My Servant System Chapter 124 123: Deserted City

Entering the new cavern, we all looked around in interest, taking in the ancient city that lay before us.

The buildings were mainly just a single story, little more than small cottages dotted around the dark landscape.

However, there were a few larger buildings, all situated in the center.

The tallest was three stories, and the walls looked like they were engraved with something, but we were to far away to see exactly what it was.

"The Lizardmer seem to be patrolling this city... Odd..."

Leone’s mutter made us all nod; it was weird seeing these monsters simply walking around specific routes, their weapons held loosely in their hands as they swept their gazes around the areas.

They also seemed to ignore the sounds of fighting from certain areas, almost as if it was just out of their range; they would glance that way, growl at one another, before shrugging and continuing on.

Jahi just shrugged, saying "Well, who cares? Come on!"

With that the Demoness led us down the hill towards the city, Leone and I sharing a moment as we rolled our eyes at each other, unamused by how Jahi just threw caution to the wind.

So, we stayed a step behind the tall Demoness and the equally enthusiastic Jackalkin, keeping a wary eye on our surroundings as we entered the city.

"Do you think there’s anything inside these buildings?"

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Glancing at Leone, I pursed my lips, turning my gaze to one of the small buildings beside us.

There was a small hole in the wall, so I crept up towards it, peering inside.

It was empty; no furniture, no corpses, no crystals or plants growing...

Just... empty.

Frowning, I turned back, telling the waiting Vampire "Nothings inside this one... its completely empty."

She frowned as well, before returning to the main road we were walking on.

I say ’road’ but it’s just a stretch of untouched ground between two lines of buildings; there is no paving or designation of some kind of path.

Continuing on, we reached a small square, where four Lizardmer stood, all growling softly to one another.

They were around four and a half feet tall, looking exactly like a lizard if it stood up.

Dark crimson scales, sharp talons, long spiked tails, orange eyes, and a snout lined with fangs.

In their scaled hands were a mixture of weapons; one had a small wooden pot lid as a buckler, along with a iron short sword, while another held a long wooden broomstick, a sharp, jagged rock tied to the end.

They were makeshift, but still deadly enough; after all, a serrated stone can still cause serious damage, but...

"Each of us take one."

Hearing Jahi’s command, we all nodded.

Jahi unsheathed her intricate, dual material blade, shooting forwards and severing one of the Lizardmer’s heads, her blade easily slicing through the scaled neck.

Anput drew her longsword, mirroring Jahi as she slipped behind the Lizardmer, her blade flashing. A moment later the poor Lizardmer’s head slid off, thumping to the ground.

Leone held out her hand, a detailed ritual circle flaring to life before her palm. A lance of flames hurtled forwards, impaling her target in the chest, burning it’s flesh under the scales.

As for me, I drew my simple dagger, jumping forwards and burying my blade into the remaining ones eye socket, twisting the blade once before withdrawing it, flicking the blade out once more to slit its throat.

Stepping to the side to avoid the spray of blood, I rejoined the others, Jahi already looking around the square in interest.

"Hmm... wanna explore?"

She gestured towards the various buildings around us, making us all look around.

I shrugged, leaving it up to the other two; exploring or just walking around hunting these Lizardmer, either or sounded fine to me.

"I don’t see why not... this is a pretty interesting place, so I’m curious as to what’s inside..."

Leone nodded at Anput, adding "Besides that, there might be plants or other materials growing here!"

Reaching a consensus, Jahi then asked "So should we split up or..?"


When has splitting up ever led to anything good?

Better to be safer than sorry...

Jahi smirked at me, before turning to enter a random building.

Gradually searching the crumbling buildings around the square, we all frowned as we reconvened in the center.

Each building had been exactly like the one I had seen earlier; completely empty.

They all looked the same as well; I mean, I understand they were extremely simple, what with them being a ten by ten square building, but each had a window at the same spot; opposite the doorway, directly in the center of that opposite wall.

Looking around the area, my frown deepened as something started tugging at the back of my mind...

Something was off about this place, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it...

Leone also seemed perturbed, glancing around the square with narrowed eyes.

"What’s wrong?"

Hearing Anput, Leone and I exchanged a glance, before she said "Something’s not right here..."

"I can’t say what it is, but everything feels... off."

Jahi frowned, turning her gaze towards the large buildings in the center.

"Think something’s watching us?"

Shrugging, I continued looking around, while Leone said "I don’t know... maybe?"

Sighing, Jahi flicked the blood of her sword before glancing at the remains of the Lizardmer.

"Well, let’s talk about something else. Do these Lizardmer drop anything Leone?"

The Vampire turned towards Jahi, before glancing at the small pile of bones and scattered weaponry.

"Hmm... They can drop their scales, which is a good alchemical ingredient and forging material..."

Saying so, she stepped forwards and picked up the few scales the Lizardmer dropped, placing them in one of her pouches.


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Leone and I rolled our eyes at Anput, who just stuck her tongue out at us, making Jahi chuckle.

"Well, let’s keep going... we need to make the most of this outing."

Jahi turned towards the center of the city, where the few taller buildings stood.

We could briefly hear sounds of people shouting and metal clashing together from around the city, signifying the battles the other adventurers were having against the Lizardmer.

Continuing down the paths that snaked through the city, we dispatched a few more of the crimson Lizardmer, taking turns on who killed them.

Sadly my number didn’t get called, making me sigh as I watched Leone easily flick a small ember towards the two Lizardmer, which pierced their snouts and exploded, killing them instantly.

Adding more to her growing pouch of scales, Leone got up and looked around with a frown, before shaking her head.

That feeling from earlier had remained, gnawing at the edges of my mind as we walked, and no matter how much I puzzled at that feeling, I couldn’t understand what was making me feel unnerved.

Stepping down the black sand path, we eventually reached the largest building, and I finally could finally make out the engravings on the walls.

Approaching the wall, I held out my hand and traced the runes, furrowing my brow as I gradually pieced together a few sentences.

"Here lies... city, home of the... may the lord bless this land. Our lord, Pele... may he forever rule..."

Frowning, I sighed as the remaining runes grew ineligible, various scratches, crumbling sections of the walls, or large smooth areas where the engravings had been lost to time.

Leone stepped forwards as well, trying to read the runes to the best of her ability, only to sigh in annoyance as she reached the same conclusion I did.

Continuing around the building, we managed to piece together a few more sentences, but each one left us more confused.

"Monsters are our... lead us to the lord..."

"The flames show the... dead shall rest..."

"City of... Pele... freedom to all..."

Sighing again, I pinched the bridge of my nose, turning toward Jahi and Anput, who were keeping watch.

"I have no idea what any of this means... This entire place is a mystery."

I gestured towards the city, Leone nodding as she turned around.

"The wall is too damaged to piece together something coherent. I think it’d be best if we left..."

Jahi nodded, peering over her shoulder as she said "Follow behind me; single file, keep your eyes on the person in front of you. No one should get lost..."

Hefting her blade, Jahi pointed towards a side of the cavern, saying "The entrance is over there; let’s go."

Taking a step forwards, she lead the way down the sand paths, Anput behind her.

Leone was in front of me, and I made sure she was always in my line of sight.

Keeping my dagger in hand, we walked and walked, before Jahi stopped.

"What the..."

Crouching, she poked at something, and we all stepped forwards, furrowing our brows at the sight.

Laying on the ground before us was a man, his pale green skin denoting his Orc heritage.

However, what drew our attention were his eyes...

Or lack thereof.

Frowning, I looked over his figure, not seeing any other wounds, nor smelling any blood.

It was like he just...

Never had them to begin with.

"What the..."

Jahi leaned forwards, inspecting his gear; there was no sign of a fight or a struggle.

His sword was clean, the edge sharp, and his leather armor was near spotless, not a tear or dent in sight.

After a few moments, my eyes went wide, and I looked around.


Raising a hand, I continued observing our surroundings.

The entire time we were here, we would occasionally hear the clashing of blades, the shouts and growls of the others in the city, and the echos of footsteps.


"It’s silent."

Anput froze, her ears twitching as she looked around.

"She’s right... there’s nothing in the city now..."

We got up, sweeping our gazes over our surroundings.

Each building was uniform.

The door was in the same place, and the window was as well.


Everyone glanced at me, and pointed towards the cavern wall.

"Aren’t we in the same spot as before? The wall is neither closer nor farther than when we started..."

Turning around, I cursed softly as I noticed that the central building was equally as far as the cavern wall.

"So is the center... What the..."

"Alright. Calm down... Let’s think this through..."

I nodded, glancing down at the eyeless corpse.

Jahi followed my gaze as well, pursing her lips.

"This just got a whole lot more interesting..."

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