about Ash Ghouls.

"Ash Ghouls rely on their numbers to overwhelm adventurers, however individually they are weak, unless you only deal light wounds, which they heal. So, if you utterly decimate them, they are a relatively easy monster to fight. The only thing to be wary of are the very rare Ghoul Kings, which are fast and deadly. They are taller and thinner than the normal Ash Ghouls, standing at around eight feet, but they hide themselves by hunching."

Smiling at me, Jahi laid her hand on my head, gently ruffling my hair.

"Thanks, Leone."

I gulped, nodding furiously.

Chuckling at that, she turned her attention towards the others, saying "Anput and I will work up front, Kat, you take the rear, while Leone stays in the middle. Both of you use your spells, but if they get to close switch to your dagger, Kat. Understood?"

We all nodded, making Jahi smile again.

Drawing her custom blade and twirling it in her hand, Jahi gestured towards the large horde ahead of us, making Anput smile.

The two women charged forwards, and I ran to keep up, already tracing a few runes.

Kat was behind me, but...

Not hearing her, I peered over my shoulder, meeting her sharp amber gaze.

Her face was utterly still, the normal smile and mirth gone as she ran forwards, a long dagger in one hand as she started drawing a ritual circle with the other.

Nodding at me, she pointed the circle to the left, a tiny, yet unbelievably fast water arrow piercing the skull of an Ash Ghoul on our right.

Hearing the monster drop to the ground, I bit the inside of my cheek, returning my attention to the horde before us.

Stopping a dozen some odd feet behind Jahi and Anput, I brought my hands together, channeling my mana into my palms.

The large circle in front of me flared, and I pushed more mana into it.

Gritting my teeth, I concentrated harder on my spell, before grinning as I felt the familiar connection.

I hadn’t fully completed my goal; in fact, I was still a long ways away from even scratching the surface of summoning new creatures, but...


My large, wine red Orthrus stepped out of the circle, it’s two heads growling as it took in the horde around us before one looked back, nodding to me.

Chuckling, I gestured to the horde, Janus instantly taking off.

Panting slightly, I felt the tattoo on my chest grow warm, drawing in the surrounding fire mana to replenish my own.

Taking a few breaths, I started tracing new runes into the air around me, sending various spells hurtling into the surrounding horde.

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It has been awhile since I had some target practice...

Sending a lance of pure flame towards a Ghoul, I clicked my tongue in displeasure as it skewered the monster in the shoulder.


I had missed, and as I raised my hand up to finish the job, a blade of pure wind sliced across its neck, severing its head.

"Thanks Kat!"

Getting no answer, I yet again glanced over my shoulder, only to gasp as I saw the pile of bodies Kat was standing on, her giant chest bouncing as she panted.

However, even though she appeared tired, those pale blue eyes of her shone with excitement, and I shivered when I saw her small grin.

Flicking her hand out, another blade of wind bisected a Ghoul, the Dogkin’s grin growing.

Turning back, I watched as Jahi cleaved her blade out, easily carving into the Ghouls chests and throats, while Anput utilized her speed to weave between the clumsy swipes sent her way, chopping off limbs before stabbing her blade into the Ghouls skull, finishing them off.

As for Janus, he was currently ripping a Ghoul apart, using both heads to pull its waist from its chest.

Finishing another sequence, I shot a fireball towards a group of Ghouls, making it explode in their midst, blowing them to pieces.

The tattoo on my chest was throbbing as it funneled mana into me, keeping my body fueled as I unleashed spell after spell.

At last the horde was vanquished, the Ghouls corpses slowly dissipating into ash, some leaving behind small crystals and orbs.

Jahi and Anput grinned at one another, clapping their hands together before rejoining Kat and I.

"Let’s pick up all the Ghoul Crystals and Cores, alright?"

The three other women looked at me in confusion, before shrugging, quickly scouring the ground for the remains of the Ash Ghouls.

As we gathered our spoils, I started explaining their uses, breaking the silence that fell around us.

"Ghoul Crystals are a potent alchemical base, used as the beginning of many different potions. As for their Cores, they are both a Mages best friend and a smiths prize. Mages need the Cores to use as catalysts for larger ritual circles, while smiths can use them to improve the metal they use. If I remember correctly, there is a small chance to convert iron into Bone-Rending Iron, and an even rarer instance of silver being turned into Stygian Silver. Quite fascinating, really."

I chuckled as the women all stiffened, no longer casually lifting the items from the ground, instead treating them like treasures.

Which they were.

Regrouping in the middle, they gently laid them out before me, creating a small pile of each.

I grinned, staring at the Ghoul Crystals.

"Oh I can’t wait! Hehe~! With this I can start..!"

Opening a pouch, I dumped the Crystals into it, fastening the top and tying it to my belt.

"Wait, did you want to be an Alchemist?"

Glancing at Jahi, I nodded, grinning at her.

"Yes! It’s just so intriguing, combining ingredients and getting something different! I plan on taking all four classes on it at the Academy!"

She just smiled wryly at me, before placing the Cores in a pouch of her own.

"Alright, let’s keep going. That was a good warmup."

We all nodded, following behind the Demoness as she led us further into the obsidian valley.


Kat PoV

Clenching the handle of my dagger, I bit the inside of my cheek.

I needed more...

Why did we have to fight Ghouls?

I wanted blood.

To hear the monsters screaming in agony before the light faded from their eyes...

Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts, but...

Peeking down at the sleek, clean blade, I imagined it dripping crimson blood, and I rush went down my spine.

Taking in a shaky breath, I continued behind the others, my fists clenched in mild frustration.



Anyways, think I’ll do at LEAST 2 more chapters here; one in Anput’s PoV, and another in Jahi’s PoV.

Besides that, contract may or may not go through a few hours after posting this, all depending on if I finally filled it out correctly on my third go around...

Hah... I wasn’t supposed to put the date there, and my name needed to be EXACTLY what was on my learners permit... which isn’t my full name, which they asked for, but anyways...

So yeah, contracts been one hell of a pain but I hope its worth it in the end...


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