My Servant System Chapter 117 116: Brief Conflict

The Academy was slowly rolling by, with Vice-Headmaster Bijilo’s classes being rather interesting and entertaining, helping to broaden our knowledge and understanding of magic, as well as new ways to utilize it.

As for Professor Xiant’s History class...

"You have a two page essay due next class, which will be about the Fenrika Wolf Pack and how they shaped the North into what it is today. You will be graded based on both your writing eloquence and the quotes and sources used inside your essay. Is that clear?"

Everyone in class groaned, not wanting to write an essay, even if the topic was as easy as how the Fenrika conquered the North and placed everyone under their rule for a few centuries.

It was an intriguing subject, filled with blood pumping tales of both heroism and wanton destruction, political intricacies, bonds forged and broken, betrayals, romances, wars and treaties...

The tales of the Fenrika could fill multiple novels, and yet...

Well, never doubt a students hatred of written work, even on relatively interesting subjects.

Placing our books into our bags, everyone got to their feet, preparing for our next, more entertaining class.


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"Jahi~ Please, help me study~! I can’t take another day in this class!"

Hearing Anput whine as we walked down the halls, Leone and I chuckled as Jahi leaned over, cupping the olive woman’s cheek and kissing her.

"Very well, dear~"

Blushing under her affections, Anput shuffled her feet as she twirled a strand of hair, staring up at the Demoness from under her lashes.

"W-Will you really?"

"Of course~! After all, there are SO many things we could use those two hours for..."

Grinning down at the Jackalkin, Jahi briefly flashed her eyes towards Leone and I as well, smirking before ruffling Anput’s ears.

The Jackalkin and Vampire blushed, not meeting Jahi’s amethyst gaze as she looked them over.

"Well, come on. We still have a class to finish~"

She started walking again, and Anput and Leone shuffled behind her, still stuck in their own fantasies.

Since I was walking behind them, I almost let out a sigh as I heard "Hehe~ M-Maybe we could..? And then..?!"

Glancing at Leone, I saw a thin stream of blood oozing from her nose, whereas Anput’s tail was wagging quickly, her eyes unfocused as she giggled to herself.

"Will she c-call me a g-g-g-good girl?!"

Both of them were muttering to themselves, and after a quick look at Jahi, I confirmed that she didn’t seem to hear them, as she was still looking straight ahead.

Shaking my head, I decided to ignore the two women, remaining silent as we entered the large cavern we used for class.

Like always Thorn was leaning on his giant axe, smirking over at Hawn as he said something, making the elf sigh in frustration.

Liako once again sat off to the side, her sword across her knees as she cleaned it off.

Hearing everyone enter, Liako rose, sheathing her blade in a singular fluid motion as she turned to stare at us.

Thorn fell silent, smiling eerily while Hawn remained passive.

"So, although it’s only been a week since you’ve started the Academy, we have come to the decision that-"

Thorn shouted "You’re all going to fight in a tournament!" making the other two teachers glare at him, however the Bearkin ignored them, lifting his axe and pointing it at us.

"This’ll determine you’re ’ranking’ at the beginning of the year! No prizes, only bragging rights, but..."

Grinning, he patted his chest, saying "First place gets a personal lesson from me!"

Some students groaned, likely imagining a training session against the enthusiastic Bearkin.

"No, there will be no such thing. Hah..."

Hawn stepped forwards, glaring at Thorn before saying "Yes, there is a tournament, but it’s really only so we know who needs more help to start with. After all, some of you learned to fight either through your families or because you were adventurers before this..."

He glanced over at Greselda as he said that, and the brunette matched his stare, making the elf chuckle lightly.

"Well, either way, there is no reason for us to spend our times equally with everyone; some people need more help than others, and even if you hate fighting, just think of this as a way to stay in shape. So, everyone, step forwards and draw a slip of paper from this jar. It’ll have a number written on it, and when we call your number, step forwards onto the designated arena."

Everyone got into a line, and we all swiftly took a paper.


Jahi chuckled, staring down at her slip as she asked "Nice to know that my place is already decided~!"

Anput frowned, reading hers out quietly.


Rolling her eyes, Leone gently lay her hand on the Jackalkin’s shoulder, saying "Mine is 11, but I doubt I’ll place 11th."

Anput brightened up slightly, before pursing her lips as she said "They never said anything about not being able to use magic..."

Leone and I sighed, staring at Anput.

"Anput... where’d your confidence go?"

Hearing my question, she pursed her lips before staring shyly at Jahi, muttering "I-it was a... rough night. A-And maybe Jahi doesn’t like her mates being stronger than her? Maybe she-"

Laying a hand on her shoulder, I said "Anput, she’d hate you if you decided to just... change, completely, for no reason. She loves the confident, slightly arrogant, and sometimes insufferable, you. Not this more... feminine?, reserved version of you."

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Leaning forwards, I whispered "She may even call you a good girl if you win~!"

That made her tremble, the fire returning to her eyes as she clenched her fists.


Rolling my eyes, I looked down at my own number, 49, before shrugging.

Time to watch this ’tournament’ play out...


Leone PoV

"Numbers 11 and 21, please step forwards!"

Clenching my fist over the wooden sword’s hilt, I walked out onto the sand pit, pursing my lips as I watched Jillian Sariel step out onto the pit as well.

Twirling her blade in her hand, the elf smirked at me, her eyes gleaming slightly dangerously as she stared at me.

"Oh, Princess Leone~! It’s been awhile, no? I believe it was... ah, the hunt! Yes, the hunt! Where you proposed to Lady Asmodia?"

I nodded, remaining silent as she stood a few steps away from me.

"Well, let’s just hope-"

"The match will be only weapons, so no magic! First to land a blow wins, and advances to the next round. Understood?"

Jillian’s cousin, Hawn, stepped forwards, glaring slightly at her, before smiling at me.

Nodding at him, I readied my blade, completely aware that this was a match I would lose.

Jillian nodded as well, still smirking at me as she lowered her stance.


We both nodded again, Jillian shooting towards me as soon as Hawn shouted "Begin!"

She was fast, and I barely managed to bring my sword up to deflect her dagger, the elf chuckling slightly as she murmured "Aw, is the poor Princess useless without her magic~? After all, you can’t hide behind you idiotic fiancee here!"

Slashing her dagger at me again, Jillian’s eyes grew crazed as she unleashed a flurry of blows, grinning at me as I narrowly blocked each one.

"Haha~ Having fun yet?! After all, you seemed to enjoy toying with me before!"

Frowning at her, I blocked another strike, noticing quickly that Jillian was holding back, twisting her dagger or arm to make sure the blade missed.

"What are you talking about?"

Matching her lowered voice, I stared at the Elf, making her sneer at me.

"Really?! You have to ask?! How many times did you attend an event with me? How many times did you invite me to tea or for an outing?! And yet you chose HER?!"

Still frowning, I tilted my head in confusion as I said "All those events and tea were mandatory, and they were never one on one occasions... it was more than six people at each one."

Jillian snarled, this time pivoting under a swipe and lancing her dagger into my ribs, making me cough.

"Miss Sariel wins!"

The Elf stared down at me, anger in her eyes, before she walked away, not saying another word.

Getting back up, I placed a hand on my bruised ribs, easily healing the skin as I walked back to Jahi and the others.

"What was she saying to you?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I said "Not much, just rambling about how I chose you over her... hah, the entire Sariel Family is so... odd..."

We all looked over towards the Elven girl, who was now surrounded by a bunch of other men and women, all fawning over her.

Wearing a fake smile, she looked over the crowd before staring back at us, or more specifically, me.

Flashing a chilling grin, she returned to the crowd, shaking her head as she likely downplayed her victory.

Jahi growled in slight annoyance, only to stop as I laid a hand on her arm. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

Looking down at me, the Demoness seemed confused at that, before noticing my smirk.

Stepping forwards, I stamped down my embarrassment as I fell into her arms, whining "Aww, I lost~ Comfort me please?"

Smirking down at me, Jahi stroked the back of my head, likely feeling my flushed face as I buried my face into her chest.

"It’s okay Leone! Everyone has their strengths... There there..."

Remaining in her embrace, I could practically feel the glare from Jillian, but I was too focused on the sweet scent emanating from Jahi’s body.

Just under these clothes...

Looking up, I stared at her neck, wondering how sweet her blood would taste on my tongue.


Gulping, I nodded, only to have her poke my nose, chuckling as she said "Well, you’ll just have to wait! I have something special in mind for us..."

I shuddered, wondering just what this Demoness had in store for me...

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