My Servant System Chapter 127 126: Fight Against An Evolved Monster (1)

Kat PoV

Everyone readied their weapons and spells, staring at the large lizard monster in front of us.

"Ah~ So feisty~! Well, I guess everyone needs to work a little for a delectable meal, no?"

The red skinned man grinned at us, his crimson eyes brimming with confidence as he raised a clawed hand.

"After all, so many combination magics in one place is a feast! As for you..."

Pointing one of his clawed fingers at Jahi, his grin widened, a disgusting look in his eyes.

"Light magic! With your mana coursing through my veins, I could easily make these lands mine! All the food and wine I could ever wish for. The people would have to bow to my might, celebrating my prosperous rule over them! Haha~!"

Lowering her stance, Jahi just stared at the lizard with her hard, golden eyes, her Imperial Gold and Stygian Silver blade shining in the dim light.

"And you’re delivering such a magnificent blade to me! Aww... you shouldn’t have~!"

Narrowing my eyes, I cracked my neck, anger slowly growing in my heart as I listened to the lizard’s idiotic drivel.

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However, as he heard the quiet popping of my neck, as well as seeing my narrowed eyes, he frowned, snapping his fingers.

The shadowy clouds of mist coalesced, forming solid figures of pure darkness, their crimson eyes glowing with hate.

Each on wielded some kind of weapon, and they all stepped towards us, every step leaving behind a small pool of inky darkness.

"Let’s see if you can deal with my Black Specters!"

There were seven of them, and they all started running towards us, their weapons raised.

As they ran, groaning, those pools merged together, creating smaller versions of themselves, which joined the originals in their charge.

Laughing, the lizard then raised his hand, a red ritual circle flaring in his palm.

Staring directly at me, he smirked as he said "Fire beats ice, little pup."

Readying my dagger, I blocked the downswing of one of the Specters, moving behind it and punching my free hand out.

However, instead of landing my fist sailed into its smoky chest, punching clean through.

Frowning at the chill that ran over my fist, I withdrew my hand as the smoke tried to trap my arm, making the Specter growl.

However, before I could make another move a ball of fire hurtled towards my previous spot, igniting the wooden floorboard.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the lizard click it’s tongue, readying another spell.

Slipping back behind the Specter, I briefly wondered if he would shoot another spell at me through the Specter, before I widened my eyes slightly.

There’s nothing in the world that has NO weakness, and usually when something is immune to physical attacks...

Coating my dagger in ice, I stabbed it into the Specters throat, grinning as a thin grey smoke bled from the wound, the Specter letting out an agonized cry.

"Use magic! They’re weak to it!"

The others nodded, Jahi and Anput coating their blades in magic just like me, while Leone readied another spell, switching from defense to offense.

Clicking his tongue again, the lizard glared at me, the ritual circle growing larger on his palm.

"Damn dog. Die!"

A spear of fire flew towards me, and I grunted as I tried to knock it away with my dagger.

The impact sent me flying backwards, slamming into the wall.

Letting out a low shout, I coughed a little as I slumped to the floor, clenching my dagger.

Thankfully I had diverted the spear, as evident by the seared hole a few inches beside my head.

Panting, I held a hand over my ribs, grunting again as pain flooded my system.

My vision was slightly blurry, and as I blinked the room started to spin.


Jahi PoV

"Damn dog. Die!"

A spear flew past me, and my eyes went wide as I heard Kat let out a cry of pain.

Pushing more mana into my blade, I severed the Specter’s head in front of me, before slashing out at the remaining three around me.

Except, those crimson eyes remained floating, only to travel to another inky Specter, ’reviving’ the original.


Blocking the axe swing of the revived Specter, I shouted her name, my heart pounding as I waited to hear her voice.

Seconds dragged on for what felt like eternity, and my hearing was strained, listening to her panting.

Was that because she was bleeding out, that spear lodged between her ribs?!


She’s stronger than that...

But what if..?

Growling in annoyance, I sucker punched the Specter in front of me, my fist radiating a dull gold glow as I grabbed at its eyes.

Plucking one from its head, I squished the jelly like orb in my fist, the Specter crying out in pain before glaring at me, its remaining eye flaring.

Before it could even attempt another attack I head butted it, creating a thin screen of mana on my brow, knocking it back.

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Stabbing my blade into its chest, I plucked its other eye, letting it burn in my hand.

When the original truly died, all of its spawn fell to the ground, the solid shadows dissipating.

"Aim for the eyes!"

Letting the liquid eye spill from my palm, I started stepping backwards, my left hand tracing a series of runes as I approached Kat.

"Kat, say something!"

Come on...


"Oh no you don’t!"

The lizard sent a barrage of spears towards me, only to growl in annoyance as a dome of light surrounded me.

Turning to Kat, I crouched beside her, relief flooding my system as I saw she was relatively unharmed.

She was leaning against the wall, panting as she held her ribs, with her eyes screwed shut.

Gently placing my hand on her ribs, I activated a healing spell, pushing some of my light mana into her body.

"Come on Kat..."

Muttering again and again, I stopped pouring my mana into her when she opened her eyes, making me smile when I saw those pale blue orbs.


Groaning, she got to her feet, a slight grimace on her face as she nursed her ribs.

"Agh... that was annoying..."

Looking up at me, she gave me a small smile, before turning her attention back to that lizard.

"Fire magic... some kind of summons... what else is he hiding? He seems so nonchalant even now."

I nodded, turning to watch as Anput raised a wall of earth, blocking a gout of flames.

The Jackalkin tapped her fingers to her brow, the silver rune tattooed on her forehead flaring once before enveloping her lithe body in steel.

She grinned to herself, before crouching behind the wall.

Her calf muscles rippled, her tail swayed, and her grin grew as she readied her blade.

"Lets go!"

Kat rushed forwards without a word, her free hand tracing a few runes as she approached Leone, who was struggling against two of the original Specters.

Leaving Kat to help her, I collapsed my light dome, the remaining mana flooding back into my veins.

Taking a deep breath, I glared at the lizard, who only smirked back at me.

"You’re dead."

Spitting that out, I activated my Light Cloak, shrouding myself in blinding light.


Kat Pov

"You’re dead."

Jahi’s voice was low and lifeless, making me shudder.

With our soul bond I could feel her raw anger for the lizard, tinged with worry for me.

It made my heart bounce in glee, knowing that a minor wound like a few cracked ribs made her act like this~

Focusing my attention on Leone, I appeared behind the Vampire, my feet and fists covered in a thin gale of wind.

My dagger swiftly cut into the Specters, and I slashed out towards one pair of crimson eyes, my ice coated steel easily slicing them open.

That Specter, and all the ones it had created, fell to the floor, dissipating into nothing.

Finally getting some help, Leone snapped her fingers, two small embers flying towards the remaining ones eyes and burning them to ash.

"Kat, are you okay?!"

When the Specters fell to the ground, Leone instantly turned towards me, her blood red eyes alight with worry as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

Smiling at her, I nodded, before looking towards the lizard.

"I’m fine. Let’s-"

Before I could finish Leone glared at the lizard, her teeth sharpening as she snarled at the monster.

Her ashen hair sparked, and the tattoo on her chest flared, glowing even through her leather chest piece.

Ritual circles popped into existence around her, and I shuddered slightly as I felt the wave of heat rolling off her body.

In that moment I looked around, seeing Jahi’s pillar of blinding light, Leone’s dark red flames, and Anput’s steel coated body, all staring intently at the lizard, who frowned slightly.


My heart beat wildly as I saw all three of them glaring at the lizard, their anger pulsing outwards while their worry flooded inwards, towards me.

All this...

Staring at each one, a smile grew on my lips as I felt their care and love, before grinning at the lizard.

"Well, I can’t be outdone, right?"

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