My Servant System Chapter 114 113: Taking Anput Out*


So before we start I have two quick things;

1) I forgot to mention it yesterday what with the large growth I was experiencing, and how weird it felt seeing the numbers rise so quickly, but the book has hit ~630K Views, 1.4K collections, and a few people even used some Golden Tickets! Thank you all so much!

2) An even more special shoutout to Andrew_Hail_1848 for gifting a Massage Chair, which is 500 Coins!? I seriously can’t believe that, and thank you so, so much!

Anyways, just know that it’s been one heck of a journey so far, and I can’t wait to keep on going, especially seeing all the new faces joining those that have been here for a long time!

(Coming back after writing most of this chapter; it’s going to be a two parter, since this turned out to be more of a normal date between the two instead of a lemon, but I did use ’spicy’ words so *)


Jahi PoV

Leading Anput by the hand, I dragged her through the busy streets of the Capital, the Jackalkin unusually silent as she walked behind me.


"Ah..! Y-Yes!?"

Her voice was higher than normal, and when I turned to look at her, I saw her fixing her hair, her obsidian eyes flickering towards my own before looking away.

Seeing the normally confident, and sometimes arrogant, Jackalkin acting all nervous and embarrassed was...


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Smirking at her, I pulled her into a side alley, chuckling at how she fidgeted when we were alone.

"Is everything alright?"

She nodded rapidly, her ears twitching as she stared at me from the corner of her almond shaped eyes.

Placing my hand on her cheek, I gently rubbed my thumb under her eyes, stifling a laugh as she nuzzled into my palm.

"S-So, wh-where are we going..?"

Her shining obsidian eyes flitted up towards me as she continued to nuzzle my palm, making me chuckle.

"It’s a secret~"

Seeing her adorable pout, I chuckled again as I took her hand, leading her back out onto the crowded streets.

We admired the intriguing architecture of the city as we walked, before reaching a building standing all alone, a roaring cheer erupting from the circular building.

Carved into the stone above the door were the words ’House of Bellator’, the symbol on either side of the writing being a pair of crossed swords.

"Is this..?"

Hearing Anput’s question, I grinned at her, gesturing at the building.

"I present to you..."

Turning, I stared down at the excited Jackalkin, her tail swishing rapidly as she grinned at the building, her eyes alight with anticipation.

"The number one fighting arena in the entirety of the Empire!"

Her grin grew wider as she stared at the large arena, before stepping forwards.

Taking her hand again, I led the animated Jackalkin inside, where dozens of people waited in the spacious lobby.

Approaching the receptionist, I said "Reservation for Jahi Asmodia."

The pretty elven receptionist’s eyes widened as she looked up at me, before gulping and nodding.

"P-Please follow me, Lady Asmodia..."

Anput squeezed my hand, pouting as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Releasing her hand, I instead laid it across her thin waist, pulling her into my side.

She let out a small yelp, which was lost in the sea of noise around us.

Following behind the elf, we were led through the lavish corridors, the marble walls and red carpeted floors telling of the money this arena raked in.

Opening a set of tall, wide ebony wood doors, the elf bowed as she said "Enjoy yourselves. The next fight should begin momentarily. Should you need something, ring the bell on the table."

We nodded at her, entering the VIP Spectator box.

Like the corridors, the room was made entirely of marble, a red gilded rug laying over the floor.

A glass wall stood across from us, giving a view over the giant sand pit below, where the fights would take place.

Entering, Anput was about to take a seat beside me when I said "Sit here."

Dropping into a wooden throne, I pat my lap, making the olive skinned woman blush furiously.

However, even as she glared at me in mock anger, she slunk towards me, hesitantly sitting on my lap.

Chuckling, I pulled her fully onto my leg, snaking a hand around her waist.

Her head rested on one of my breasts, and I smirked down at her, before gesturing out towards the pits.

"You have these back in the Sultanate, correct?"

She nodded, trying desperately to ignore the hardness of my erection that pressed into her soft ass.

"Y-Yes... we have many arenas and fighting pits like this..."

I nodded, before turning to lift a cluster of grapes, which Anput took from my hand.

Raising a brow, I watched in mild interest as she plucked one off, bringing it to my lips.

She shyly stared up at me from under her long lashes, and I chuckled as I opened my mouth.

Placing the grape on my tongue, she blushed harder as I gently bit down on her finger as well, kissing it.


"T-Thank you..."

I chuckled at that, before accepting the next grape.

Ah, how blissful it was to be fed by such a beauty~

Grinning down at her, I asked "Have you enjoyed being here? Or do you miss the Sultanate?"

Laying another grape on my tongue, Anput pursed her thin lips, glancing at the arena below.

"I... don’t dislike the Empire, but... I much prefer the Sultanate... I miss my mom as well..."

Sighing, she smiled gently down at the sand pit, before looking up at me as I squeezed her waist.

Leaning down, I placed a kiss on her cheek, before moving towards her lips.

Pulling away, I smiled down at her as I said "Well, I hope you come to like the Empire... but remember, March Asmodia borders the Sultanate, and I’d never shackle you here. If you ever want to visit them, then go."

Anput matched my smile, laying her head back onto my breast.

"Thank you, Jahi... really."

We fell quickly into discussion, with me asking more about the arenas in her homeland, which she enthusiastically answered.

"Ladies and Gentleman! Our next fight is about to begin, and it’s one you don’t want to miss!"

Stepping into the center of the arena was a buxom human woman, wearing form fitting leather.

Raising her voice, she pointed towards one side of the arena, shouting "Our first challenger for tonight is Jiscalan Gitra, the Venom Fang of the Southlands! Will his venomous bite manage to down his opponent?"

Stepping out of the small archway was a thin man, his pale skin sticking close to his bones.

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His sickly appearance made the commoners in the crowd murmur in displeasure, however...

"Damn, that’s a dense aura..."

Anput nodded, staring down at this Jiscalan with narrowed eyes.

"Is he housing the poison inside his body?"

Before I could respond the woman pointed to the opposite gate.

"Accepting Jiscalan’s challenge is Kiansa Birads, the former Centurion of the Panther Legion!"

Walking out of the gate with a snarl was a tall Pantherkin, her long velvety black hair pulled into a tight braid that fell onto her lithe figure.

Twirling a twin set of axe’s in her hands, Kiansa glared at Jiscalan, raising one as she shouted "You asked for this, coward!"

Her provocation set the crowd alight, and many cheered or boo’d, depending on who they had bet on.

"Warriors! Are you ready?!"

The announcer leaped up onto her podium, staring down at the two fighters.

Seeing both of their nods, she raised her arm, before slicing it downwards, shouting "Start!"

Kiansa bolted forwards, her axes slamming down towards the pale mans head.

However, instead of digging into his flesh, her axes clanged off a solid dome of earth, making her grunt in annoyance.

Jumping back, the Pantherkin observed the dome, looking for any opportunity or opening.

However, the arena fell silent as Jiscalan remained inside his dome, making everyone jeer.

"Hmm... cowardly, but effective."

I nodded at Anput, enjoying the way she leaned forwards to get a better look at the match.

A large build up of mana was bubbling under the dome, and Kiansa felt it.

Growling in frustration, she started coating her axe heads in water mana, before rushing forwards again, attacking with a renewed vigor.

Not wanting to give the man any time to prepare anymore, she rapidly chipped away at the rock dome, splitting it open.

As the dome crumbled away, a purple fog spilled out, making the Pantherkin yet again jump away.

Using her water mana, Kiansa wrapped her body in mana, searching the purple haze for Jiscalan.

"From above he’s easy to spot, but form down there it must be almost impossible..."

Anput watched with growing interest, a small smile on her lips as she watched the Pantherkin lash out at the fog, seemingly at random.

"Ooh... smart! She’s setting runic traps around herself to prevent him from closing in! Interesting..."

The battle dragged on, Jiscalan eventually stepping on one of the Pantherkin’s traps, a burst of water spearing into his foot.

Crying out, he only had a moment to try and prepare before Kiansa was on him, her axes slicing towards his chest.

Raising an arm, he coated it in earth mana, only to scream out in pain as her axes cleaved it off.

However, instead of blood, the same purple fog spilled out, making Kiansa scrunch her nose in disgust.

Jiscalan tried to bring his poisonous clouds to bear onto her, but the woman was prepared, head butting him and breaking his concentration.

Kicking him away, she stood from afar and skewered him with a water spear, killing him instantly.

As the life left his eyes the fog dissipated, and Kiansa dropped her mana cloak.

"He could have used the fog better... set traps and made her come to him, not the other way round... hmm..."

Pursing her lips, Anput stared down at the celebrating Pantherkin, only to let out a yelp.

I raised my hand from her waist to her modest chest, pinching and rolling her bud in between my fingers.

"Come now, we’re on a date, and yet you’re spending more time looking at them then you are me~"

Pouting at her, I leaned down and took her lips again, this time forcing my tongue into her mouth.

Pushing hers away, I enjoyed her sweet lips as I held her close, slipping my hands under her cloth top to feel her skin directly.

The announcer was shouting something to the crowd, but neither of us heard it, as Anput leaned into me as I kissed her, her arms wrapping around my neck.

Delving deeper into her mouth, I coiled my tongue around hers, placing my other hand on her soft ass.

Groping her, I devoured her moans as I started getting rougher and rougher, before...

Hearing her yelp in pain, I pulled away from her, my eyes wide as I stared at her.


She panted as she stared at me, her tongue resting on her lips, slightly swollen.

I had gotten so used to treating Kat however I wanted, and her accepting it all, that...

Gulping, I gently placed a hand on her back, channeling the mana into a healing spell.

Seeing the swelling go down, I sighed in relief, before apologizing again.

"Sorry, Anput..."

"N-No, I’m sorry... I-I should be able to-"


Hearing me speak her name so firmly, the Jackalkin froze up, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Don’t compare yourself to Kat; she has more experience than you, sure, but she also has different wants and desires. It’s my fault for treating you like I treat her... besides, everything before that was excellent~"

She blushed, fidgeting in my lap, before looking back up at me.

"I-Is it... really? Is it fine..?"

I nodded, smiling gently down at her, before placing an equally gentle kiss on her lips again.

Leaning my forehead against hers, I whispered "Of course it is, Anput. You’re you, and Kat’s Kat. You may both be Beastkin, but that doesn’t mean you’re the same, and that’s what I love about you..."

Anput blush deepened, and she took in a shaky breath, trembling slightly in my arms.

Worried that I upset her, I tried to look into her eyes, only growing increasingly concerned as she looked away.


The Jackalkin shuddered again, before leaning further into my embrace, burying her face into my chest.

"You love me~! You love me~!"

She continuously repeated that as she hugged me tighter, her tail rapidly swaying behind her and thumping into my legs.

Sighing in relief, I wrapped my arms around her, keeping the girl in a tight embrace as she nuzzled into me.

Smiling down at her, I stroked her back as I looked over the sand pit, seeing the announcer step back out into the middle.

"Ah, Anput, the next fights about to begin. Did you want to watch it?"

Poking her head out from my chest, Anput nodded slightly, her eyes still glued to mine and filled with warmth.

"Do you mean it?"

Raising a brow, I chuckled as I said "Yes, I love you, Anput."

Letting out an adorable ’Kyaa~!’ she turned away, leaning back into my arms as she stared over the pit.

Smiling gently down at her, I too turned back towards the arena, watching the next fight start up.

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