My Servant System Chapter 122 121: Back Down To Zhu’Rong

After experimenting a little more in the yard, I walked inside, extremely pleased with what I had found.

Like I had thought way back when, my water magic would be primarily used for support; I could use it offensively, but it had much more use as an enhancer than a damage dealer.

As for my wind, it would be good to use as both an enhancer and damage dealer, as the wind blades I had used frequently were quite deadly, and the speed boost was incredibly useful in close quarters combat.

However, now I had my ice magic, and from what I had seen, it not only dealt a lot of damage, it also spread frost over the wounds, likely making it harder to heal any damage done.

I also needed to experiment with snow magic, which would need to be done with Leone since she had learned how to utilize ash magic.

If I had to guess it would be, obviously, a mixture of water and wind, but the mixture would be more water than wind, to create frozen water crystals, or snow.

Being able to use snow magic would open up many different ritual circles, since it would be something I could use to limit someones vision as well as movement.

Pursing my lips, I entered our bedroom and moved to the bath, where I quickly cleaned myself off.

Tomorrow was another day at the Academy, but after that...

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After that we could go back to Zhu’Rong Caverns...

Already anticipating the feeling of flesh tearing under my blade again, I collapsed onto our bed, swiftly finding myself under Jahi as she rewarded me for my breakthrough.


The day at the Academy was simple enough, with us just going over some more of the basics in both Magic Theory and History, while Combat was more of the same; just practicing against one another to improve our techniques.

The teachers still wanted us to fight against those using other types of weapons, and it couldn’t be the same person as before, so I found myself against Anput, both of us casually sparring as she worked on her footwork more than her blade technique, taking it easy on me.

She was trying to increase her agility and dexterity as we fought, avoiding straight thrusts and slashes, instead going for ripostes and blocks, allowing me to hone my blade work on her.

Our spar was rewarding for both of us, as Anput managed to improve her reaction time slightly and her coordination, as she went for more complex techniques when she did go on the attack.

As for me, I honed out my slashing and stabbing techniques, trying to cut as much wasted energy from them as I possibly could.

For instance, whenever I thrusted the dagger forwards I took one step too many, and too close.

So, I made sure to eliminate that extra step and try and keep my distance close enough to deal damage, but far enough to have space to maneuver should my attack be blocked or miss any vital organs.

Anput and I were coated with sweat afterwards, panting as we stared at one another.

"D-Damn... when did you... get so fast... Kat..?"

"I... could say the same... to you..."

Smiling at each other, we both got up, before flying towards one another.


"So, we need to find things that... bleed, for our resident murder puppy here. Leone, any ideas?"

"Murder puppy?"

I glared at Jahi, who just grinned back at me.

Anput chuckled beside me, whispering "What? I think it’s quite endearing~!"

Glancing over at her, I noted the thick black collar on her throat, making me roll my eyes.

Turning back, we followed behind Leone as she pursed her lips, looking around the large cavern.

"Hmm... well, we could go the Goblin route... but they’re so weak... hmm..."

Rolling her shoulders, Jahi glanced around the dark area, pursing her lips as she asked "What about those... Firefangs? Are they common enough?"

Leone shook her head, saying "The one we saw earlier was an elder one; old, decrepit, and already dying. The younger ones would be too dangerous on their own, but they hunt in packs."

Jahi sighed, stabbing her blade into the ground as she fake glared at me.

"Why couldn’t you just enjoy killing things?!"

I tilted my head in mild confusion, saying "I... do though?"

Giving me a deadpan stare, she added "Things that don’t bleed."

Letting out an ’Ah!’ I shook my head.

"That’s no fun. I want it to bleed, to scream... I enjoy the feeling of flesh severing under my blade, and the light fading from their eyes... hah~"

Grinning loosely at Jahi, I blinked a few times before coughing lightly, bringing my lust under control.

She smirked at me, a brow raised as she stared me over.


Gulping, I coughed again, refusing to look over at the smirking Jackalkin or concerned Vampire.

"Monsters... Leone?"

Trying to bring the conversation back on track, I reminded the Vampire about what she should be doing right now.

"Oh... uh... So we have the Goblins, Salamanders, Lizardmer, and Coal Serpents..."


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Turning to Jahi, Leone said "A Lizardmer is like a Kobold; a feral, monster version of a Lizardkin. just like how a Kobold is a monster version of Dogkin."

"Ah. Alright. So, where would we find these... Lizardmer?"

Leone looked around the cavern, only to turn around when we heard someone say "Is that you, Jahi~?"

Walking towards us was Kolia, her sister Liako walking behind her.

The two women were walking like it was a casual stroll, though we could see a splash of blood on Liako’s blade.


She grinned at Jahi, walking over to the Demoness and giving her a quick hug.

"I didn’t think you’d delve into these caverns yet! How’d you pass the Adventurer’s Test?"

Jahi just frowned, asking "Adventurer’s Test?"

Liako held up her tag, which was the same black as the sand and gravel around us.

"It’s the only way to get a tag..."

We all glanced at Leone, who was shuffling slightly.

"Well... when I told them who I was... they just... ’gave’ us the Silver Tags..."

Kolia chuckled, while Liako sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Interesting. Oh Kat~! You feel... colder than normal. Does that mean..?"

I nodded, making the tattooed woman grin as she stared at the sphere of ice in my hand.

"Oh I can’t wait to teach you next year~! It’ll be so much fun!"

Liako rolled her eyes again, pinching her sisters arm as she said "Sister, please. We’re here for a reason."

"I know, I know... hah... such a boring sister..."

Pouting at Liako, Kolia looked back at us, saying "We need to go find a few Drake Hearts, so if you’ll excuse us... oh, and be careful. This is still a dangerous place, even if you have light magic or ice magic. Understood?"

We all nodded, and Jahi said "We’ll be careful. More careful than you leaving a certain book on the library table~"

Kolia flushed slightly, glaring at Jahi and me, who were chuckling.

"Hmph! Children... Come on, lets go! Damn brats..."

She stormed away, much to Liako’s confusion.

Watching them leave, I raised a brow as I asked "Did you need to tease her?"

Shrugging, Jahi replied "No, but it was quite fun. She used to seem so serious, but now..."

"Yeah... she is different from back then. Maybe it’s because she’s with Miss Liako?"

"Probably... Alright, let’s get going as well! Leone, lead us~!"

The Vampire glanced around, before saying "Alright! I have no idea what’s in this direction, so don’t blame me if something happens!"

Saying so, she pouted as she led us the opposite direction of Kolia and her sister, towards a large gathering of Goblins.

As we walked, I turned to look at Anput, who was peering around the cavern with interest.


"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Last time we were here I didn’t get to take it all in... Just curious."

Staring at her for a few more seconds, I shrugged, continuing towards the Goblins.

The short red-skinned creatures were chittering at one another, some crouching next to the large stalagmites while others wandered around, stacking rocks up to create a miniature barricade.

"Let’s let our little murder puppy~ have this group."

Jahr was just smirking at me, not taking my glare serious.

Turning back, I unsheathed my dagger, preparing to jump forwards, into the fray.


So I have a few things to say again (mainly to take up these last 100 words to hit 1500...)

1) We hit 815K Views, 2.2K Collections, and somehow we have 112 Golden tickets...

That’s still insane to me, seeing those large numbers... never thought I’d get here, but well... here we are. Thank you!

2) I think that I’ll write a few chapters for days that I can’t sit down to write, and I plan on them being all about Julie, The Marquess, and The Countess back home, and I’ll label them as such, so don’t be surprised if you get chapters that are about them.

I might also consider doing a couple chapters from their pasts if that interests people, but they’ll be little snippets; they won’t be long, nor will they be multiple in a row. 𝐟𝗿ee𝘄𝗲𝗯𝐧o𝘃el.𝐜o𝚖

Anyways, that’s it! Thanks!


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