My Servant System Chapter 110 109: Go Ahead; ’Troubles’ Back Home

Kat PoV

Walking behind the group I panted slightly, my vision spinning as I stared down at my dagger.

I wanted to feel something under that blade...

To hear someone whimper in agony as the metal tore through their flesh...

Gritting my teeth, I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, making my way towards the entrance, and away from all the potential targets...

The only thing I could hear was my unsteady breathing and pulsing heartbeat, the only thing I could see was my dagger and the black rock beneath my feet.

How wonderful would it be to see them seeped in that delectable crimson...

Shaking my head, I ground my teeth together again, trying to distract my mind.

Turning my gaze towards the tall, broad shoulders of the blue Demoness, I tried to imagine her rippling muscles as she loomed over me, those golden eyes glowing sadistically as she used me for her own pleasure.

However, even as I tried to lose myself in that fantasy; in that memory, the familiar iron tang of blood permeated my nostrils.


What was wrong with me?

Gulping, I returned my eyes towards my dagger, my hand shaking slightly as the thought of it drenched in blood made me feel so...




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Sheathing the dagger, I balled my fists, my nails digging into my palm slightly, the pain helping to refocus my mind.

One foot in front of the other, Kat...

Left foot...

Right foot...

Left foot...

Falling into a rhythm, I slowly brought my bloodlust under control, barely managing to keep myself from rushing off towards one of the Lava Goblins.

However, as we continued through the giant caves of Zhu’Rong Caverns, the other three women stopped.

Looking up, I saw a group of ten men blocking our way, their eyes gleaming with lust as they looked over us.

Jahi lowered her hand to her sword hilt, tilting her head slightly as she stared at them.

"Well~ If it isn’t a group of beauties in a place like this! Did you get lost?"

One of them stepped forwards, his greasy, matted black hair falling onto his thin face, an odd smile on his lips.

As Jahi sighed, he said something else, but I had to turn my attention inwards again.

Why the hell were they looking at Jahi like that?!

Couldn’t they see that Leone was uncomfortable!?

Were they not afraid of Anput’s haughty grin?!

Clenching my teeth, I tried hard to maintain a neutral expression, blinking a few times as I stared at them.

The man lifted his Silver Tag, snarling something at Jahi.

Did he just..?

Unsheathing my dagger, I hid my hand behind my back, tracing the runes needed for a wind enhancement.

Jahi just sighed, speaking in that wonderfully low voice of hers, lifting her own Silver Tag up.

Relaxing my body, I finished the enhancement and waited, staring intently at the man.

I hated the way he was staring at us, at Jahi.

Why couldn’t he just walk away?!

However, as he drew his blade, something inside me snapped.


"I bet you just spread your legs-!"

The man took a step forwards, shouting something at MY JAHI!?

My vision went dark, and the only things I could see where those ten men.

Growling, I rushed forwards, appearing in front of him and slashing my dagger through his small neck.

The steel blade easily tore past his soft flesh, severing his spinal cord and spearing his disgusting head from his shoulders.

A thump barely registered in my ears as his head hit the ground, followed by a louder thud as his body collapsed.

Silence descended around us, and I panted, my heart racing as I saw that beautiful crimson liquid spraying from his body and coating my blade.


Hearing Jahi’s voice, I turned, breathing through my mouth as I stared at the surprised Demoness.

"Mistress~ Can I kill them? Can I please!?"

Please say yes..!

I continued to pant, aware of the warm, slick liquid staining my cheek as I stared intently at Jahi’s face.

For a brief, split second her eyes went wide with worry, before she grinned.

"Go ahead, my love..."

I grinned, bringing the blade to my nose.

Inhaling that intoxicating smell of iron, I turned towards the remaining men, all of whom were staring at me with fear.

Some drew their blades, while others turned tail and ran.

However, I rushed forwards, euphoria rushing through my veins as Jahi’s words rang in my ears.

Go ahead...


Giggling, I appeared behind one of the runners, swiftly slashing my dagger across the back of his knees, incapacitating him.

One down, eight to go...

Oh, how fun~

Next I charged towards one who was hefting a heavy hammer, my blade flickering towards his chest.

He somehow managed to raise the handle of his hammer just high enough to block my blow, annoying me.

Frowning, I glared at him, muttering "Just die."

Punching forwards with my free hand, I grinned again as my fist collided with his chest, caving it in.

He collapsed to the ground, coughing out blood and chunks of flesh.

Chuckling at his blight, I went to the next man, coating my left arm in wind mana, creating a second blade.

Slashing it at his throat, I decapitated him as well, before kicking his flying head towards his companion, knocking him to the ground.

"Y-You’re dead!"

One of the men rushed towards me, cleaving his axe towards my skull.

However, I just pivoted slightly, chuckling as it clanged against the ground.

"Too bad, you missed~"

Flicking the dagger upwards, I severed his arm, before sending a kick towards his skull, snapping his neck.

Four more...

Holding out my left palm, I sent a blade of wind flying towards the two that were running, chuckling as they screamed in agony once their legs were removed from their bodies.

Two more...

The one from earlier stumbled to his feet, a large stain on the front of his pants as he stared at me, trying to run away.

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Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I tried to pierce his heart, only for my blade to clang uselessly against the remaining mans shield.

He was staring at me with a mixture of fear and conviction, his blonde braids swaying as he appeared in front of me.

"Damn beast! I’ll put you down, for the good of the people!"

With that he swung his mace towards me, the heavy steel ball glowing brown as he surrounded it with earth mana.

"Put me down..?"

Swaying to the side, I avoided his first swing, which left a small crater in the black rock below us.

"For the good of the people?"

He shouted, trying to bash me with his shield and bring his mace down on my skull.

Jumping over him, I grabbed his chin in my left hand, allowing my wind mana to shred the flesh on his jaw, before sliding my dagger over his throat as I growled "You dared to lust after MY MISTRESS?! And you DARE claim that it was for the good of the people?!"

Kicking him to the ground, I growled in annoyance, flicking my wind mana towards his body.

A vortex of sharp wind surrounded his body, his screams echoing around the cavern as the mana tore into his limbs, slowly tearing him apart.

I snarled, before looking towards the last man, who was trying to crawl away from me, tears streaming down his cheeks as his legs trembled violently.

"P-P-Please! I-I’ll p-pay you! S-Spare me! PLEASE!"

My snarl turned into a grin as I crouched in front of him, tilting my head as I watched him try to create more distance between us.


Pressing a blood soaked finger to my lips, I stared off at the caverns ceiling, contemplating his plea.

"How about..."

He panted desperately, a slight hope in his eyes as I lowered my dagger.


My hand shot forwards, clenching his face.

Pushing wind mana towards my hand, I chuckled as he screamed, a rush of pleasure going through my system.

He continued screaming, and I kept my wind mana over his head, until...

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I was about to slash my dagger towards it when I felt the familiar squeeze.

Glancing up at the blue figure, I tilted my head, confused.

"Kat, thats enough."

Looking back at the man, I frowned slightly, before sighing.

Clenching my fist, I shattered his skull, before retracting my mana.

Getting up, I looked down at my drenched clothing, pursing my lips before sighing.

Using my water mana I cleaned myself off, reverting back to my appearance from just a few minutes earlier.

Turning around, I stared up at Jahi, the Demoness’ golden eyes narrowed as she looked me over.

"Are you..?"

I tilted my head again, confused.


Chuckling, Jahi just shook her head, placing her hand behind my ears as she started scratching them.

"Nothing. Just... thought that was the most I’ve ever seen of... ’you’."

I chuckled as well, stepped closer to her.

Now that one of my lusts had been sated, the other flared, and I smiled sensually at my Mistress.

"Would you like to see more of me?"


Julie PoV

I sighed, staring out the window, looking over the immaculate garden.

What were they getting up to over at the Capital?

However, as soon as that thought crossed my mind I chuckled, gently laying a hand on my stomach.

Most likely what Chordeva and Ria were putting me through now...

Though probably not as... reserved.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind I frowned, turning back towards the table.

Taking up the pen, I started writing down a letter for Kat, making sure to remind her how important the Academy was.

I understood how easy it was to get lost in the warmth of another, especially now, when that warmth spread from only your body into your heart.

Finishing the letter, I sighed, staring down at my stomach again.

I really was pregnant again...

Chuckling, I sent a brief pulse of mana into myself, checking on the conditions of my babies.

My eyes widened, and I quickly took up the pen again, scribbling down my current state.

Kat would be so surprised to learn that she has not just one, but two siblings on the way~


Nodding to myself, I folded the letter and placed it in the envelope, looking up towards the door.

"Yes, Mistress?"

Chordeva walked in, her dark sapphire skin paler than normal as she made her way towards me, worry in her face.

"Are you getting enough rest? I already have Lexa and Lexi doing most of your-"

"Chordeva! By the goddess, she’ll be fine! Hah..."

Ria walked through the door next, glaring at the taller Demoness before staring gently at me.

"Do you need something, dear? Craving anything yet?"

I sighed, looking between the two of them with a dry gaze.

At first their catering to me was sweet and touching, but now...

"This isn’t my first pregnancy, you know that right?"

Ria nodded, before sliding behind me, gently wrapping her arms around my midriff.

"Yes, but you weren’t with twins then Julie..."

"I wasn’t, but I was running from a hellbent Nobleman and fighting for my life. Compared to then, this will be much easier."

"Well, yes, but..."

The worry in Chordeva’s voice made me sigh again, before I felt something poking me from behind.

Glancing at the Elf, I sighed for the third time as she blushed, looking away from me.


Ria just nodded, and Chordeva pursed her lips, trailing those ruby eyes of hers over us.

"Should we..?"

"Fine. As long as you both leave me alone for the rest of today. Oh, and mail this letter."

By this point I was used to their near insatiable appetite, and I had learned that refusing led to an even more tiring night, so...

As Ria excitedly led me towards the bedroom, Chordeva placed the letter next to her own, before joining us.

Really, what was I going to do with these two~?


So, this chapter was more about the whole event, next chapter will be each character reacting to it, as well as Kat reacting to her own actions.


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